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Everything posted by ozgirl2

  1. Yep, you DO forget! Ween was 17 when she died & hadn't been very active for a good long while... unlike the 2 crazed not-so-much-kittens I have now! (They're both almost a year & a half now...)
  2. I'm so sorry, Judy... Godspeed Emmy
  3. My beautiful tortie, Ween, went to the bridge one year ago. I still miss her... she was NOWHERE near as BAD as my 2 I have now!! (Maybe I've just forgotten her kitten stage ) Anyway, here's a pic of my Queen Ween:
  4. Hi! Welcome from Maryland... I was just in Portland about 3 weeks ago!! I loved it!
  5. How did I miss this? I'm so so sorry about Cricket...
  6. Just saw this update - my girl Cody was on pred for a year & a half! (The other option would have been to put her to sleep...) It does have some side effects but it DID help her back end! I also did acupuncture with her, which helped a lot!! The sling will be helpful and you may only need it extensively at first. I think I used Cody's for several months, then slacked off on it as she had improved.
  7. This happened to Cody when she hurt her back & had a bulgy disc!! Sounds similar - I did have the MRI. You could certainly try treatments - Cody was on steroids AND I did acupuncture with her, which made a HUGE difference! I kept her on prednisone for 1.5 years and she did well most of the time. Good luck with your girl!
  8. Welcome to GT from Maryland! She's beautiful! And her ticking may come out much more as she goes along!!
  9. Welcome from Maryland, Gemma! I'm a Herp-nut too, although I don't have any at home. I volunteered at the reptile house at the Nat'l Zoo for 14 years - that was my FIX!! (My favorites were the Komodos and the pythons...)
  10. Welcome to GT! Lots of folks here have IGs & whippets too!
  11. I have a friend with 2 Meezers & I know they can be very talkative! Actually, so's my little Jazz-girl!! I wonder sometimes if she's part Siamese! (She's long & thin and her face doesn't have much of a stop - and she's got a high squeeky voice, which she's NOT afraid to use!! At full volume!! )
  12. Definitely contact Dr. Cuoto!! He's a great guy and loves greys! He also ALWAYS returns emails or calls!!! We all love him here!
  13. Yay for Wallace!!!! Give him BIG hugs from me please!!
  14. YAY, Darcy!!! (You know she's always been my favorite... with many others being close seconds...)
  15. A first dog? A lot of patience & a good sense of humor! Cody was my first dog ever & it took about 2 weeks of "What have I DONE??? I can't DO this!!" before I relaxed & she relaxed & we lived happily ever after... So if you feel overwhelmed, that's natural - you'll learn... And ENJOY!!! Welcome to the cult... uh, I mean website!! Yeah.. that's it!
  16. Oh, Bev... not exactly what you need right now... I'm so sorry. Please give BIG hugs to Wallace from Auntie Jeannine... (he's one of my favorite Doyle doggies!) Do you have artemesin (spelling?) over there? Might it help?
  17. Sheila - I sent you some cards anyway... it's not a mistake when you get them... again...
  18. I'm so sorry, Sheila... But she doesn't surrender her Princess title - a Princess she will always remain...
  19. Hi Audrey! Don't worry about the writing thing... all we really want is pictures!! ( Just kidding! Although we DO like Pix!!) Welcome from Maryland, across the pond!
  20. I think he's investigating the genetic possibilities of OS... can't really remember what he said when I saw him speak but he suspects there is a genetic link. (And that would make sense of the fact that many less Irish & English greys get OS than American greys...)
  21. ozgirl2

    Genie's Gone

    Thank you for sharing Genie with the GT family!! We'll all miss her! And thank YOU, Genie, for all you've done for the world of greyhounds! (Sniff...)
  22. Ooooh! She's gorgeous! Welcome to the cult! Oh... I mean... the wonderful world of greyhounds... yeah, that's it!!
  23. Welcome to GT from Maryland! Domino looks really young - is he?
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