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Hard Times

Guest Soso

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I just need to let out some stress. Our girl had FCE about 6 years ago and recovered fairly well. In January, as a result of lack of coordination in her back end, she slipped and spread her hind legs and fractured her hip. The vet did an FHO and she was doing so well until she slipped again this morning. The same leg is fractured. The conversation with the vet left us with 2 options and we decided to put a plate on tomorrow morning instead of the other option which was indeed considered for her comfort and quality of life. My wife and I are very sad because we don't want her to be in long term pain or keep hurting herself. We just hope we made the right decision. My wife is an RN in a recovery room and sees the side where patients keep having surgery after surgery with no chance of getting better. We aren't ready to give up on her but we don't want to be selfish and keep her here in pain. Just having a hard time right now and hoping we are making the best decision. Thanks for lending an ear.

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Sending good thoughts for your girl. :hope While I truly hope this is just from her lack of coordination from the FCE, a 10-yr-old grey with 2 fractures in the same bone within 2 months raised the suspicion of osteosarcoma. There are a number of cases where there is no evidence of the cancer on x-rays, just the fracture. I would seriously consider having your vet get a biopsy while they are putting the plate in.

Jennifer &

Willow (Wilma Waggle), Wiki (Wiki Hard Ten), Carter (Let's Get It On),

Ollie (whippet), Gracie (whippet x), & Terra (whippet) + Just Saying + Just Alice


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Guest FullMetalFrank

Oh, no... I am sorry to hear your girl is having trouble. I do hope it is "just" a fracture and nothing more sinister going on; sending prayers for her comfort and recovery.



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Guest RNJaney09

Hi there,

I am new to the greyhound world so I don't know what FCE or FHO stand for... but just wanted to let you know you guys are in my thoughts... your girl is so lucky to have a mom and dad that love her so much. If only all pets had that kind of dedication from their owners! I cannot tell you what the right choice is, but I'm sure she will tell you when things have gone too far. It sounds like she recovered well from the first procedure, it's up to her whether she will do the same this time. Pain control is definitely the biggest factor in my opinion, as to deciding whether someone is being selfish or not. Sorry I can't give you any better information, I'm sure those with much more experience on here will be able to give their two cents.

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Guest IrskasMom

jjing actualy said of my Suspition to. I have No Idea where you live but if you are in the Ohio Aerea or close to it ,I would consult with Dr. Cuto/ or get in touch with him at OSU. A second Opinion would be great.

I want to WELCOME you to GT :wave:wave:wave:wave Here are so many well informed and compassionate People who can guide you to.Please let us know the Outcome with an Update :):):)

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We make the best decisions we can with the information available. Sometimes there is not clear cut answer. If the decision is made with your dog's best interests at heart, and it sounds like you are doing that, then you are doing the best you can. Jjng's suggestion is an excellent one. I would strongly recommend you follow her advice. That may give you an important clue to your pup's chances of healing from this fracture.


Wishing you all the very best. It is so hard having to deal with both the emotional & physical stresses of these issues.

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FHO- Femural Head Ostectomy is where they cut the ball out of the hip socket and the muscles form a fibrous joint.

FCE- FibroCartinalageousEmbolism (sp?) A spinal cord embolism which is like a stroke to the spinal cord and as in humans, there is temp/perm parallysis. Her back legs were lame for a few days and she learned to walk and runny (funny and shakey)


I live in Dallas. The Vets each said there were no signs of osteowhatever but it is hard to tell without real testing. If it is bone cancer there is nothing to do for it but comfort. if she has a third injury we go from there. My wife is going to see her in a little bit before her surgery and to take some special miracle cure food (chicken and rice).


My wife gave her a Facebook page if you want to follow her progress. Its Sophie Brewer

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Prayers coming your way.

"Then God sent the Greyhound to live among man and remember. And when the day comes God will call the Greyhound to give Testament, and God will pass judgment on man."

Persian Proverb

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We aren't ready to give up on her but we don't want to be selfish and keep her here in pain. Just having a hard time right now and hoping we are making the best decision.


Only people who truly love their dog and care for her well-being would say this. You're making your decisions with her needs first which will always lead you to the best place.


Welcome to GT. Sending many good thoughts and prayers your way.

