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Bad Spay, Incontinence, Now Prolapsed Uterus

Guest janiek

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Guest janiek

You all have my promise that she will be seen tomorrow and I will post the progress here. Please say prayers and keep us in your thoughts. Everyone, please know that both Ginger and I appreciate all your support along with her brothers. I did PM Burpmom and a few others. Batmom thank you too..................

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Really hoping you can find a good solution for her that works out well for you, too. Fingers and toes crossed!

Star aka Starz Ovation (Ronco x Oneco Maggie*, litter #48538), Coco aka Low Key (Kiowa Mon Manny x Party Hardy, litter # 59881), and mom in Illinois
We miss Reko Batman (Trouper Zeke x Marque Louisiana), 11/15/95-6/29/06, Rocco the thistledown whippet, 04/29/93-10/14/08, Reko Zema (Mo Kick x Reko Princess), 8/16/98-4/18/10, the most beautiful girl in the whole USA, my good egg Joseph aka Won by a Nose (Oneco Cufflink x Buy Back), 09/22/2003-03/01/2013, and our gentle sweet Gidget (Digitizer, Dodgem by Design x Sobe Mulberry), 1/29/2006-11/22/2014, gone much too soon. Never forgetting CJC's Buckshot, 1/2/07-10/25/10.

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Guest janiek

That is exactly what I think. If it were a human, we don't go around with our insides hanging out....I'm thinking that finances are the reason the vet is taking the actions that he has perscibed. I don't even have any idea how much this would even cost at this point. He knows my situation and to date has been very cooperative and understanding.....She will be safe, I give you my promise that I will do everything with my power and whatever it takes to make this right for Ginger.

No body part, whatever it is & whyever it is should be falling out & needing to be pushed back in. She needs surgery of some kind. There are groups (adoption & otherwise) that will help you & your girl. Please let them.

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Guest june

So sorry you and your girl are going through this. Lots of wonderful people have offered great advice and help please let someone help you thought this difficult time.

Sending prayers that things work out well for your girl.


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If you are in western PA, please consider going to Dr. Radcliffe's in Wheeling. While he's an orthopedic surgeon, he's also a greyhound owner and has incredibly reasonable rates.


If you are in his area give his office a call and see if they can help you. If you can't reach him, let me know. They lost phone service with the wicked weather we had Friday night. I can reach his office on FB or with other phone numbers I have.


If you need a ride, let me know. I'm in the area this week.

Molly the Border Collie & Poquita the American-born Podenga

Bridge Babies: Daisy (Positive Delta) 8/7/2000 - 4/6/2115, Agnes--angel Sage's baby (Regall Rosario) 11/12/01 - 12/18/13, Lucky the mix (Found, w 10 puppies 8/96-Bridge 7/28/11, app. age 16) & CoCo (Cosmo Comet) 12/28/89-5/4/04

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Guest janiek

Oh my goodness........thank you for your kind offer. Unfortunately I am not in Western PA. But thank you for the suggestion. I hope he and everyone else affected by the storm gets back to normal quickly. Again, thank you, but I regretfully need to decline your offer....

If you are in western PA, please consider going to Dr. Radcliffe's in Wheeling. While he's an orthopedic surgeon, he's also a greyhound owner and has incredibly reasonable rates.


If you are in his area give his office a call and see if they can help you. If you can't reach him, let me know. They lost phone service with the wicked weather we had Friday night. I can reach his office on FB or with other phone numbers I have.


If you need a ride, let me know. I'm in the area this week.


Thank you June for this post. I am trying my best to listen, absorb and follow all the great advice here. she did ok yesterday. right now, she is still asleep and i'm trying to get threw to National Greyhounds here in Philly but they don't open till 8 am. So I will wait to wake the puppers all up because I usually feed them their breakfast right away and if I can get her in and maybe they will want to do surgery, I hope. Wish me luck...............I'll worry about $$$$ later, her health comes first.

So sorry you and your girl are going through this. Lots of wonderful people have offered great advice and help please let someone help you thought this difficult time.

Sending prayers that things work out well for your girl.


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i personally no absoutley nothing about the facility, but when i read the title, and went thru the human side of a prolapsed uterus- i had to read the blog. but the description made me think of a vulva tuck- which i think can look pretty wierd.


it sounds like ngap may have some reduced rates,( their dentals are cheaper than anyone in the ny area) anyone out there know the reputation of the facility????

