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Well Crap! Literally Everywhere

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Just got home to a very unpleasant surprise, diarrhea on three dog beds and all down the hall. Nadir has been having off again on again urinary issues and add to that he's been having stomach problems. All I've had him on is just fish for the past to 2 days for something easy on his stomach and to narrow down if his urinary problem is dietary until I can get him back to the vet early next week for a urinalysis and culture to rule out something bacterial. I usually feed Tilapia, but found a new fish called Swai, which he really seemed to like. I also gave him his Heartguard this morning, which I saw in the diarrhea undigested. Could the fish have made him sick or the Heartguard caused a problem because his stomach was already giving him problems. I'm not sure if I should try to feed him tonight, if he'll even eat that is, or fast him which can exacerbate his stomach problem. If I do feed him do I give him the fish which I've got cooked or go back to the kibble I've been feeding.

Any suggestions? Just want to say he can not have rice in any form.

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Oh, poor Nadir and poor you!


If you could see the Heartguard undigested in his stool, I doubt that it was the culprit - not enough of it absorbed to cause a problem.


I would probably fast him a day at this point, but if you do feed him, maybe some pumpkin in with it? Honestly, I don't know whether it would be better to go back to the fish or the kibble at this point (sorry, not much help).

Wendy with Twiggy, fosterless while Twiggy's fighting the good fight, and Donnie & Aiden the kitties

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Certain PARTS of fish can be very bad - salmon heads, raw skin - but the flesh itself is fine.


So sorry Nadir is having trouble Judy. What about some nice easy plain pasta? Can he do wheat? I would suspect the new fish is the culprit.

Chris - Mom to: Felicity (DeLand), and Andi (Braska Pandora)

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Angels: Libby (Everlast), Dorie (Dog Gone Holly), Dude (TNJ VooDoo), Copper (Kid's Copper), Cash (GSI Payncash), Toni (LPH Cry Baby), Whiskey (KT's Phys Ed), Atom, Lilly

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Oh boy, sorry to hear that. Been there though, so I get it.


I'd probably fast him and do the cooked chicken or beef with rice menu for a couple days. Fish is usually pretty innocuous too so I'd probably try it as well, instead of throwing it out.


Kibble has never worked for our hounds, hence the reason I'd limit food to 1-2 ingredients for a bit. Second the metro and if that isn't handy, Immodium for sure. Good luck!

Doe's Bruciebaby Doe's Bumper


Follow my Ironman journeys and life with dogs, cats and busy kids: A long road

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These were filets meant for human consumption. I got them from the grocery store. I also cooked them, they were not fed raw.

Chris I think I'll try the pasta. I don't think he has an issue with wheat, at least that I know of. All I've got is spaghetti. I guess that would do.

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Oh boy, sorry to hear that. Been there though, so I get it.


I'd probably fast him and do the cooked chicken or beef with rice menu for a couple days. Fish is usually pretty innocuous too so I'd probably try it as well, instead of throwing it out.


Kibble has never worked for our hounds, hence the reason I'd limit food to 1-2 ingredients for a bit. Second the metro and if that isn't handy, Immodium for sure. Good luck!


He can't have any rice what so ever. He's very intolerant or allergic to it and it plays hell on his bladder and kidneys. It was the reason for his major incontinence issue a few years ago.

I hesitate giving Immodium because if it is a stomach bug or something he ate I want him to get it out of his system. Hopefully I'll get some metro tomorrow.

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I was always told to NEVER give a dog fish. It is poisonous to the system. Fish and ham are the two BIG NO NOs.


Someone please tell me if I am wrong. Or confirm that that is true.


There are certain types of salmon that carry a parasite which is why if I remember correctly you shouldn't feed them raw. Ham I wouldn't feed because of all the additives and I believe like hotdogs they are full of nitrites which are known to cause cancer. I have fed raw pork neckbones though in the past with no issue. Not to Nadir though I wouldn't chance his stomach with it, but my others enjoyed it.

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Oh boy, sorry to hear that. Been there though, so I get it.


I'd probably fast him and do the cooked chicken or beef with rice menu for a couple days. Fish is usually pretty innocuous too so I'd probably try it as well, instead of throwing it out.


Kibble has never worked for our hounds, hence the reason I'd limit food to 1-2 ingredients for a bit. Second the metro and if that isn't handy, Immodium for sure. Good luck!


He can't have any rice what so ever. He's very intolerant or allergic to it and it plays hell on his bladder and kidneys. It was the reason for his major incontinence issue a few years ago.

I hesitate giving Immodium because if it is a stomach bug or something he ate I want him to get it out of his system. Hopefully I'll get some metro tomorrow.


OOPS - didn't know that. Yes, the metro is best.


I know you know you aren't alone, but we survived 4 days with Bumper and runny runs while we were on vacation camping in a trailer. Yes, he was out 6 times a night at least, and more often than not, didn't make it outside of our campsite. Made for a tough week!


On the fish...agree with your human / cooked comments, but for raw salmon, it has to be frozen for some 30 days to ensure one of the potential parasite's is eliminated. Can't remember where I read that...but it doesn't apply in this case anyhow.


Good luck!

Doe's Bruciebaby Doe's Bumper


Follow my Ironman journeys and life with dogs, cats and busy kids: A long road

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Oh boy, sorry to hear that. Been there though, so I get it.


