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Vinnie To Vet Tomorrow...

Guest bernadette

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Guest bernadette

Finally, Vinnie will be going in to see a grey-wise vet, the same that Greyhound Friends of NJ uses. Very close to home too, so that helps. I am trying to figure out if I will be able to take an extended lunch and meet my pup and the fiance there.


Vinnie (as some have read) has been 'not right' lately... he is better, as far as the whining goes but he isn't my normal Vin. His walks start off ok but not long in, he is SLOW and at times will drag his back toes and yesterday, it appeared that he dragged in the front once or twice and maybe tripped over his own foot at one point. I have given him a Rimadyl (sp?) a couple of times after rough walks when it seemed clear he was in pain (like when he stops during the walk and doesn't want to move forward) but I don't know if once in awhile is much of a help.

Inside the house, there is no 'slow'...he plays, he goes up and down the stairs. It really is the walking that seems to get him. He eats one or two meals a day, some days I have to hand feed him to coax him to start eating. I have started to add chicken broth to his food, doesn't seem to make a huge difference in his appetite. He does still want treats.


I am anxious to see this vet and start whatever we need to to make my boy feel better again.

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Guest bernadette

Thank you. I hope, of course, for answers as well... he will be nine in August and I know with age comes some slowing down... it is just so hard to watch. :(

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You're not too far from several vet hospitals if you need to eventually go to a specialist. Red Bank (which has a satelite in Hillsborough), VSEC in Langhorne PA, CARES in Langhorne, PA and U of Penn in Philly. They're all about an hour from you, but that's pretty good.

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All sorts of good wishes for you and Vinnie.

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Guest bernadette

We do have a tick panel on the agenda, the receptionist called it a tick/heartworm test... I am assuming that this vet knows what she is doing but are all TBD covered by one test?


ETA: We did see an animal communicator over the weekend at a local pet supply store... (won't you just do anything, take a stab at anything when your pet isn't 'right'?). She strongly suggested testing for Lymes. We shall see...

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Here's hoping it is something simple and easily treatable.

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Guest bernadette

Thank you so much. Tonight's was another tough one. he seemed uncomfortable on all limbs, was very slow walking and wasn't enjoying the time outside at all. He started off ok and that is normal, he does show interest in other dogs... But by the end of the walk, its just so sad. I did give him a Rimadyl when we got in. He was dragging, not long, drawn out drags, but I just had his nails cut extra short (to make SURE their length had nothing to do with it) and I could hear the dragging here and there- and I do believe he ia dragging here and there in the front now as well.


I am worried about my boy. :(

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Good thoughts for Vinnie. Hopefully it's nothing serious and can be treated with some meds.

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Gus an coinnich sinn a'rithist my boys and little girl.

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Your latest description of Vinnie's signs really makes me wonder about polyarthritis, which can be secondary to TBD. Here's a previous thread about this problem. I'd specifically ask the vet about polyarthritis if they don't bring it up first. The joint swelling/inflammation can be very subtle, and easily missed unless the vet is specifically looking for it.

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Guest bernadette

jjng, thank you for that info. I skimmed it, poor Cash sounded much worse off than Vinnie has been. I will absolutely bring this up today (appt is at noon). I noticed Vinnie yawning and squinting at me this morning... what concerns me also is how everyone comments on how good and quiet he is. With shots, poking and prodding... no reaction, he is so good... because of this, I know I just can't count on him telling me or being obvious when he is in pain or uncomfortable. :(

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Guest bernadette

I love Dr. Marks, I would recommend her to anyone.


Vinnie upon exam is definitely experiencing pain in his neck and his back end, more specifically the rear right. Two seperate issues the vet believes.


Lymes/heartworm test is negative. Xrays negative... no arthritis or anything else. Possible narrowing in the spine but she isn't sure it's anymore than normal. Possible stenosis but of course we would need more testing- MRI. When turning his foot over (manual knuckling..?), he flips it right back. Treatment for now: limited activity, shorter and more frequent walks and Rimadyl (75mg twice daily).


While I am glad he does not have arthritis or Lymes, it is so frustrating to not KNOW exactly whats going on.

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Sending good thoughts. Keep us posted.

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"It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life, gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are." -- Unknown

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Because our greys travel all over the place, Lymes is not the only tick borne disease they can have. A sample should be sent out for the tick panel, not just lymes. The panel gets tested for Lymes, Ehrlichia, Babesia, Rocky Mtn Spotted. and Valley Fever....if I recall correctly.


In fact I believe Ehrlichia and Babesia are more prevalent than Lymes.

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Guest bernadette

I'd have to go back over the ones that this test covered. She was not concerned about Babesia, we spoke about that specifically. I do trust her as she is the primary vet for Greyhound Friends of NJ.

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Guest LindsaySF

We do have a tick panel on the agenda, the receptionist called it a tick/heartworm test... I am assuming that this vet knows what she is doing but are all TBD covered by one test?

The "tick/heartworm" test is the 4Dx snap test, which tests for heartworm, Lyme, Ehrlichia, and Anaplasma. To test for Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Babesia, etc, you need to send out a different panel to an outside lab.


Good luck. :goodluck

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Guest bernadette

I think that's what I remember, thanks Lindsay. She said given his symptoms that that's truly not a concern to her...

How I wish they could speak and we could understand them. :(

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Guest bernadette

This morning Vinnie was very stiff in his hind end walking, this may be from his examination yesterday (with his legs being stretched, manipulated)...? He actually turned us around to head home on his short walk- a first for him. He was very slow and stiff yet when we got home finally, he wolfed down his breakfast, (I added some extra goodies to entice him).

Also, last night... while we were outside, I was brushing him with my hand, running it down his back and off his rear to get rid of some of the dead/loose hair... while coming off his rear end, his legs seemed to do that sinking out from under him again. :(

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Guest LindsaySF

His hind end sinking makes me think LS. Did they do the exam for LS? If they aren't sure if they are seeing narrowing of the spine on the x-rays can they send them out for a second opinion?

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Guest bernadette

That is what I thought as well, she did see SLIGHT narrowing on the xray but nothing extraordinary and of course, nothing but the MRI would say for sure. I did contact OSU and I will be in touch with Dr. Marks regarding what I observed last night and this morning.

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It might be helpful to read Dr. Suzanne Stack's paper on LS at greythealth.com. It contains a very good description of the technique used to diagnose LS.

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