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Emmy Got Out Again!

Guest Spencers_Greyt

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Guest GentleHugs

So glad to hear Emmy is ok but her poor little feet - she must be in pain! She will need lots of :dogcookie:dogcookie and some :bighug for the next year or so after that traumatic experience.


I would have knocked on the window and shook my finger at the guy who peed on the house! :shakefinger Then I would have marched my rear outside and let all the guys know that they would need to wash the pee off the side of my house PLUS pay my vet bill for my dog getting hurt because of their negligence! :angryfire We have the 11th commandment here in our house and it's called *Don't anger the mamma!*


I'm so glad that we do our own lawn and landscaping stuff. We have a neighbor dog next door though that gets out every once in a while and goes around opening everyone's gate if they have dogs. To keep that from happening, I've got my gate locked with a padlock and then I have a plastic coated steel cable weaved through the gate and posts that's padlocked as well.


Fire those buttheads! :wife



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Guest Spencers_Greyt

I just got back with Emmy. Poor girl can barely walk and she's in a lot of pain. They gave her a strong pain shot and pain pills for tomorrow. I don't know how I'm going to be able to get her outside to go potty. I know she has to go because they gave her a liter of fluids, plus she just ate dinner and drank some water. Oh well I'll work it out. I just feel so bad for her. I can't imagine how much it must hurt to try and walk on those poor feet! The vet staff were saying how good she was and how they didn't have to sedate her because she just let them work on her. Emmy is my baby girl and has always been wonderful at the vet! Anyway, here are a few pics of Emmy. I'll update more when I get more information about the yard guys and them paying the $335 vet bill!


Poor Emmy



And here is Buzz keeping Emmy company. I had no idea he really cared for her at all!



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Guest KennelMom

Poor Emmy! I'm glad she's home and safe. Paw pads heal pretty quickly, so I'm sure she'll be good as new in no time


The yard guys OTOH, they'd be fired and paying the vet bill and there'd be padlocks on the fence. I'd have fired them the first time and DEFINITELY this time.

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I'm glad she's ok :grouphug


Why was she outside in the first place?


I have a dog door so she goes outside to be protective of the yard. The Greyhounds never go out if they can help it.



Can you lock the dog door so that none of them can get out?


I know that when I had work done last year on my house I was amazed at how indifferent the workers were to my dog and the foster and this is after I told them they had to be careful. To solve it, I locked the doors with a key so workers couldn't come in or go out without me unlocking the door. Problem solved.... but what an aggravation ....


Edited to add -- I work at home so I could that

Edited by MaryJane
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Guest nerak254

i hadn't thought about someone peeing on my house...yeeew! I do believe I would mention it to the company as well. Were these fine fellows employees of the company?

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Oh, poor Emmy! They would've been fired immediately for letting my dog out, ESPECIALLY the second time. But. . . peeing on your house? Seriously?! Seriously?! Who DOES that? :o

Valerie w/ Cash (CashforClunkers) & Lucy (Racing School Dropout)
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Diamond (Shorty's Diamond), sweet boy Gabe (Zared) and Holly (ByGollyItsHolly), who never made it home.

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I am so glad Emmy is safe. Her poor little feet! She looks like such a little trooper in her socks. :grouphug :grouphug


As for the landscapers. There are no words. I can only imagine how livid you must be.

Maybe save some dog poop. If it's OK for them to pee on your house, it must be fine for you to leave a nice present under the seat of their truck! Mauahahaha!!! what's that smell.....?

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As for the landscapers. There are no words. I can only imagine how livid you must be.

Maybe save some dog poop. If it's OK for them to pee on your house, it must be fine for you to leave a nice present under the seat of their truck! Mauahahaha!!! what's that smell.....?

:lol:lol:lol Oh my this made me laugh out loud

I would fire there asses, make them pay the vet bill, and if they are licenced, see if you can file a complaint with the AZ Registrar of Contracts http://www.azroc.gov/ Their behavior is inexcusable!



Hope your precious Emmy feels better real soon.....

Run free our beloved Sir Snowy, Pip, Queenie, Sadie, Tess & Rosie until we meet again......I would rather feel the thorn than to never see the rose

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Guest PhillyPups

I would be furious - and the next yard crew hired, I would only allow on the property when I was home. I also would keep the dogs IN the house while yard guys are there. Do you have a dog door? if so, I would lock the dog door on days people are working on my yard - Much easier on the heart to clean up any mess than to relive an escape.


:hope fast healing for Emmy :hope

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Guest UESBrindle

I am so sorry to hear that happened to Emmy again. I would fire the lawn guys, certainly make them pay, and see if there's any place you can let others know about your awful experience with them, either a review site like yelp.com or a local business group in your area.

