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Help ....with A Picky Eater

Guest IrskasMom

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Guest IrskasMom

I think , I have talked about Morty's pickiness before . Now I am so frustrated and need your Help. Morty has No pounds to spare . He has been on ProPlan for all his Life ( he is 10 ) . I mix in some Grain Free Natures Recipe Kibbles . On Top I give him half a Can of Wet Food like Wellness or Blue Beef Stew , most of them Grain Free. . Wednesday .... No Dinner , Thursday only 1/3 of his Dinner . Friday no Breakfast and No Dinner. I need some Help with his Eating . It's driving me crazy . What's your Thought ??? Changing Kibbles ??

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My senior girl Raina has become quite picky as well, I feed Eukanuba large breed, but decided I needed to mix in another dry food, I have tried a few different ones, but she really likes the dry Spots Stew, chicken formula. I also add various canned foods or gravy, and parmesan cheese, or italian bread crumbs sprinkled on top. She also really likes that rolled food from Natural Balance, I cut it up into chunks and throw it in with the kibble.


I know how frustrating it is to get them to eat.....good luck :beatheart

Mom to Emmi (WM Lickety Split) & Asia (Devious Walker)
Waiting at the Bridge: Shadow, Willow, Tony, Nina, Reggie, Sunny, Webb, Rosie, Rowdy, Ivy, Smoke & Raina

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Guest PiagetsMom

How's Morty's stomach otherwise, Erika? Poops are good? Has he been in for a vet check recently?


I've had a picky eater, and I know it does drive you nuts with worry! I know you'll get some good suggestions, and I hope you can find something that will tempt your boy's appetite :grouphug

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Guest IrskasMom

PiagetsMom his Poops are good . We had Vet checks just recently . Could his poor eating have to do with his Eye- Problems . He gets 5 Drops a Day for existing Uvietis ,Conjunctivitis and Glaucoma .

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Guest FreeholdHound

Stinky works best here for enticement - tripe or sardines. A little of either lures the nose to the bowl.

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Guest PiagetsMom

I have also switched her food many times thinking that was the problem, but she does this with any food. Good luck.


I did that with Piaget as well. I guess I just always figured if she wasn't eating what I had, why not at some point try something else to see if I would hit the jackpot - I never did, by the way. Of course, that's only okay if you have a pup with a cast iron stomach like she did......she never had any problem with foods, she was just picky. I wouldn't do that with a pup who had a sensitive stomach, though.


I don't know a thing about the eye meds, but it sure wouldn't hurt to ask the vet that question.

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Try a different kibble like grain free BilJac (don't add much water) or grain free Wellness turkey. Buy a small bag or sample bag. Try boiled meat and see if he will eat it. Especially with seniors, I believe they eat what their bodies need. Remember Magic? She ate WalMart chickens for 13 months (except for a week or two of kibble)


Can you get frozen BilJac there?

Diane & The Senior Gang

Burpdog Biscuits

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Have you tried any of the refrigerated foods from Freshpet Select? Sweet Pea liked the roll food, and the refrigrated kibble style food (chicken and spinach) was even better!


Diane from Burpdogs sent me some freeze dried patties made by Stella & Chewy. Pea loved those, too. Her favorite was the Dandy Lamb Dinner.


We also used shredded cheese, lots of it!

You! Out of the gene pool!

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Another vote for tripe - I use Tripett brand lamb tripe mostly because phosphorus is a consideration for my Jaynie, but they have many types. It is very good quality. If you can't get it locally you can probably find it online. The larger cans are much more economical than the smaller, flatter cans.


ETA: Here is a link to their store locator - note the parent company, Petkind, produces other products, but for pure delicious and SMELLY goodness, I'd go with the tripe!

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Guest IrskasMom

I have seen Tripe in the Stores ( Meat Dept. ) . How would you fix Tripe ?? Would you put it into his Kibble ? I have not seen Frozen Bil Jac in Pet Stores . Yes we had this Pet Fresh Select Dog Food in a Roll . He liked it the first two times and then it was finish.. Morty weigh's 65.7 Pounds . He usually get's 3 Cups of Kibble and a half Can of Wet Food . Do you think 3 Cups is to much ?

I have to add , he is not very active at this Point and still we go twice a Day to the Park walking.

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3 cups is not that much. They sell tripe in cans. Solid Gold makes it and one other who I can't remember. For all you know, they changed one ingredient in the dog food and he doesn't like it. Try the boiled meat or a different kibble and see if he eats it.


Many years ago I had a friend who fed ProPlan for years and then her dogs got sick and she had to switch.

Diane & The Senior Gang

Burpdog Biscuits

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Don't buy tripe from the grocery store. It is bleached and cleaned for human consumption. Dog tripe is green as it is stomach that hasn't been cleaned. Sounds disgusting but dogs love it and it is actually a really healthy food. You can easily get it canned, or frozen raw from some petstores/distributors. Beware though, it stinks!


