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What Words Does Your Hound Know?

Guest Jacks_Human

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Guest WhiteWave

My dogs have a wide vocabulary, but most of it I can't post here! :)


But here are a few things they know

Move (as in get out of my way)




Who wants a cookie?

Wanna go?

Time for bed

Get your baby (aka toy)

Go see Diane (neighbor)

Shut the *&^*(*&^%# up!

Supper time


Stay with me (when we are walking and I don't want them running off)

Load up

move over (when on couch or bed and I just need them move over and they don't have to get down)

knock it off

get down

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Guest Vers

ETA, we have some "extra commands" because Stella is mostly blind. And to see if I can edit my post since the upgrade.


Wait (first and very best thing I ever taught them!)

Come by (not in the herding sense; it's just a two syllable come)


Focus (look at me)


Downward dog (bow)


Back up

Turn around

Settle (aka go to your bed)

Hop up (bed, couch, car)

Leave it

Drop it

Go left

Go right

This way

Step up (break into a trot from a walk)

Ease up (slow to a walk)

Organize (gets both hounds walking even with each other)

Four on the floor (no jumping to greet someone)

Business, right there

Let’s walk (stop sniffing, move along)

Not your cat (to ignore outdoor neighborhood cats)


Breffass (breakfast)


That’s all (no more treats)


Pointy end (curl up with me with your head toward me, not your butt)

Make room (move over on bed or couch)

Bye bye out of the kitchen

Let’s go to bed (go upstairs)

At ease (general release)

Stuffie! (go get your stuffie)

Pounce bounce! (just what it says with a stuffie)

Belly? (do you want belly rubs?)

Where's your nose? (lift head for putting on harness)

Shake it (shake off rain)

High five (this one only works sometimes)

Hey hey (gentle no)

Ehhhh! (sharp no)


Stella also knows “touch” (nose to hand) since her confidence needed work and “catch up” on walks since she likes to lag behind. Simba knows the names of many/most of the dogs in the neighborhood, since he relaxes when he realizes by a name it’s a dog he already “knows”. He also knows “simmer down” when he’s too excited before a walk, and “easy” when taking small treats. I'm sure there's many more phrases they both recognize that I'm not thinking of right now, but the above are the most useful and commonly used.


And they both know, "I love you".

Edited by Vers
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I love you


They know a few more, this is just the most important one :wub:

Jan with precious pups Emmy (Stormin J Flag) and Simon (Nitro Si) and Abbey Field.  Missing my angels: Bailey Buffetbobleclair 11/11/98-17/12/09; Ben Task Rapid Wave 5/5/02-2/11/15; Brooke Glo's Destroyer 7/09/06-21/06/16 and Katie Crazykatiebug 12/11/06 -21/08/21. My blog about grief The reality is that you will grieve forever. You will not get over the loss of a loved one; you will learn to live with it. You will rebuild yourself around the loss you have suffered. You will be whole again but you will never be the same. Nor should you be the same, nor would you want to. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

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:nod I love your "be brave" Lexie has the usual and.....

out of the kitchen

time to visit residents( she is a therapy dog)

your friends are here (neighbors kids)

the bus is here

want your probiotic chew? :nod

Lexie is gone but not forgotten.💜

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Guest twoskinnydogs

Emma was my word hound, she knew:







hungry, and responded towards the end to hun



leave it

drop it


When she got to about 11.5 years old she became selevtive in what she wanted to listen to. Sometimes she would surf and snatch while being told no or leave it at her older age.

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English: Sit, (lay) down, come (here), wait, eat, be good, careful, easy, hang on, back (up), stand still, cockroach, bed, out, quiet, bow, toof brush, catch

Vietnamese: gioi, xuong, len, an di


Haha. Working on the bilingual thing.

love it!!

Lexie is gone but not forgotten.💜

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:nod I love your "be brave" Lexie has the usual and.....

out of the kitchen

time to visit residents( she is a therapy dog)

your friends are here (neighbors kids)

the bus is here

want your probiotic chew? :nod


What about the things her Daddy has taught her that you don't know about? :flip


Camp Broodie. The current home of Mark Kay Mark Jack and Gracie Kiowa Safe Joan.  Always missing my boy Rocket Hi Noon Rocket,  Allie  Phoenix Dynamite, Kate Miss Kate, Starz Under Da Starz, Petunia MW Neptunia, Diva Astar Dashindiva, and LaVida I've Got Life


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Magic knows "supper", "breakfast", "cookie", and "left paw" or "right paw".


Wow!! He knows left from right?? That's pretty cool!!!


Robin, EZ (Tribal Track), JJ (What a Story), Dustin (E's Full House) and our beautiful Jack (Mana Black Jack) and Lily (Chip's Little Miss Lily) both at the Bridge
The WFUBCC honors our beautiful friends at the bridge. Godspeed sweet angels.

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Guest happygrey

Mine are sort of dunces compared to these lists! :lol


Let's see...they all know their names and their nicknames (Bentley, in particular, has quite a few)


They all know:






Do you want to go on a walk?


And Tatam knows "it's not scary" -- what we have to say to cajole him to walk over floors or by the skeery, skeery vacuum cleaner. :lol

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Guest Angelique

Pointy end (curl up with me with your head toward me, not your butt)

I think this will be my next task! I love it!


