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Hobbes (Ritchard Hatch) 09/23/99- 12/21/09


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I was so sorry to read of your loss. Hobbes was meant to be with you and was such a special boy. I am sorry he couldn't stay longer but he lived a lifetime of love and contentment in the time he spent with you. My heart hurts for you, I know how hard it is to say goodbye. Hobbes will never be far away and always in your heart.




Hobbes - April 2, 1994 to April 9, 2008-----Tasha - May 23, 2000 to March 31, 2013

Fiona - Aug 29, 2001 to May 5, 2014-----Bailey - March 22, 2001 to Jan 20, 2015

Zeke - June 1, 2004 - Jan 26, 2016----Callie - July 14, 2006 to July 27, 2019

Forever in my heart: Chooch, Molly, Dylan & Lucy

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Hobbes waited for two years to hit the home lottery, and then his wish came true.


I am so very sorry for your loss.


Godspeed, Hobbes!

Lin, with Nick the Greyhound
Missing my girls Nadia, Tallulah, Cinderella, and my heart-dog Alexa, and my precious boys Twister, Loki, and Kevin

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I am so very sorry for your loss. Hobbes sounded like he really lucked out when he found you, even if he was waiting for his forever home for a while. You were meant to find each other and I'm sure he was grateful and thankful for the life you gave him. Hold on to those wonderful memories, it will help keep you going. My heart goes out to you, I know the pain and that damn hemangio disease. Wishing you peace and happiness. Run like the wind Hobbes. f_yellow f_yellow f_yellow

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I am so sorry your handsome Hobbes had to leave you. He was such a special boy.

Godspeed, sweet Hobbes.

:f_red :f_red

Rita, mom to Dakota (Dakotas Dream) & Wish (Kiowa Wish Wish) and my angels

Toby (Sol Marcus) and Robin (Greys Robin Hood)

Forever missing our beloved Robin and Toby

"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." Anatole France

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I am so sorry...your tribute was very touching and sweet. I'm sorry you didn't have more time but it was obvious he was meant to be with you so that time was the best of his life. :grouphug to you and your family.


Blair, Stella (DND Heather), Lizzie (M's Deadra), Hitch (Hallo Dominant) and House (Mac's Dr. House)

Missing my handsome men Lewis (Vs Lowrider) - 11/11/01 - 3/11/09, Kevin (Dakota's Hi Five) - 1/1/06 - 4/18/11 and my cat, Sparkle Baby - ??/??/96 - 4/23/11

"The gift which I am sending you is called a dog, and is, in fact, the most precious and valuable possession of mankind." (Theodorus Gaza)

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That was a beautiful tribute. And a perfect example of the joy and fulfillment in bringing one of the shy or fearful ones into your home and heart. You were able to celebrate each small victory and to be the most integral part of Hobbes becoming the dog he was meant to be, because of your love. What lessons you both learned, ones that will be the memories you treasure.

I'm so sorry you lost your precious boy.

Nancy, Mom to Evangelina and Kiva
Missing Lacey, Patsy, Buster, my heart dog Nick, Winnie, Pollyanna, Tess, my precious Lydia, Calvin Lee, my angel butterfly Laila, and kitties Lily, Sam and Simon
My Etsy shop: http://www.etsy.com/shop/Catsburgandhoundtown

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Guest HappyHarleysMom

I'm so sorry you had to say goodbye to Hobbes. You wrote such a beautiful tribute to him and I wish I could give you better words of comfort. I hope in time your pain will ease with fond memories of your beautiful boy.

f_yellow f_yellow f_yellow


Run free pain free Hobbes


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I'm so sorry for your loss. Hobbes was a beautiful boy & was so lucky to have found you. Godspeed Hobbes! f_yellow


Deirdre with Conor (Daring Pocobueno), Keeva (Kiowa Mimi Mona), & kittehs Gemma & robthomas.

Our beloved angels Faolin & Liath, & kittehs Mona & Caesar. Remembering Bobby, Doc McCoy, & Chip McGrath.

"He feeds you, pets you, adores you, collects your poop in a bag. There's only one explanation: you are a hairy little god." Nick Galifinakis

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I am so sorry for your loss. I hope that those special memories you have of Hobbes will bring you comfort in the days ahead.


Carol Ann




Molly Weasley Carpenter-Caro - 6 Year Old Standard Poodle.

Gizzy, Specky, Riley Roo & Lady - Our beloved Greyhounds waiting at the Rainbow Bridge.

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