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Everything posted by ozgirl2

  1. Run free without pain, sweet Renie... go find Jim & Susan - they'll take care of you...
  2. Cody had a bulge on a disc in her back & when it pressed on a nerve, she'd knuckle under on a back foot. Ask the vet if it's worth trying prednisone - that & acupuncture made Cody much better & I had her for another year & a half ( 'course she was 10 & a half when she first hurt her back but it's worth a shot!) Definitely try acupuncture if there's anyone near you!!
  3. Hi Bootsy!! Glad you got such a great family to live with!! (I had a chance to love on him at an open house before Christmas - he's really a doll!!)
  4. Oh, Judy... I was so hoping you'd get better news... Give her gentle hugs from me, one of her fan club... And huge hugs to you and Andy too - I'm so so sorry...
  5. Hi and welcome to GT! Your dogs are beautiful! That place where our greyhound group's picnic was this year was also hosting a flyball tournament! I had to go over & see 'cause I'd never seen it in person before - very very loud but AMAZING!! And the Border collies were fabulous! I met a guy there who has a sighthound mix and, man, was that dog FAST!! He said he's the fastest on the east coast! Can't remember his name though... Flyball looks like a BLAST!
  6. ozgirl2

    My Best Friend

    Hugs, Amanda... You lost him a month before I lost Cody... I'd forgotten that...
  7. ozgirl2

    Dem Bones

    Nancy - I'm so sorry Da Bones had to go... you're in my thoughts.
  8. Welcome & Merry Christmas from Maryland, USA! I haven't yet made it to Wales - hopefully next trip! I loved Shropshire though! (I know...I was ALMOST in Wales!)
  9. Welcome back! I'm another one who LOVES New Zealand! I was there in 1984!
  10. Merry Christmas at the bridge, Scooterman (And Cody!)
  11. Yay for no cancer or arthritis! Boo for disc compressions! Acupuncture helped Cody a LOT!! I also had her on pred for her last year & a half... some have said that probably is what killed her BUT she lived a year & a half after the back injury with mostly no problems and died at 12!! So I continued to give her the pred!! (Others have told me they've done the same!) Hopefully it'll make a difference and she'll be right as rain soon!! (Or right as Renie??) Scritches to her, the pirate & OH!! (Sorry he hurt his back - that's NEVER fun!)
  12. The microwave is your friend! Yep - that's my storage place to keep stuff away from the cats-who-forage-for-anything-just-like-dogs!! (Kind of a pain when I go to use the microwave BUT keeps them from eating anything that's out! The cats CAN!! That's why I use the microwave! They haven't learned to open it... YET!
  13. Fingers crossed here for my sweet 'niece' Renie!!
  14. I'm so so sorry, Nerice... Run free, Miss Ally
  15. ozgirl2


    I'm so sorry... Godspeed, Abbey
  16. Cody had the same problem in her lower back... She was on pred AND doing acupuncture for a year and a half & did so much better (BUT I never did let her run after that...)
  17. Cody's MRI was about $1,700 I think, and that was 6 years ago... Can someone post Dr. Cuoto's info? Maybe your vet can consult with him - he may have some insight...
  18. Hi Rebecca & Davis! Welcome from Maryland! I'll be in Va Beach in Feb for meetings - I MAY just need a grey fix while I'm there!! I have a friend down there - she has a mutt & a sheltie & is a dog person!
  19. Welcome from Maryland, USA! Beware... I'm the one who'll come over & visit GTers in England!!!
  20. My sentiments exactly... Run free, Speckalicious
  21. Shannon, I'm so sorry about Cordelia - I know folks who have parrots, cockatiels, etc and know how attached they get! As much as with dogs or cats, maybe even more-so, since they can live for so long!! I love the picture of her playing Clue and the one with the Christmas tree... Hugs...
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