I'd probably fast him and do the cooked chicken or beef with rice menu for a couple days. Fish is usually pretty innocuous too so I'd probably try it as well, instead of throwing it out.


Kibble has never worked for our hounds, hence the reason I'd limit food to 1-2 ingredients for a bit. Second the metro and if that isn't handy, Immodium for sure. Good luck!


He can't have any rice what so ever. He's very intolerant or allergic to it and it plays hell on his bladder and kidneys. It was the reason for his major incontinence issue a few years ago.

I hesitate giving Immodium because if it is a stomach bug or something he ate I want him to get it out of his system. Hopefully I'll get some metro tomorrow.


OOPS - didn't know that. Yes, the metro is best.


I know you know you aren't alone, but we survived 4 days with Bumper and runny runs while we were on vacation camping in a trailer. Yes, he was out 6 times a night at least, and more often than not, didn't make it outside of our campsite. Made for a tough week!


On the fish...agree with your human / cooked comments, but for raw salmon, it has to be frozen for some 30 days to ensure one of the potential parasite's is eliminated. Can't remember where I read that...but it doesn't apply in this case anyhow.


Good luck!


That must have been awful. Poor Bumper and poor you and family being in such tight quarters.

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Poor guy, and poor you. Wish I could send you some Scentsy through the phone line, I have a box full of bars, scent paks, scent circles and room spray.


I agree with either fasting or giving very mild foods like a sweet potato. Get something from your vet in the morning. You'll need to re give the Heartguard at some point, but not until he feels better.


Hugs to you both :grouphug

Casual Bling & Hope for Hounds
Janet & the hounds Maggie and Allen Missing my baby girl Peanut, old soul Jake, quirky Jet, Mama Grandy and my old Diva Miz Foxy; my angel, my inspiration. You all brought so much into my light, and taught me so much about the power of love, you are with me always.
If you get the chance to sit it out or dance.......... I hope you dance! Missing our littlest girl.

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I was always told to NEVER give a dog fish. It is poisonous to the system. Fish and ham are the two BIG NO NOs.


Someone please tell me if I am wrong. Or confirm that that is true.

I very frequently feed different kinds of whole fish - guts, head, all of it except the fins. They love it. I'm unclear what the problem is. They have pretty strong stomach acid.

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Have you tried the Slippery Elm Bark.


mix it up with warm water, make it into a pudding texture, and syringe it down his throat. It is great for coating the intestines and really does a good job at

stoping the diarrhea too!!!


i'd give it 3x a day at first,, then as things get better go with a smaller dose.


good luck


lorinda, mom to the ever revolving door of Foster greyhounds

Always in my heart: Teala (LC Sweet Dream) , Pepton, Darbee-Do (Hey Barb) , Rascal (Abitta Rascal), Power (Beyond the Power), and the miracle boy LAZER (2/21/14), Spirit (Bitter Almonds) 8/14

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IIRC RobinMs IBD boy was on basically a tilapia diet. It was the only thing he COULD eat without repercussions.

Mine have all loved fish (salmon, jack mackrel, sardines...and especially tuna) and never had any problems.


Swai and something like Basa are the two new fish I see at the Hispanic grocery. I had the Basa(?) myself and didn't care for it but it was a fairly mild white fish. Maybe yours was just mishandled???


Don't know if I'd go straight back to kibble and second the pasta thing. When Rex was sick and I had to cook for him someone suggested pasta instead of rice so he got chicken or beef and pasta in the rotation. He liked it and it seemed to stick with him longer than rice as far as being hungry.


Flagyl is always a good start to something like this...hope your vet will give you some.


Slippery elm...that reminds me of one year in Abilene when Buck had an upset tummy and went out into the yard of the B&B and started munching on a shrub/small tree. I asked the owner what that plant was and he said some kind of elm.


Good luck with your boy. :grouphug

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Try pasta with turkey and see if that helps. Oatmeal can add fiber to firm up the poops but, not while there is a severe issue still going on.


If I remember right, raw fish can have a parasite. If it is cooked, should be OK. One problem is that many varieties of fish are now "farmed" and if that is the case, they throw in quite a bit of antibiotics to keep the fish healthy which is not such a good thing for anyone later eating the fish.

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Guest mirinaaronsmom

I've never been able to give any of my pups much fish - always results in the Big D. Even if I give too much fish oil, it happens. Mojo has had diarrhea since he's been on chemo (for lymphoma). We've tried metro twice and that helps, but as soon as it's gone, the diarrhea is back in full force. I just started him on Perfect Form from Honest Kitchen and it really seems to be helping. Here are the ingredients: Papaya leaf, plantain, slippery elm, pectin, organic pumpkin seed, fennel and papain. He's only been on it a week, but the last couple of days he has actually had formed poops again.


Also, could you boil some potatoes instead of rice?

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How's he doing today Judy?

Casual Bling & Hope for Hounds
Janet & the hounds Maggie and Allen Missing my baby girl Peanut, old soul Jake, quirky Jet, Mama Grandy and my old Diva Miz Foxy; my angel, my inspiration. You all brought so much into my light, and taught me so much about the power of love, you are with me always.
If you get the chance to sit it out or dance.......... I hope you dance! Missing our littlest girl.

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