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Guest janiek

Good morning everyone and thank you for all your support. Well, this morning Ginger went out and peed and when she came back to me, I noticed that she started to dribble a bit. This is the first sighting since going onto the DES (of which was stopped per the vet 1 week ago this past Saturday). Other than that, I had put a call into NGAP early this am (7:30) and they called me back and told me to bring her in at 11:00 for an evaluation. I did not feed her breakfast yet, so if they decide to help today she can undergo the recommended procedure. From what I've learned from "those who know or professionals in the field", the type of spay she originally went threw may be the culprit. If not, a full hysterectomy might be in order now. We will wait till later this AM for a decision, and I will post here. As for the amount, I haven't a clue to that or how I will pay but Ginger's well being is primary right now. Again, thank you all for your support, input and suggestions....................

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Guest FastDogsOwnMe

Good luck today... I just now saw this. I will pray for your girl, and that it is not too expensive or dangerous, and that you two will move on happily from here!

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Guest alannamac

You must be so stressed. Hugs to you and your girl. You're not alone, so many want to help you. I hope that the NGAP appointment is able to provide some relief for you both.

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Guest IHeartDogs

Sending positive thoughts and prayers for you and Ginger. So sorry about all this and I hope you get some definitive answers/help today.

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I'll be praying and thinking of you both today. Good luck.

Mary, mom to kitty Rebel.
Always missing Sherri (SO DELICIOUS) (12/6/2005-8/29/2018) kitties Marley (4/2000-12/3/2015) and Beady (4/1998-2/24/2006) and Dalmatian Daisy (7/25/1984-5/13/1999).

The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work

and give to those who would not - Thomas Jefferson

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Guest janiek

Thank you all for your kind words, thoughts & support. I took Ginger in and she was seen, evaluated and going threw surgery later today. After speaking with both Mr. Wolf and the vet, it was explained that the procedure (not a full hysterectomy) but a procedure to hopefully correct this issue with some stitches to help "keep it inside". will be the answer to this as doing a full hysterectomy is quite expensive and is not done at that facility. I did the best I could and consented to this procedure in the hopes that this will be the answer. I will know more later this evening and will post more then.............thank you..

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Glad you were able to get Ginger seen. But a hysterectomy is a spay & NGAP spays their own adoption dogs so they must have been referring to another -ectomy. You might want to ask them to write down the diagnosis & the procedure they performed so you have it for your records. I hope this gives you & Ginger some relief. Let us know how she's doing.


Deirdre with Conor (Daring Pocobueno), Keeva (Kiowa Mimi Mona), & kittehs Gemma & robthomas.

Our beloved angels Faolin & Liath, & kittehs Mona & Caesar. Remembering Bobby, Doc McCoy, & Chip McGrath.

"He feeds you, pets you, adores you, collects your poop in a bag. There's only one explanation: you are a hairy little god." Nick Galifinakis

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Guest FreddyGirl

White light for a speedy and full recovery from the inside out.




I know how hard it is when our pups go under with anasthesia.

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Hoping the surgery went well.

Star aka Starz Ovation (Ronco x Oneco Maggie*, litter #48538), Coco aka Low Key (Kiowa Mon Manny x Party Hardy, litter # 59881), and mom in Illinois
We miss Reko Batman (Trouper Zeke x Marque Louisiana), 11/15/95-6/29/06, Rocco the thistledown whippet, 04/29/93-10/14/08, Reko Zema (Mo Kick x Reko Princess), 8/16/98-4/18/10, the most beautiful girl in the whole USA, my good egg Joseph aka Won by a Nose (Oneco Cufflink x Buy Back), 09/22/2003-03/01/2013, and our gentle sweet Gidget (Digitizer, Dodgem by Design x Sobe Mulberry), 1/29/2006-11/22/2014, gone much too soon. Never forgetting CJC's Buckshot, 1/2/07-10/25/10.

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Guest janiek

Hello everyone......well, her surgery went well. The vet affirmed that she WAS spayed, and I think he mentioned a mass that he removed and the test results will be back on Friday. He also put 2 stitches in her vulva lips as a temporary precaution. I don't know the full story, because the vet left and I spoke with him on his cell as he left work. So, I'll get the entire story tomorrow when I take her in for a follow up. She is still a bit groggy, but finally is laying down with her favorite toy......sigh. Thank you all for everything you did for us here.

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Guest FreddyGirl

Deep breath, she's home. Take good care tonight and if you can tomorrow, let us know how the follow up went and how she is.

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