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I can't get Ray to sit on the couch with me. He loves to come up to me so I can pet him but soon as I pat the couch and invite him up, he will run back to his bed. He would stay in front of the couch and let me pet him for days but for some reason, he almost seems afraid to sit on it and acts like it's forbidden territory. I guess several dog owners would see this as a good thing (and I'm OK if he never does) I just thought it would be nice to hang out with him while I'm watching TV or reading. He's the same way with my bed. I've even laid treats on the bed and he will barely get up there (as in place his front two legs on the bed) then quickly back off. Anyone have any idea why this is? I always heard you can't keep them off the couch. Thanks

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It can take a long time! It took quite a few weeks to get Dory up on the couch, and months to get her on the bed. When she first started getting on the couch we couldn't sit next to her or she would get up and move off the couch and onto the floor, and once on the bed if you moved/shifted she'd jump off. After almost a year she still hesitates to get on the bed/couch and only does if I invite her, but she'll sleep with me through the night, and the couch is her best friend. She'll actually move couches to lay next to me if I got to a different one than she is on.


So I think a big part is time and getting him used to such retirement comforts, and letting him know that it's okay. But thats just my experience with Dory! Someone else might have more insight than I do c:

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Guest Rainy

Mine is much the same, but for reason's I know: when I got her I still lived at home and furniture was a no-no. When I moved out to my own place I had to train her (with food) that it was okay to get up on the couch with me.


She lays out along the couch, with her forelegs outstretched and head straight down between them; sticks her feet and nose behind my back where I'm crammed onto the far end. I sort of perch there, but if I fidget too much she'll leave. Even so she often prefers her own space and will move back to her bed, but she's never been a snuggler.

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It took my first greyhound 18 months to get up on the bed for the first time on his own, and several YEARS to even consider the couch!


My second one? Five minutes. Not sure he's left it for more than walks since!!


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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I’ve had Lila for almost 7 years and she wants nothing to do with any furniture. She won’t even put her front feet up. As far as I know she was never reprimanded for going on the furniture, she’s just a feet on the floor kinda girl. She’s got great beds and waves her paw at me from there to come snuggle her. :rolleyes:

Lila Football
Jerilyn, missing Lila (Good Looking), new Mistress to Wiki (PJ Wicked).



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Johnny is "meh" about my couch. He'll get up there on his own terms, sometimes curling up on one end, sometimes getting halfway on my lap and then flopping up there. He prefers his beds or the floor. But! My parents have a super comfy loveseat, he barely gets off it the whole time we are there! :rolleyes:

Current Crew: Gino-Gene-Eugene! (Eastnor Rebel: Makeshift x Celtic Dream); Fuzzy the Goo-Goo Girl (BGR Fuzzy Navel: Boc's Blast Off x Superior Peace); Roman the Giant Galoot! (Imark Roman: Crossfire Clyde x Shana Wookie); Kitties Archie and Dixie

Forever Missed: K9 Sasha (2001-2015); Johnny (John Reese--Gable Dodge x O'Jays) (2011-19); the kitties Terry and Bibbi; and all the others I've had the privilege to know


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My Chelsea doesn't like going "up" on anything either. Generally. I took her on a road trip with me and one night stayed in a room with 2 double beds. She hopped up on one of them and stayed all night, but when I went and sat on the bed with her, she would get down. Doesn't like company up there I guess.


At home we reason that it also has something to do with the wood floors. It took her quite a while to get used to them so she probably doesn't want to slip on the way back off. I so wish she would get up and cuddle with me, but my husband sees it as a plus that she doesn't like to get up there. So I don't push it.

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I had (have) a ratty green couch I had been planning to get rid of, but since I was getting a greyhound and heard they like couches I kept it to see if Logan would use it. He did not use it for three weeks. About two days before our monthly bulk garbage pickup, when I was planning to put the couch out, Logan started scratching his front feet on the carpet, clearly dissatisfied. Then he looked over at the green couch. Walked over ... put his front feet on it and scratched it. Jumped up ... and looked over at me as if to say "ok boss?".


Now it is his couch, and I can never get rid of it.

Logan (April 7, 2010 - July 9, 2023) - LoganMaxicon15K.jpg - Max (August 4, 2004 - January 11, 2018)

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I’ve had Lila for almost 7 years and she wants nothing to do with any furniture. She won’t even put her front feet up. As far as I know she was never reprimanded for going on the furniture, she’s just a feet on the floor kinda girl. She’s got great beds and waves her paw at me from there to come snuggle her. :rolleyes:


Sweep is the same, 4.5 years after she arrived.


Rachel with Doolin Doodle Dooooo, boss cat Tootie, and feline squatters Crumpet and Fezziwig.
Missing gentlemen kitties MudHenry, and Richard and our gorgeous, gutsy girlhounds
 Sweep and Willa:heart

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Guest Izzy2

Lily has no such qualms with the couch or my bed. As soon as someone moves off she's there luckily I just click my fingers with the word "off"and she gets down. My bed however unless I get there first she will not budge so I have to fit around her lol Biffo on the other hand loves his bed and does not get on the couch or my bed...which to some degree is great as otherwise it would be me lying on the floor !!!😁😁

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Maybe he lived in a home previously and was discouraged from furniture, or could just be his natural reaction. None of our dogs get on human furniture.


Count yourself lucky! :)

It often takes newly adopted dogs several months (or more) to begin revealing their true personality. Good to let resting dogs lie undisturbed on their own dog beds, so they don't feel threatened by a human invading their space. Helps to wait at least 6 months before (if ever) allowing any newly adopted dog on humans' furniture. Some dogs don't like to share their personal resting space and may become protective, or have sleep startle reactions, or may feel physical discomfort jumping on/off human furniture.



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Ours was never fostered. Straight from the track, to the rescue kennel to us and still does not like being up on anything. (Except for the rare occasions I mentioned before). Our theory was that she was kept in an upper kennel at the track at some point.


I can't figure out how to get the image to appear, so here is the link to an example.



She also did not want anything to do with the crate or any confined space when we brought her home either.

Edited by Redfishingirl
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Ours was never fostered. Straight from the track, to the rescue kennel to us and still does not like being up on anything. (Except for the rare occasions I mentioned before). Our theory was that she was kept in an upper kennel at the track at some point.


I can't figure out how to get the image to appear, so here is the link to an example.



She also did not want anything to do with the crate or any confined space when we brought her home either.

Pretty much the same for ours. A couple weeks at the kennel (upper crate too), then to us. It's been about 7 weeks, and he still has shown no desire to get on any furniture. Although he does like to sneak a pillow from the couch once in awhile. Thinks they're stuffed toys, I guess. 🤔
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Monty never wanted up on the couch or bed. We have a loveseat that the other dog lies on, but the only time Monty got up there was when we were using treats to encourage the other dog up there (rather than 'our' couch) and he shoved her out of the way and jumped up there with enthusiasm...solely for the treats. I think they were dried lamb lung, and apparently good enough to expend effort for, but he hasn't gone up there since. But, I suppose, having three cushy dog beds in the same room is good enough for him.

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They're all different about furniture. I wouldn't worry at all. Sit on a pillow on the floor leaning against the couch if you want to snuggle. Honestly, dogs not being on furniture is actually a good thing for many reasons.

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They're all different about furniture. I wouldn't worry at all. Sit on a pillow on the floor leaning against the couch if you want to snuggle. Honestly, dogs not being on furniture is actually a good thing for many reasons.


Not worried...just want to sit on the couch with him (not the floor)...but I still do.

Thanks guys

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