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Guest UESBrindle

I am so sorry to hear that happened to Emmy again. I would fire the lawn guys, certainly make them pay, and see if there's any place you can let others know about your awful experience with them, either a review site like yelp.com or a local business group in your area.

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Hope Emmy starts to feel better soon. I learned a long time ago that NO ONE, especially various workers, can be trusted with access to the hounds because they simply don't care. They don't love them or care about them at all. In fact in Louisville you'd better have your hounds fence padlocked because many brats think it is funny to turn peoples dogs loose and watch them get hit and will deliberately open the gates or even try to scare them or worse while they're inside the fence. There are also quite a few dogs stolen as bait for fighting pitbulls here. I spent a year as an AC officer in Louisville and I know of what I speak.

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Oh, poor Emmy! They would've been fired immediately for letting my dog out, ESPECIALLY the second time. But. . . peeing on your house? Seriously?! Seriously?! Who DOES that? :o



More people than you can imagine, I'd think... they think if no one sees them, it's OK.


Jeannine with Merlin, the crazed tabby cat and his sister, Jasmine, the brat-cat

With GTsiggieFromJenn.jpgAngel Cody(Roving Gemini), and Weenie the tortie waiting at the Bridge

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Guest SoulsMom
Oh, poor Emmy! They would've been fired immediately for letting my dog out, ESPECIALLY the second time. But. . . peeing on your house? Seriously?! Seriously?! Who DOES that? :o



More people than you can imagine, I'd think... they think if no one sees them, it's OK.


True! I hired someone to trim my hedges last year. He didn't pee on the house but he did go relieve himself in the woods behind my house.


Sending good, healing thoughts to Emmy. And a hex on the anal sphincter yard guys :angryfire


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Guest Spencers_Greyt

When I went to bed last night Emmy was in Spencer's crate where she likes to be usually. When I got up this morning she had moved to one of the beds that are super close by. She's pretty knocked out. I picked her up to take her outside and honestly picking up an 80 lb. Greyhound is 90% easier! Emmy doesn't like to be picked up so she goes completely limp and makes it very hard to maneuver carrying her! But I perservered and got her outside so she could go potty. I brought her back in, fed her, gave her some water and she's crashed out. Her poor little footies. Because it's all 4 of them she can't even keep one up to not walk on it! I'm so completely exhausted that I can't see straight. Plus Spencer is getting worse with his back end so I'm a stress ball!

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A couple of weeks ago I posted about Emmy getting out because the landscaper guys left the gate open ---> link.


OMG one of the guys just came over to my side window and peed on the side of my house!!!!!!!!! :angryfire:angryfire What the heck! I know they can't see me in here but still. I'm fit to be tied!


I know your under enough stress as it is and I don't mean to scare you unnecessarily but leaving the gate open so your dogs get out could be something this guy is doing on purpose. Your dogs serve as a warning to you if someone comes around your house, I imagine especially at night. Men rape woman not for the pleasure but more for having a sense of power over them. The fact that he urinated on your house outside your window almost sounds like he is trying to mark your house. I would call the lawn service company and ask them what kind of background check they do on their employees. Please be very careful.


I'm so sorry Emmy got hurt. I hope her feet heal up quickly.



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Guest Spencers_Greyt
A couple of weeks ago I posted about Emmy getting out because the landscaper guys left the gate open ---> link.


OMG one of the guys just came over to my side window and peed on the side of my house!!!!!!!!! :angryfire:angryfire What the heck! I know they can't see me in here but still. I'm fit to be tied!


I know your under enough stress as it is and I don't mean to scare you unnecessarily but leaving the gate open so your dogs get out could be something this guy is doing on purpose. Your dogs serve as a warning to you if someone comes around your house, I imagine especially at night. Men rape woman not for the pleasure but more for having a sense of power over them. The fact that he urinated on your house outside your window almost sounds like he is trying to mark your house. I would call the lawn service company and ask them what kind of background check they do on their employees. Please be very careful.


I'm so sorry Emmy got hurt. I hope her feet heal up quickly.


Thank you - let me be more clear about my service. It's a small Hispanic company that was hired by everyone on my cul-de-sac to mow the front lawns so it's not just me using them. I'm the only one who has a backyard lawn so hence the problem. They guy who peed on my house was a kid maybe mid to late teens so I'm not too worried about him. I think this is a summer job for him and where he went is in a dark corner under a tree so no one on the street would have seen him. I'm just tired right now and have to figure out what to do on Thursdays. Either I have to be home or my Dad said he would pick her up and keep her with him during the day which is the most likely scenario.

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