There is a company (maybe Solid Gold?) who sells packages of liver powder. It is basically the dehydrated liver treats ground up. It is made to sprinkle over dogfood to make it more enticing. My guys are picky and both love it.

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Shilo used to walk away from half her meal every time UNTIL I started putting a half cup or so of boxed chicken stock on her food just before I set it in front of her.



Shilo - yummmmmmmm

Maverick - more peanut butter please

Jesse - Maverick, stay away from my bowl

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Guest FreeholdHound

Don't buy tripe from the grocery store. It is bleached and cleaned for human consumption. Dog tripe is green as it is stomach that hasn't been cleaned. Sounds disgusting but dogs love it and it is actually a really healthy food. You can easily get it canned, or frozen raw from some petstores/distributors. Beware though, it stinks!




Tripett , Solid Gold, Merrick, & Before Grain all make canned tripe for dogs. I use the fresh raw 3 x's a week, my boy can't get enough of the stuff :)

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I used to think that dogs ate anything and everything, until we adopted our girl, lol. There are so many opinions on what we should feed; raw, home-cooked, commercial; there's so much choice and schools of thought, it can be mind-boggling, if not guilt-inducing.


We had trouble with fussiness and pudding poops at the time of adoption and after a trip to the vet, and a clean bill of health, we went the trial and error route.


There are some days when Bonnie just isn't all that hungry, and others when she eats her meal and then some, lol. She gets bored with repetition, so I mix it up for her.


One meal she gets raw, and another she gets her home-cooked doggy meatloaf. If she's still looking for more, she gets about a 1/2 cup of Nutro's Sensitive Skin & Stomach. Occasionally she gets kibble, but I also mix in a can of salmon or sardines, and I'll break a raw egg on top. And I always mix in about 3 tbsps. of canned green tripe no matter what the entre is, just for the nutritional/health benefit.


In the beginning, it seemed like a monumental challenge, but finding what turned her crank was more of a process of elimination, but for now, everything is copasetic, lol.


One thought I just had ~~ could your Morty possibly have a toothache?


I wish you lots of luck in finding what works for him. Please let us know how things are going. :nod

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Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
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Guest IrskasMom

You all would not believe when I tell you what happen to Night . Mc Nuggets was the Topping of his new badge of Kibbles with some Wet Food . No Dice . He ignored it , sniffed and walked away . One Hour later , my Girlfriend sat on the Floor and Hand fed him some Kibble and some Nugget. She held the Bowl for him and he ate all of it lying down ....... Halleluya .


deboosh , we have an Optomologist Appt. for Morty on Monday . I will also make an Vet Appt. to check on his Teeth .

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Guest WhiteWave

I feel your pain. Pongo is almost 17 and getting him to eat has really brought out my creativity. Right now he likes it buffet style. He gets cooked rice, can meat, and kibble and I put in the bowl, but do not mix, just a 1/3 of each side by side in the bowl and he will eat the kibble, then the rice, then the can. He likes it that way cause if I mix it, I'm pretty sure he thinks I'm trying to sneak in a pill.


Some days, he will eat Natural Balance meat rolls. He likes the duck ones, they cost more. He seems to prefer whatever cost the most. Some days he will eat raw. Some days he will eat home cooked and if all else fails, he will always eat pork fried rice and the chicken out of the moo goo gai pan from China Wok. He rarely eats the same thing for 2 meals in a row. All in all, it costing me as much to feed one 20lb dog as it is 3 Greyhounds!

I buy several small bags of different kibbles since and rotate them. He is eating Pro Plan limited ingredient chicken right now and seems to like it ok. But he preferred the Purina One Beyond Lamb, but they were out at Walmart when I went. But i just keep trying. Whatever he likes I will get it until he decides he no longer wants it.

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I've had a hard time with Bullitt lately and Mary (Rickiesmom) suggested Trippett and it's working! Just a couple of tablespoons mixed with his canned kidney food and he's eating!

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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Guest IrskasMom

I checked today at PetsMart , they do not carry Solid Gold Products . Tomorrow I will go to a more Upscale Store and see if I can get in Annapolis.

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Guest antiqueal

I alternate between adding peanut butter, canned tuna fish oil, hard boiled eggs and her favorite '13 drops of bacon grease'.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nutmeg, age 12-10, has gotten a little picky the last six months, especially in the morning. The kind of picky where she will eat treats but not her kibble. She seems to prefer non-dogfood protein, so in the morning I'll add a little canned tuna fish, hamburger, or (her absolute favorite) poultry stock cooked at home -- none of this canned stuff for Ms Picky. :chow


Ellen, with brindle Milo and the blonde ballerina, Gelsey

remembering Eve, Baz, Scout, Romie, Nutmeg, and Jeter

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