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Ava Has Lost All Control Of Her Potty Habits

Guest avadogner

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We had some success controlling stool incontinence with acupuncture--directly into the rectum. It apparently improves muscle tone in the rectum. Once you get past the odd idea, it really is helpful.


The other thing that I found was helpful was to control the diet in order to keep the stools firm. It's much easier to pick up a firm stool than a pudding plop. blush.gif


Another way that I've seen someone with a paraplegic dog handle the situation is to wear a glove or finger cot and directly stimulate the rectum. The problem with losing sensation in the rear is that a dog can't tell it has to go until it's too late, the entire colon is overly full, and there's no time to get outside.


One other problem I regularly encountered was dropping stools in the car. If I couldn't get Lucky to poop before we went for a ride, the first time she had to steady herself (sometimes before the first stop sign), she'd often have a poop accident in the car. I would try to get her to poop before we left, but she often wouldn't go and we'd have to stop and clean the car.


Another thing to try is to take Ava outside as soon as she finishes eating. That was another time we'd have problems with Lucky dropping stools. Walking around might stimulate the colon, and encourage her to poop. At least if her colon is full, it might come out outside rather than in.


Good luck. I understand how you feel. I couldn't euthanize a dog just for having accidents in the house either.




Molly the Border Collie & Poquita the American-born Podenga

Bridge Babies: Daisy (Positive Delta) 8/7/2000 - 4/6/2115, Agnes--angel Sage's baby (Regall Rosario) 11/12/01 - 12/18/13, Lucky the mix (Found, w 10 puppies 8/96-Bridge 7/28/11, app. age 16) & CoCo (Cosmo Comet) 12/28/89-5/4/04

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Oh, Alicia....I'm so sorry to hear about Ava's struggles as well a your own.


She is so blessed to have a Mama who loves her the way you do......


My thoughts and prayers are with you....




Robin, EZ (Tribal Track), JJ (What a Story), Dustin (E's Full House) and our beautiful Jack (Mana Black Jack) and Lily (Chip's Little Miss Lily) both at the Bridge
The WFUBCC honors our beautiful friends at the bridge. Godspeed sweet angels.

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Alicia it's so very clear how much Ava means to you and how devoted you are to her. I think Donna has some very good suggestions. I hope I can remember some of these if and when my own start having these issues.

Not to be critical of others idea's, but I wouldn't use the bad girl panties for pooping accidents. It's much easier to throw a bed cover in the wash machine than have to clean it off of her if she's laid in it. I wish I had something more helpful to

suggest. I will leave you with a :grouphug though.

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No advice, just good thoughts for you and Ava. I understand all too well how you feel.

Kyle with Stewie ('Super C Ledoux, Super C Sampson x Sing It Blondie) and forever missing my three angels, Jack ('Roy Jack', Greys Flambeau x Miss Cobblepot) and Charlie ('CTR Midas Touch', Leo's Midas x Hallo Argentina) and Shelby ('Shari's Hooty', Flying Viper x Shari Carusi) running free across the bridge.

Gus an coinnich sinn a'rithist my boys and little girl.

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I can't really say anything that will help much, other than that our Great Dane, Kerry, let us know when she needed to go to the Bridge. She'd been steadily going off her back legs, first one, then both, and incontinence started. We tried all the meds to little positive result. Then one day when lifing her up out of that wet bed she gave me that special look "This is just not fun anymore and I'm no longer able to deal with it, not even to keep you happy. Let me go. Please."

We arranged it with the vet that very day, he drove out to the farm, we helped her down the lane to her favorite field with her rear end suspended with a big towel, we layed her down in her favorite place where she could look across the green and wooded valley. The vet gave her the injections and she passed so peacefully. Even the vet had tears, but nobody felt bad about it. If only every heart dog could get a passing like that our world would be a much more bearable place. If only their lives with us weren't so short.

I like to think they leave us a legacy too that we will, as soon as we can, give a home to another dog. I like to think they help with the choosing too, and I know for sure their memories guide us as we settle the newcomer in and show it all the ropes.

So try to hang in there just as long as your Ava needs you to; she is depending on you to offer a gentle exit when it is her time.

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Guest avadogner

Hi GT Friends,

All your kind words and thoughts of encouragment mean so much to me. Thank you for listening and not thinking I am crazy. My friends and family love Ava but don't get me dealing with all the incontinence issues. They aren't heartless, just not bonded to an animal the way Allen and I are with Ava. Allen and I adopted her at 18 months and when we first moved in together. We dated and were engaged almost 5 yrs before marrying due to me having 7 surgeries during that time. I am unable to have kids so Ava was what God had chosen for us to love as a child. Adoption of a child isn't possible because my health and inability to pass the medical physical. Adoption domestic and international will not give a child to someone who may die if they don't get the kidney they need. I understand and have made peace with it. Augie was a big part in finding the peace I needed. Anyway back to Ava.


We only had 2 accidents yesterday which was better. She was wagging her tail and up on her feet a good bit and sat on the patio with us and we all enjoyed dinner al fresco. She is no longer able to stand to feed and I feed her in her bed. She is a poor feeder so we do Salmon Grain free kibble with Ensure, Yogurt, digestive enzymes, supplements, and shredded cheese. She eats with a bib and I wipe her mouth every few bites because she doesn't like getting Ensure in her beautiful silver beard. Spoiled beyond belief but she is my best girl. I may try doing rectal stimulation when we take her out to see if that helps her go. I have tons of sterile gloves, masks and the usual medical stuff here. Being a nurse, I manage most my issues from home. Going to the hospital is a last resort due to me coming home with more infections than I went in for.


DH tried to take Ava for a bath today but she pooped in the car on the way and was stepping all in it. Luckily our Pilot has a cargo liner for such reasons so all he had to do was pull it out and scrub it off. We ended up bathing her in the yard. She wasnt happy with the cold water but atleast it was warm today. She is now happy and wagging her tail because she feels so much better being clean.


Each evening i lay down with her and just pet and spoon with her for a good hour to get our cuddle time in. I talk with her and remind her to tell me when she is tired of dealing with this. She is very expressive with her eyes and gray eyebrows and I can always tell her mood by her facial expressions. I promised her I wouldn't let her suffer and I wouldn't keep her going when she is ready to go. We have already discussed our vet coming to our home to let her go so she can gently pass away from us in her own bed with me holding her. I have also made arrangements for my will regarding her. We will have her cremated and my will specifies that DH is to add her ashes to mine and whoever is left will add DH to Ava and I. That is our plan and I know it isn't the norm especially here in the South. My family knows and thinks it's just perfect for our life.


I am sure she is still happy and not ready yet. I know it will change when her back legs fail her. She is an strong, proud lady who would never be able to handle depending on us to carry her all the time. We occasionally have to lift her or pick her up and it does upset her. The steriods, injections and massage therapy have given us a little more time but I think it won't be much help soon. I have rethought the diaper issue. I think it would just make a mess in her fur. Her poo is firm thanks to her pricey food. I found a bed made for incontinent dogs (on the same sight that sells the wheelchairs). It is a suspension bed with a pan under it that you line with pee pads. The bed is made with PVC pipes and a mesh fabric that lets the urine run through into the catch pan. I don't know if she will lay in it but we are going to order it and give it a shot. i think that will be far easier to manage clean up wise.


Thank you all again for listening. It really means so much to me.


aka ava and augie's mum

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Guest FullMetalFrank

You and Ava are in my prayers. I have no worries that you will know when it's time; with the bond you have with her, it would be impossible not to. Her life with you has been a beautiful gift.

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