My boy... well he basically understands everything and follows nothing. We have had to start spelling out words like his name if we are talking about him or if we need to mention t-r-e-a-t or f-o-o-d or similar that he is really interested in.


His three favorites:

Breakfast and Dinner (recently switched to din din)


His least favorite but which he understands and believes:

All out (when there are no more treats in my hand)

The classics:

Sit/down/stay/off (furniture)/here/EPS(no-stop)/walk.

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Guest jbbuzby

Okay, let's go, out (to drop something), Nope, Go Potty, Go Run, Kennel Up, Touch, Sit, Down, Go Place, Lay Over, Stay, Slow. All I can think of for now, but they do know lots of words :).

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:nod I love your "be brave" Lexie has the usual and.....

out of the kitchen

time to visit residents( she is a therapy dog)

your friends are here (neighbors kids)

the bus is here

want your probiotic chew? :nod


What about the things her Daddy has taught her that you don't know about? :flip

like what??? :hehe

Lexie is gone but not forgotten.💜

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Guest Wasserbuffel

If you say any word in our house that just might sound like walk, car, or supper, prepare to get punched in the face by a very excited dog.


DH said "world" once and she came tearing out of another room wanting a walk.


Most of Jayne's words have already been listed. She knows the phrase "Here it is" though, because that's what we use to get her to cleanup spills on the kitchen floor, or clean th cats' dinner plates. She's very handy.


I think the most important one she knows in "Mine". We do occasionally share food with her, so she's well within reason to come up and ask, but when we say mine she knows to be on her merry way as nothing will be forthcoming.

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Guest Tequila

Love this thread!


Let's see..... Tequila knows the following:




Walk (also "wanna go for a walk??")

Settle (lay down on your bed)

Let's go quickly (walk faster)

Go potty (go outside to backyard to potty)

Sit (only works on carpet)

Down (lay down)

Crawl (from a "down" position, she will crawl forward, usually to get a treat!)

Stretch (downward dog, or "play bow" position)

Mommy's home


That's all I can think of right now..........

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Monty knows mostly walking commands:

left (walking and we're turning left at the corner)

right turn (walking and we're turning right at the corner)

straight on (walking and continuing across the street)

kitty-corner (going to cross the street diagonally at the corner)

nope (indicates I'm not slowing for him to sniff the tree or whatever - just keep moving)

step up ("please quit dragging behind and walk up next to me")

wait (pause forward movement)

park (stop and don't move - a firmer command than the wait and reinforced with a hand pat over his shoulders straight down - usually when I have to do something with Allie or get the mail or do something else and don't want him moving to get tangled or something)

"check the mail" (we're going to go to the front of the house and I'm going to collect the mail from the front steps - it's a longer direction in 3 words)

"and home" (means we're going to turn in to go up the side sidewalk at the end of the walk, instead of the normal detour past the walkway to the garage to toss a bag)


He knows the "hup" for jump up into a car or to stand from a lie down, down to lie down, bed to lie on his bed, "hey" means stop what you're doing and give me your attention, "nah" (similar to "hey," but I use it only in the kitchen to get his nose away from the counter or the cat dishes when they're eating), "paw" with a corresponding tap to the leg to shift weight from that leg so I can lift the paw. Knows non-commands like car ride (also car OR ride), hungry, snack (that' s the word for the cats' dinner, NOT his, but he gets excited anyway)....

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Guest newgreymombeth

So far, 2 months into being Bo's mommy, he knows a few words:

his name

his OTHER name (naughty spotty - he's a cow dog!)




dog park



and kisses (he will give me kisses if I ask for a kiss!)


that's about it so far. I'm sure he will know more as time goes on!

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Max knows: kennel up, come here, uh-uh, upstairs, downstairs, outside, hound food, hound water, treats, wait, target, stay, inside, let's go, cone on, paw, toy, .....I think that's it.


Oh also, down, bow (as in bow down), crate, hug, daddy, mommy, trey, Eden (all our names) and max if course!!

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Mine all know


Wanna Eat


Go Outside

Go Potty

Come Here

Go To Your Bed

Leave It

Leave Jilly Alone

Move Please

Outta The Way


No No

Dammit Arrow

Edited by JillysFullHouse

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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Learned from Captain Jack:

Who wants a cookie



Learned from me:

Houndies go! (ride in the truck)

Keith's coming (my guitar player, who is just a loud human being, it gives Mojo a chance to hide)

Damnit Max


Leave it

Who wants to poop outside

Mine! (stop asking for whatever it is I'm holding/eating)



Pretty simple, but I haven't really tried to teach them anything. They're smart and probably know more than what I think

Missing Hiro, Tank, and Tractor

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I already listed in a previous post but on Sunday, Annie Bella showed she knows a lot more than I think. I was on the phone and said to my friend "OK. I'll be there about 6:30." Annie Bella went nuts, as she does when I say, "Walk?" She tossed her bed, she trashed her stuffies, she ran to the back door, she trashed her bed again, she snuffled the cat, and then she look at me and her eyes asked, "So when are we going?" I wasn't leaving for about an hour and she didn't settle down until we walked out the door and she was laying in the back of the SUV.

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Guest badderh

We've had our greyhound for about 4 months now and we've been able to teach him:


Touch my hand (comes in handy for many things that you want them to do!)


Lay down

Lay on your bed

Go in your crate

Walk up the stairs

and we are working on wait and stay those are about 50% there :)

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