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New From Arizona

Guest CryHavoc

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Guest CryHavoc




My name is Bea and I live in Arizona with my husband Steve and our two female human children. We do not own a greyhound but we do own several other sight hounds. I have not been able to find a general "sight hound" forum so I am hoping that our greyhound cousins will be welcome here!


We have the following hounds!


Amelia, female Afghan hound. Absolutely certain that the world revolves around her. We got Amy as an older puppy - she was 8mo's old when we got her. She was extremely under socialized when we got her - it took me nearly two weeks before she willingly let me touch her. Before that I had to let her run around dragging a leash behind her. I didn't want to have to chase her around the back yard to get her inside so - drag line! She has with a lot of work settled down to be a normal afghan hound (So a total spastic by other breed standards!)


Coraline, a young female Borzoi. She is a busy, pushy, opinionated, snarky, little witch and I love her dearly for it. She does not believe in personal space and feels the need to wrap herself around me whenever possible. This is usually followed with her trying to groom my head (I do not have fleas!). She only wants toys if someone else had it first and if she doesn't feel she is getting away with something she sulks.


Basil, a young male Borzoi. He is the most enormous wuss of a dog I have ever met. He is quiet, a little bit more aloof, and thinks life is best when he is laying on his bed in the living room and everyone is quiet. He reminds me of Ferdinand the bull - he just wants to sit and smell the flowers. Though in Basil's case he would probably be eating the flowers since his one true love in life is food! The only time Basil loses his serene outer appearance is if you have to trim his nails. He turns into an 80lb demon - I cannot even begin to describe the ordeal.


MacGuffin, a 2ish year old Italian greyhound. We are currently still calling him a "foster" but at this point I doubt he is going anywhere.

We rescued him a few weeks ago from the county shelter. He had been picked up as a stray and nobody had come to get him. I stopped in to drop off some blankets I was donating and could not just leave him there. He was sitting in a corner, super skinny, shivering, and refusing to look at anyone. He was also trying to hack out a lung (kennel cough). So home he came where he was treated for his cough and has been slowly putting on weight and looking less like Skeletor from He-man.


and finally we have Tallahassee! who is another Borzoi. However I am not sure if Talla is a boy or a girl yet nor do I know anything about their personality. The litter is only 6wks old right now and I won't know which puppy is mine until 8-9wks old after eye checks get done. She or he will be coming home on the 21st of next month. I do know he/she will likely be a coursing demon! and will likely get into enough trouble to make me want to pull my hair out by the roots!


I do hope to get to know everyone!







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A friendly hello from Germany.

Sorry for butchering the english language. I try to keep the mistakes to a minimum.


Nadine with Paddy (Zippy Mullane), Saoirse (Lizzie Be Nice), Abu (Cillowen Abu) and bridge angels Colin (Dessies Hero) and Andy (Riot Officer).

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Guest CryHavoc

Thank you all for the warm welcomes! here are some pictures of the crew! Oh, the dogs do spend the majority of their time in the house! but the flash on my camera does not work really great inside so most of the good pictures I have are pictures of them outside.


Amelia our Afghan






Basil our male Borzoi. He can be hard to photograph because whenever I get the camera out he comes and sits on my feet.








Cora our female Borzoi - she is not usually pink but she went as a punk rocker for Halloween this year.






and finally MacGuffin! though my kids usually call him Guffin McMuffin. The first picture is from the first week we got him! the others are from a couple of days ago. He is starting to look better already.











Sorry if this was kind of picture heavy! I was having trouble choosing which ones to post.


Bea & Crew

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Guest CryHavoc

Basil is very very pretty and his siblings are doing well in the show ring! Basil would be doing well too if I were to get off my butt and show him but I do not have much interest in the show world. Obedience and coursing seem a lot more my speed! though the only way I could get Basil to chase something would be if I tied a chicken leg to it.


He has almost no drive to chase!


Bea & Crew

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Welcome! I will enjoy my long-haired sighthound dreams through you and the other GT'ers with energy enough for non-greyhounds.


And look at the ears on that cutie MacGuffin!


Ellen, with brindle Milo and the blonde ballerina, Gelsey

remembering Eve, Baz, Scout, Romie, Nutmeg, and Jeter

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Welcome from Virginia, your crew is gorgeous! Not sure I would be up for all that grooming!


The handsome boy Brady, mid-morning nap. The sun, the sun feels so, so, so good.

I can't keep my eyes open ... ... Retirement agrees ...

... and the Diva Ms India, 2001 - 10/16/2009 ....

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