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Harness Advice

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Hey all, apologies for posting a lot but I'm new to this and the advice here is phenomenal!

Spoke to a few trainers etc and it seems a harness is a good idea for our Smithy. He's a bit anxious outside around other dogs, so it will give me more control and hopefully be better for him too. Could potentially help us with stair training also.

I suppose my real questions is how do we effectively use it? I spoke to a lady who told me to have his usual collar and lead PLUS the harness and lead and to hold both. Another person said I can get a lead that attaches his harness AND collar together so I can just hold one thing.

I'm getting the Rufferwear front range one which seems to be good, so what additional lead(s) do I need to get?

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Not sure I can be much help with this one, but it’s another case where opinions will differ. We use a cheap harness we bought from the dog’s trust when we got him. It’s made from tough webbing, which I covered with jersey material as it was a bit rough on his tender skin. I use a six foot rope-like lead with reflective threads that I got from Amazon. These work well for us as I was always worried about pulling on his neck if he wanted to go one way I wanted to go the other. With the harness, I can virtually pick him up and extract him from any sticky situations and I’m not worried about hurting him.

I think others feel that putting a dog in a harness means he can pull harder against you - which is probably true - but if you’re strong enough to resist his pull then you should be alright. My preference is for the harness with a single lead but that’s just me.

Does the ruffwear harness have a handle? Some harnesses do, which could help you with stair training.

Buddy Molly 🌈 5/11/10-10/10/23

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I think GT member Jetcitywoman sells the harness/collar connectors.  https://www.hound-safe.com/


Edited by macoduck


Freshy (Droopys Fresh), NoAh the podenco orito, Howie the portuguese podengo maneto
Angels: Rita the podenco maneta, Lila, the podenco, Mr X aka Denali, Lulu the podenco andaluz, Hada the podenco maneta, Georgie Girl (UMR Cordella),  Charlie the iggy,  Mazy (CBR Crazy Girl), Potato, my mystery ibizan girl, Allen (M's Pretty Boy), Percy (Fast But True), Mikey (Doray's Patuti), Pudge le mutt, Tessa the iggy, Possum (Apostle), Gracie (Dusty Lady), Harold (Slatex Harold), "Cousin" Simon our step-iggy, Little Dude the iggy ,Bandit (Bb Blue Jay), Niña the galgo, Wally (Allen Hogg), Thane (Pog Mo Thoine), Oliver (JJ Special Agent), Comet, & Rosie our original mutt.

tiny hada siggy.png

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The 'Pet Safe Easy Walk' dog harness is recommended by Patricia McConnell.   You can clip the leash to the front or back.       

I use one for our Galgo, who is a little spitfire and extremely high prey.   I clip onto the chest as well as having second leash on his martingale.  61ThmBeYoIL._AC_SL1024_.jpg


Nancy...Mom to Sid (Peteles Tiger), Kibo (112 Carlota Galgos) and Joshi.  Missing Casey, Gomer, Mona, Penelope, BillieJean, Bandit, Nixon (Starz Sammie),  Ruby (Watch Me Dash) Nigel (Nigel), and especially little Mario, waiting at the Bridge.




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I'm a tiny 5ft 1 size 8 sort, my grey is around 38kgs. I absolutely prefer a harness and actually find I have more control. I know, as stated above, this is always a contentious subject. But personally I feel more confident and have no trouble keeping him from lunging, pulling and leaping. I have the Ruffwear Webmaster. 

When we first got our grey he was reactive to everything and would do anything to get a squirrel, including lunging (and screaming!). Watching him backflip on a collar when I pulled him back was terrifying, no idea how I didn't break his neck, so I switched to harnesses after that. 

I also like that he'd have to be Houdini to get out of the three part harness (he's slipped a previous one) and the handle is brilliant if I need to hold him for any reason (eg to move him out of the way....etc).

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I'm not a fan of harnesses but if you are going to use one make sure it fits right. I got one for Grace when I first had her and only used it a couple of time when I noticed some bruising on her ribs a couple of days later. Being a new greyhound owner at the time and not realising how easy they bruise I took her to the vets and after a lightening of the wallet for some blood tests we realised what had caused it.

You can get a dog lead doubler so you just have one lead but two clips. I'd adjust it so you can control your greyhound with the neck collar and have the harness as backup.


Grace (Ardera Coleen) b. 18 June 2014 - Gotcha Day 10 June 2018 - Going grey gracefully
Guinness (Antigua Rum) b. 3 September 2017 - Gotcha Day 18 March 2022 - A gentleman most of the time


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I've got one of these 3 Peaks harnesses from Pets at Home, I used to try and put it under the coat but then realised I was making things unnecessarily complicated so I put it over his coat now. I use this with a double ended Halti lead (about £10-15), one end on the harness, one on the collar. To be honest I never ever "need" the harness, it's more for my piece of mind when walking a nearly 40kg dog as a 5'3" woman! I do recommend getting one with the handle on the top, as turning your dog into a suitcase is surprisingly handy for those times when you need him or her to stand by your side. 



Here's Rumble's "rig" if you like XD

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Moo, that is a great picture!

I'm one who thinks that you have less control over a dog with a harness than a collar.  I use a harness with Milo just because it keeps him from getting tangled up in the lead so often.  He does not pull on lead so that's not an issue.  

Just for people's info, here's an alternative approach that goes with the where-the-head-turns-the-dog-will-follow method.  halti head collar  Another brand name is Gentle Leader.  I used one of these with dear Bazzy, who after he became an only dog became anxious when meeting new dogs and sometimes growled at them.  I felt very secure and in-charge while I was retraining him with the Halti.  


Ellen, with brindle Milo and the blonde ballerina, Gelsey

remembering Eve, Baz, Scout, Romie, Nutmeg, and Jeter

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leash harness- look it up. they can't escape- and it works. i purchased mine from a rescue group who was vending next to me at GIG years ago. they deter pulling since it tightens around the chest.

the web master is an excellent mobility harness for older dogs. my houdini dog escaped from traditional harnesses even when on tight.  the pet safe easy walk presses shoulders together- it works but it's not very good for their bones. (a well versed trainer informed me). your dog is still going to be strong as an ox w/ a harness on and pull you- a traditional harness does not deter pulling, but a spook harness will keep a rubbery dog from escaping.


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Another vote for the Ruffwear Webmaster. It's been a little trial and error for us, a shop let us try a couple on for size, but after one Houdini act too many I took the plunge on the webmaster.

Bennie is a spook, with a very strong prey drive. This gives me much more control on him in busier areas, a handy loop handle to keep him close by for passing traffic (he's not a fan of tractors!) and he seems quite content with it on, too. Lots of adjustment with both straps to find a good fit, even with a coat on. The matching lead is good, too. Very long to give him some freedom, with a small loop should you need to reign it in.

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