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Could You Please Say A Prayer For Canyon?

Guest Annie

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We are taking Canyon to his app't in an hour. Please continue the prayers that whatever is wrong is treatable!!! THANKYOU!!!


Here he is a couple of months ago with littermate Breezy. (God love him, he does have one of the sweetest faces I've ever seen!)




I pray we can relieve his pain. :hope:hope:hope

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Sending lots of love and healing thoughts to Canyon. I hope the neurologist is able to pinpoint what his problem is and get him on the road to recovery. He looks like such an incredibly sweet boy. His pictures make me want to just wrap my arms around him and plant a kiss on that sweet head of his :wub:.

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We are back. My poor boy was crying with fear the whole time. (Did I mention he is not stoic?) :blush


Not much was discovered during the physical examination. He responded well to stimuli, but showed resistance to having his neck manipulated, even though it was only slightly moved. The neurologist (Dr. Nick Sharp) suggested we start with Xrays and they took them from 3 angles. They need to be interpreted by the radiologist before they will contact us with the results, so we might not hear from them for a day or 2. :( Dr. Sharp thinks the most likely causes are a tumor, a herniated disc, or an infection around a disc. Waiting for a diagnosis, as most of you know, is so hard! We continue to pray for something correctable and hopefully non invasive. :hope:hope:hope


At least he is on a good pain reliever now, GABAPENTIN, 400mg 3 X daily. Does anyone have any experience with it? I have personally never heard of it before.


Okay, now here is the crazy thing... Breezy started having the same symptoms last night!!!! Yesterday evening and this morning she has cried out several times while shifting positions, lying down. We've been together 4 years this week and she has NEVER shown any signs of having pain! We mentioned this to Dr. Sharp today, so he is looking into causes that could be contagious. (Canyon was tested for TBD last year and was clear).


If nothing shows on the Xrays, we will set up an MRI right away.


I will post as soon as I hear anything...


Thank you all so much for your continuing support and prayers for my boy!!!

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Gabapentin/ Neurontin is a drug diagnosed for variety type s of pain. Nerve pain is one of them. It is a good drug. I hope it helps your boy.



Jack, in my heart forever March 1999-Nov 21, 2008 My Dancing Queen Jilly with me always and forever Aug 12, 2003-Oct 15, 2010

Joshy I will love you always Aug 1, 2004-Feb 22,2013 Jonah my sweetheart May 2000 - Jan 2015

" You will never need to be alone again. I promise this. As your dog, I will sing this promise to you, and whisper it to you at night, every night, with my breath." Stanley Coren

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Sending prayers for your babes and the most gentle hugs. :grouphug


Patti-Mommy of Lady Sophia 7-28-92 - 8-3-04... LaceyLaine 8-2-94-12-5-07...

Flash Gordon 7-14-99 - 8-29-09... BrookLynne...Pavé Maria... and 18 Bridge Kids.




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Guest PiagetsMom

Sending more good thoughts for Canyon and hoping for news of a treatable diagnosis :grouphug


edited because I forgot a hug!

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Gabapentin more commonly known as neurontin is used primarily for nerve pain or in combination with other pain medicine for different diagnosis such as sarcomas. usually handled well by canines.

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Guest FullMetalFrank

Sending prayers for your sweet boy. I take gabapentin for nerve pain and it is a pretty effective drug, I hope it helps Canyon. It might make him a little drowsy at first.

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Guest MorganKonaAlex

Morgan was on Neurotin/Gabapentin for LS. In Morgan's case, he didn't tolerate opiates so Gabapentin was one of the few pain meds he could take. I recently heard Costco has much better prices for it than the CVS where we were getting it.

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Guest Alexandra_W

Just read the entire thred, thank you for posting a link in my thread. I keep my fingers crossed that you find something treatable and that he soon is his old self. He is just adorable!


I recognize so many of the symptoms from here, but my guy is the stoic type, which doesn't really help him at this point.


Lots of prayers and hugs from here!

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Dr. Sharp called last night and there are a couple of areas he wants to check further.


One is what could possibly be a herniated disc at C3-4, and the other was a shadow on his thoracic spine (which his team thinks will turn out to be nothing of significance).


The MRI is this morning, hopefully I will have the results today as well. I'm going to try and stay with him but they probably won't allow it. (My regular vet allows me to watch my dog's surgeries!!!) I might add that I'm not squeamish and keep my mouth shut during procedures! ;)


Thank you all again for your prayers and support. It's just a huge help to be surrounded by friends who love their pups as much as I do, and understand the agony of seeing them in pain.

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Good luck with everything today! Gosh, I hope things start turning around. Gabapentin is good stuff from human perspective so should be for doggies to. For pain, it is typically an adjunct (my DH took it with Fentenyl patch) so there might be something else you can do there if it appears he needs more pain relief.


Just wondering (and I'm sorry if this was posted elsewhere) have you tried a canine chriopractor? Max has had a couple of fairly serious incidents that were successfully resolved this way (one where his jaw was sort of locking open when he would yawn and another time when the crest of his top vertebrae became hooked underneath the base of his skull. He was basically incapable of free movement in the top half of his body and was all hunched up at the shoulders, with his head hanging low. The vet did say that it would have eventually resolved itself, with muscle relaxants, pain meds, etc, and that it would have taken quite a long time to go away. She was able to treat it in one appointment with a few adjustments).


Hugs to that sweet boy...

My boys, together again...




A hui hou kakou, my loves

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