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How Often Does Your Grey BARK?

Guest SmilingSara

How often does your Grey bark?  

1,254 members have voted

  1. 1. How often does your Grey bark?

    • once/month or less
    • 2-3x/month
    • once/week
    • a couple times/week
    • about every other day
    • about once/day
    • about twice/day
    • more than twice/day
    • multiple dogs have VERY different barking habits (if close then average them and chose an answer above).

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Guest mytymedic

Jeff barks all the time, to get my attention, especially if Iam in another room and he wants out, if I am not paying enuff attention, if i am reading. He will put his face right in mine and bark. He will do what ever he needs to do to get his point across. Sometimes I think he has no manners at all.

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My guy barks several times a day but mostly when my other 2 dogs start to bark. I picked him up at night so he didn't see the horses or goats his first night here. When he went outside in the morning he barked for quite a while when he saw them. He barked at them for a few days but just ignores them now.

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Guest Shermanator

Sherman only barks when he needs something! (ie Potty) or if we start to play with him. Patton, on the other hand, is apparently one of the most 'barky' boys around. He barks at his reflection, at dinner time, when I get the leads.... anything he barks. At the bark park, he is very barky, and barks at Sherman relentlessly. I too, look at it as 'trash talk!' Apparently, when he is at the sitter's house, the more greyhounds around, the more he barks.

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Guest wyrmryder2155

Leroy will speak when asked or given the hand signal. Zill, oh my!, goes, "a roo ah, roo ah, roo ah!" when she sees a human, another dog, the pizza guy (it's hard to discourage that, since we've almost gotten free pizza several times :lol ). She barks a LOT!

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Guest TBSFlame

Tessie is the only one that barks at stuff like cats or the trash man. It is really funny to 4 hounds standing side by side with only one of them barking at him. lol.


Tessie barks at me and dh when she wants something. It took her two years before she ever barked. If Star is in her chair she will stand and bark at her then look at me and bark then look at Star and bark. You get the picture. :)


Beecher only roos. Flame whines (a lot). Star barks only at meal times or if she need to tell me something.

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Guest hannahmom

Hannah barks to say "I want" and she wants lots :P

Chinghis only barks when there is someone at the door, and that only since Miss MonkeyHannah came to live with us

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Guest CarolW

Jesse barks at anyone that walks past the house, which is several times a day. Annie didn't bark for four months, then when we got Jesse, he taught her how to bark. She will only do it once in the while when someone walks by.

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Guest Robynroo

Just as I went to type, mine barked...I've always been told they didn't bark...I don't think mine read the book saying they weren't supposed to bark.

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Guest BasilMom

Basil will bark when he is going for a walk or if he sees a strange man around the property. Now Holly

she is a whole different story. This girl barks multiple times a day. More so at Basil when she wants him to pay attention to her.She barks when she wants to go out and barks to come back in.

She can bark and ROOO pretty much most of her day. She loves to bark at Basil her man when she wants him to cuddle with her.She's a real hussy. I swear they have a language of their own.

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Guest Catti

Sting used to bark only when he saw other dogs outside, but I taught him "Quiet!", and would give a little tug on the leash to reinforce that. Now the most he does at other dogs is whine a bit (and I tell him "Quiet" when he does that and he stops.)


Once, he gave one, big bark when my daughter's dbf (tall, shaggy teenager) came into our apt late one evening. It was only the second or third time dbf had been to our house. At least I know there's a slight chance that if anyone ever broke in to my place, Sting "might" bark at them! :lol

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Guest tygar

Wylie only barks if he's playing... and only one bark. :lol


Lummis lets out a "squeeky" bark if he wants something badly enough, and we're not paying enough attention to him...


Now Faelyn - she's a BARKING MACHINE! She barks like mad until we let her out of her crate when we get home... then when she goes outside, she has to bark, to allow the neighborhood to know that the princess has arrived... :rolleyes:

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Guest Leilani

Absolutely never. We're not sure she, or my previous Greyhound, are capable of barking. My Whippet NEVER barks- he has never barked once and he's a senior- so maybe that's why.

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Guest strumpgfnj

jj will bark if he sees ppl on "his" sidewalk. he has learned this behavior from my lurcher, emma. blue j, the pup (read 2 yrs old), barks whenever the other 3 dogs bark. he still has his little puppy sound bark. so cute!




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Danny barks at stray cats & deer when we are walking. In 4 yrs. he's barked only 2 times in the house. My new foster, Chick has barked once in the house but not at all outside but it's only been a week.

[gallery_4177_3286_2416.jpg Neighbor Mike

Inspired by Beloved Angels Danny & Mick

Custom Quilted Coats, Wallhangings & MORE

"From there to here, From here to there, Funny things are everywhere.

Especially with a greyhound in your life!

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Well, Foley never read the part in the books that say that Greys don't bark! She barks at the horses in the paddock next to her, she barks at the birds, she barks whenever she sees us from the yard - she loves the sound of her voice!! She even barks at night, when she hears things - my terriers never barked as much as she does!!!!!

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Guest shanab

My girls bark and whine at each other a lot when I'm not home--so my neighbors tell me. Who needs an alarm system when I have them watching over the fort.

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Guest PaulaMC

Our guy has learned a lot from your little non-grey girl. Bojangles barks at the mailman, paperboy and anyone who comes to the door, especially cats around the yard. Now Cupid barks at the mailman and paperboy and cats around the yard. I am wondering what to do to remedy this.


Any suggestions?

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Flossie likes to watch TV and when she sees animals or a lot of action she will bark. We were at a Nursing Home on Sunday for a Therapy Dog visit and The Incredible Journey was on the TV in one of the common rooms, as soon a she saw it she started barking, first time ever barking in the Nursing Home. I was a little embarassed, but everyone there thought it was cute that she was barking at the TV.

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Guest puckfox23

My grey learned how to bark from our shepherd. He barks whenever he wants something - food, a walk, to pee, his sister to come out of her crate, a Kong toy... we don't set an alarm anymore. Axel wakes us at at least by 6.

He also woofs when we woof at him, and barks at strangers.

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