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Tramadol From Regular Pharmacy?

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We use Costco for Norm's Tram and for Bree's Xanax.

My sweet angel Tanner-"Showoffs Magic" 79D-82695. DOB 7/22/99. Gotcha Day 6/20/05. Bridge Day 3/11/10. Big Beautiful Brave Angel Norm-"Showoffs Storm" 89B-83263. DOB 8/16/99. Gotcha Day 3/24/06. Bridge Day 4/20/13. Angel Girl Bree-"Breezy Betty" 201A-93631. DOB 2/05/01. Gotcha Day 5/11/10. Bridge Day 10/07/11. She reached the beach.... Maci-"CF's Owhatanite" 44H-29320. DOB 10/05/04. Gotcha Day 10/11/11. Greta-"Greta's Milam" 90B-54582. DOB 9/17/10. Gotcha Day 11/30/12. Bridge Day 03/30/17. Ben-"P Kay Key Train" 63A-61271. DOB 6/2/13. Gotcha Day 12/26/15.

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Much cheaper at Big Box store Rx. Target was $6 for what vet wanted $29. Some vets won't give an Rx for an outside pharmacy. I had one vet that insisted that generics were horrible and wouldn't give a script. He sold me Tramadol. When I got a different vet to write a script, I got the EXACT same pills as the first vet gave me. Same manufacturer.

Molly the Border Collie & Poquita the American-born Podenga

Bridge Babies: Daisy (Positive Delta) 8/7/2000 - 4/6/2115, Agnes--angel Sage's baby (Regall Rosario) 11/12/01 - 12/18/13, Lucky the mix (Found, w 10 puppies 8/96-Bridge 7/28/11, app. age 16) & CoCo (Cosmo Comet) 12/28/89-5/4/04

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Oh, jeez - I called the pharmacy to make sure they carried it (I called the vet's office who prescribed it and they said not all pharmacies have it) and then mentioned our vet would be calling it in for our dog and asked if that would be a problem. The response I got was: "Uhhhhh, we'll only fill it if it's a "real" vet." :rolleyes: I wonder if they'll give me a hard time since the vet is out of state. They must think I'm a drug addict.

Always missing our angel Lucy, a four year osteo survivor.

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Much cheaper at Big Box store Rx. Target was $6 for what vet wanted $29. Some vets won't give an Rx for an outside pharmacy. I had one vet that insisted that generics were horrible and wouldn't give a script. He sold me Tramadol. When I got a different vet to write a script, I got the EXACT same pills as the first vet gave me. Same manufacturer.

Funny 'cause tramadol is generic--- brand name is Ultram!

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Yes, I get it for the greyhounds at Walmart. I have the vet call in a script.


Same here. Vet gives me an RX for a 90-day supply with refills and it costs me $8.00.


Mom to Melly and Dani

Greyhound Bridge Angels - Jessie, Brittne, Buddy,

Red, Chica, Ford and Dodge.

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Guest KennelMom

Oh, jeez - I called the pharmacy to make sure they carried it (I called the vet's office who prescribed it and they said not all pharmacies have it) and then mentioned our vet would be calling it in for our dog and asked if that would be a problem. The response I got was: "Uhhhhh, we'll only fill it if it's a "real" vet." :rolleyes: I wonder if they'll give me a hard time since the vet is out of state. They must think I'm a drug addict.



a "real vet" ...that's funny. I'm sure your vet has a legit RX number...


I've never run in to a pharmacy that doesn't stock tramadol...it's a pretty common human drug.

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Check the price at CVS first. For some reason my pharmacy (RiteAid) wants $50 for the stuff, but Target only charges me $8.

Beth, Petey (8 September 2018- ), and Faith (22 March 2019). Godspeed Patrick (28 April 1999 - 5 August 2012), Murphy (23 June 2004 - 27 July 2013), Leo (1 May 2009 - 27 January 2020), and Henry (10 August 2010 - 7 August 2020), you were loved more than you can know.

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George is on Tramadol, and we share my prescription for my own arthritis.


I would not use a vet who wouldn't write me a paper prescription to fill anywhere I want.


Yeah, but when you have one of the best greyhound orthopedic surgeons in the country working on your dog, you go with his quirks. In spite of the fact that your DH is in the generic pharmaceutical industry.

Molly the Border Collie & Poquita the American-born Podenga

Bridge Babies: Daisy (Positive Delta) 8/7/2000 - 4/6/2115, Agnes--angel Sage's baby (Regall Rosario) 11/12/01 - 12/18/13, Lucky the mix (Found, w 10 puppies 8/96-Bridge 7/28/11, app. age 16) & CoCo (Cosmo Comet) 12/28/89-5/4/04

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I get fedX's generic tramadol from walgreens for the same price walmart carries it (after the $20/yr) enrollment in their prescription program). i had no problem at all getting it filled with a regular written script from the vet. I only went with walgreens because it was more convenient for me.

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My vet's charge for tramadol was $50 for 100. Walmart is $4.00. My vet had no problem to give me a prescription. She said she cannot match the price and it was fine.

Irene Ullmann w/Flying Odin and Mama Mia in Lower Delaware
Angels Brandy, John E, American Idol, Paul, Fuzzy and Shine
Handcrafted Greyhound and Custom Clocks http://www.houndtime.com
Zoom Doggies-Racing Coats for Racing Greyhounds

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Oh my. I just paid $25 for a weeks worth of tramadol at.CVS. I will be sending the script over to target.

Cosmo (Fuzz Face Cosmos), Holmes (He's a Dream), Boomer (USS Baby Boomer), Ella and missing our angels Clay (Red Clay), Train (Nite Train), Trip (Bock's Teddy Bear),Larry (Bohemian Frigid) and Jimmy (Bohemian Raw)
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Oh, jeez - I called the pharmacy to make sure they carried it (I called the vet's office who prescribed it and they said not all pharmacies have it) and then mentioned our vet would be calling it in for our dog and asked if that would be a problem. The response I got was: "Uhhhhh, we'll only fill it if it's a "real" vet." :rolleyes: I wonder if they'll give me a hard time since the vet is out of state. They must think I'm a drug addict.

a "real vet" ...that's funny. I'm sure your vet has a legit RX number...


I've never run in to a pharmacy that doesn't stock tramadol...it's a pretty common human drug.

:nod :nod

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Kroger...that's where I got Tramadol for Lewis for $4.




Blair, Stella (DND Heather), Lizzie (M's Deadra), Hitch (Hallo Dominant) and House (Mac's Dr. House)

Missing my handsome men Lewis (Vs Lowrider) - 11/11/01 - 3/11/09, Kevin (Dakota's Hi Five) - 1/1/06 - 4/18/11 and my cat, Sparkle Baby - ??/??/96 - 4/23/11

"The gift which I am sending you is called a dog, and is, in fact, the most precious and valuable possession of mankind." (Theodorus Gaza)

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Guest KennelMom

Oh my. I just paid $25 for a weeks worth of tramadol at.CVS. I will be sending the script over to target.


Sometimes it depends on *how* the RX is written. The cheaper prices at pharamacies typically have to be written for a month's supply. If the vet specifically writes an RX for a week's worth, it may be more expensive. I keep a print out of the Target $4 drug list so if my vet is writing an RX that I plan on filling there, we can check to see how they require the RX. If it's reasonably doable, my vet is happy to write it that way. Occasionally it's just not possible - ie, the vet doesn't want to write a month-long RX for a drug that's only needed for a few days or the dosage the dog needs doesn't jive with how they'll dispense it.

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