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Put Our 12 Year Old Grey Out For Surgery

Guest stewartt

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Guest stewartt

my 12 year old grey hound has slo and vet wants to put him under to cut the nails down as short as posible we have all of the other medicine started i hope i am doing the right thing anybody with experinse would be apprecated

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I am not an expert, but I wouldn't do it with my dog. Have you been treating with medication? Can your dog wear boots? I have heard of removing all the nails, but not putting under just to trim. I realize that SLO in painful, but, it can be managed. I am sorry for dog to be going through this painful experience.

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Guest stewartt

but they are also cutting the quicks back i have till fri is it also dangers to leave the quicks out once the nails fall off

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My 11 year old is going through slo right now. It is awful as when the nail falls off the quick bleeds and bleeds. I wrap it and just continue with the meds. I wouldn't put a 12 year old under for that at all. It can be managed and that is the course I am taking.

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I've had 3 with SLO. I may be wrong but I think the quicks dried up. We just lived with it and the greyhounds wore socks. We tried soaking the feet in medicine. I do not remember it being successful.


I would not put a 12 year old under for that. With that process you will have a greyhound with 4 bleeding feet. Is your greyhound on Amicare. (for bleeding)? I have a couple of senior greys that bleed when I quick them by mistake. The vet has me give them Amicare to help control the bleeding.

Edited by Tallgreydogmom


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God will call the Greyhound to give Testament, and God will pass judgment on man.

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Tallgreydogmom is correct- the quicks dry up rather quickly. I urge you NOT to cut the nails back-- what an incredible source of infection you will make. Think you will be asking for complications.

What meds has your hound been started on??

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Like others, I wouldn't recommend taking the risk of sedation in a 12-year-old dog just to cut back nails. This is not typically part of the protocol to treat SLO (actually, I've never heard of a vet experienced with treating SLO recommending this). If the nails are long, you can do a regular nail trim and just cut them as much as possible without getting into the quick. Since you mentioned you have "all the other medicine started" I'm assuming your vet has at least some basic knowledge on this condition? Are the meds he's on the ones listed in this article on SLO?

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Adding my vote for NO. I wouldn't put any dog out to cut his nails, SLO or not, but a twelve year old, definitely not.


Get a second opinion. If his SLO is that bad, ask for a referral to see if anyone has any new ideas or better treatments, or simply go to another local vet. Personally I've always found vet schools and specialist centres are great for a new, up-to-date perspective.


Bear in mind that clipping his nails right back is going to be painful, and only a very short-term solution. What are you going to do in x number of months when he's back to square one? Keep putting him under to do it again (and again) as he gets older and more susceptible to complications from the anaesthetic?


No, personally I would not go that route.


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Guest stewartt

the medicine were using are tramadol i belive for pain niacin omega 3 vitamine e tetracyline how fast do the quicks dry out and the bestway to stop the bleeding we have i belive its called quick stop

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Tallgreydogmom is correct- the quicks dry up rather quickly. I urge you NOT to cut the nails back-- what an incredible source of infection you will make. Think you will be asking for complications.

What meds has your hound been started on??

I so agree and that is not to mention the pain/stress on the poor old dog. NO WAY would I proceed down that path.

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No way would I do that for ANY dog, let alone a 12 year old. (unless the nails are so insanely long the dog can't walk at all).


Get yourself a Dremel and learn to sand the nails down with it. Do it every few days. It will take a while but the quicks will recede. If some nails break off in the meantime, wrap the foot until the bleeding stops and then carry on.


I keep Pinky's nails short to reduce the probability of breakage. She has had SLO for six years and she has done fine with this plan.


Doing what you say your vet suggests is going to put your pup in pain...so much so that it'll be difficult to walk. Just start the meds and Dremel away.

Kristin in Moline, IL USA with Ozzie (MRL Crusin Clem), Clarice (Clarice McBones), Latte and Sage the IGs, and the kitties: Violet and Rose
Lovingly Remembered: Sutra (Fliowa Sutra) 12/02/97-10/12/10, Pinky (Pick Me) 04/20/03-11/19/12, Fritz (Fritz Fire) 02/05/01 - 05/20/13, Ace (Fantastic Ace) 02/05/01 - 07/05/13, and Carrie (Takin the Crumbs) 05/08/99 - 09/04/13.

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Since you have so many NO's here, but none of us are vets, I would suggest a second opinion. I like to agree with everyone here. But a 2nd opinion will be very helpful to you in making a decision.


Unless I'm mistaken Jennifer (Jing) is a vet and she also gave it a no.

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Guest stewartt

thanks for your kindness and aswering my question i am going to call the vet to canal and just stay on the meads food change and vitamines thanks i am sure i will have more qustions later and have joined the yahhoo slo groupe

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Best wishes for your boy. I think you're doing the right thing by cancelling & I hope things start to turn around for him. It's such a painful condition & so hard to watch them suffer with it. :grouphug


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the medicine were using are tramadol i belive for pain niacin omega 3 vitamine e tetracyline


I hope you're using niacinamide and not niacin... Both are forms of vitamin B3, but it's niacinamide that has been shown to help with immune-mediated conditions like SLO.

Jennifer &

Willow (Wilma Waggle), Wiki (Wiki Hard Ten), Carter (Let's Get It On),

Ollie (whippet), Gracie (whippet x), & Terra (whippet) + Just Saying + Just Alice


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