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FHO- Femural Head Ostectomy is where they cut the ball out of the hip socket and the muscles form a fibrous joint.

FCE- FibroCartinalageousEmbolism (sp?) A spinal cord embolism which is like a stroke to the spinal cord and as in humans, there is temp/perm parallysis. Her back legs were lame for a few days and she learned to walk and runny (funny and shakey)


I live in Dallas. The Vets each said there were no signs of osteowhatever but it is hard to tell without real testing. If it is bone cancer there is nothing to do for it but comfort. if she has a third injury we go from there. My wife is going to see her in a little bit before her surgery and to take some special miracle cure food (chicken and rice).


My wife gave her a Facebook page if you want to follow her progress. Its Sophie Brewer

They should easily be able to get a sample while they're repairing the leg so you can be certain. Please consider doing that.


I hope it's not osteo and that she recovers quickly from her surgery. :goodluck


Jen, CPDT-KA with Zuri, lab in a greyhound suit, Violet, formerly known as Faith, Skye, the permanent puppy, Cisco, resident cat, and my baby girl Neyla, forever in my heart

"The great thing about science is that you're free to disagree with it, but you'll be wrong."

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Lots of prayers and positive thoughts for your girl. I know a friend had a Border Collie that had the FHO surgery about 5 years ago - she has managed although she favors the hind leg - but she is very active and happy.

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I talked to the vet this morning and talked about bone cancer and other things. She doesn't notice any density loss but she was going to send a sample out anyway for testing. This will let us know the whole story. I called and checked on her a little bit ago and they were doing x-rays to see if there are any pin/plate adjustments to be made before waking her up. OK, the vet just called and said she did really well and is still waking up. Anesthesia is so hard on her. I am gonna try to see her this eve and bring her home tomorrow. Sooner she is home, the better her overall state is. The vets agreed on this because her anxiety at the vet last time was slowing progress. Tough road ahead for us all.

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Glad she came out of surgery okay. Hopefully she will be dopey enough from pain meds that she won't be too anxious until you can bring her home. :goodluck


Jen, CPDT-KA with Zuri, lab in a greyhound suit, Violet, formerly known as Faith, Skye, the permanent puppy, Cisco, resident cat, and my baby girl Neyla, forever in my heart

"The great thing about science is that you're free to disagree with it, but you'll be wrong."

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Went to see Sophie this evening. She had been awake for about 2 hours and was very anxious. She had managed to switch directions in the kennel but had her leg folded under her. The tech and I moved her and she was howling, screaming, biting, crying out. We got her into a better position. Who knows if it felt better to her? She was drooling and holding her mouth open and whining while I was there. Her drip was going strong and will through the night. I left the room and let her calm down but when she heard me talking she started whining. I am scared to death to take her home. Her leg looks much worse than when she had the FHO. Her leg is big and fat and very bruised. This will go away quickly I'm sure as she did have "major" surgery. Its just scary as many of you know. Ill feel better when she is here with us even though we will be at work. She will be more responsive to recovering at home. OK. Done now.

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Guest FullMetalFrank

Sending gentle hugs for your girl; and prayers for a speedy recovery. I am sure she will be very happy to go home!

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Guest avadogner

I am sending prayers and wishes for a speedy recovery to you and Sophie.:grouphug I can't imagine how hard it is to see your baby post op. I'm a NICU RN (on leave for a couple yrs) and still can't clip my hounds nails. Yup, I can put an IV in a 2 lb baby but not clip my dogs nails. I pay the vet or dog spa to do it. Having your wife's medical training will be so helpful in getting Sophie home to a less stressful environment and managing her care. Especially a OR nurse. Your hound is so very lucky to have parents/owners who love her enough to fight so hard for her. My Ava has been ailing (impoving as of late) and has chronic pain. We want to do all we can but we would rather release her from her pain a day early than a day late. I recently received some great advice from fellow Greytalk members which helped us get through some tough days. Ava is feeling better since we changed her meds up and is comfortable. DH and I had long, heartbreaking talk and decided to not let her suffer so when meds no longer control her pain, we will give her the hardest gift we've ever had and will give...peace. You will know when the time has come.


Please keep us posted! Blessings, prayers and overall happy thoughts are being express mailed to you.

-ava and augie's mum



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