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Said Goodbye To Picasso Today

Guest lynne893

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Guest lynne893

I'm heartbroken as I write this.


We brought home our foster greyhound, Picasso, on September 30. He is 4.5 y.o., and has seizures, which we didn't know about (nor did the rescue) going into our foster situation. DH and I have a 9 y.o. greyhound, Timber, also. Picasso had been adopted out in 2006, and the family returned him to the rescue a month or so ago. They didn't mention any health problems.


The fourth day we had him, he had a big, violent grand mal. My husband and I had never seen an animal (or human) seize, so we were caught completely off-guard. The vet ran bloodwork, including thyroid, and nothing pointed to a specific problem. He did well for 20 days, then seized again. The second seizure didn't seem so bad- but my perception might be altered because now I knew what to expect. I took him to our vet, whom we respect and love, and she and I decided to wait for the next before exploring medication. He'd recovered pretty easily from the first two seizures, so I thought DH and I might be able to handle things, the way they were going so far.


Then he seized again yesterday while I was at work, just a week after #2. My husband's been abroad for work these past 2 weeks, so I'm all alone dealing with this, but I KNOW he seized because there was foamy saliva and blood smeared and pooled up near his bed, which was totally disturbed. No question a seizure while I was gone. But when I got home and saw this, he was calm and seemed okay, so I walked and fed our dogs and all seemed okay.


Just after he ate dinner, he started acting very erratically, almost aggressively. He kept stomping on the floor and "mouthing" me and Timber, and cried constantly and loudly. He had a wild look in his eyes. I actually became fearful for my/Timber's safety because Picasso clearly wasn't aware or in control of his behavior. So I took him to the emergency vet, who gave him 5 mg Valium, calmed him down enough to go home and go to bed.


I made the decision to return him to the rescue because I don't feel in my gut that DH and I can give him the home he needs. I thought that love, patience and responsibility were enough, but he needs a home where mommy and daddy are home more (I'm gone minimum 8 hours a day, and my husband is freelance, so his schedule is inconsistent and he travels for work also). Also, I worry about the interaction with our 9 yr old grey.


My heart is absolutely breaking tonight. I think of him confused and sad, back at the rescue's kennel.... I'm just so sad for him. I miss him terribly, and wanted so much for this to work.


I guess I just need to "talk" since my husband is still out of town, and I know you all have "been there."


Thank you for being there,


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You absolutely did the right thing for him under the circumstances. There's a home for him out there and someone will be able to be home with him.

I completely understand your sadness but you did the right thing.

Mom to BridgeGreys~~STORM 07/99-02/08/11, VICKI 12/15/00-01/12/11, BAY 02/00-10/25/10 and CASHEW 10/99-2/23/10

and cats ~~ IRISH, MUMBLES, MUFFIN, TJ, PUNKIN and Bridge cats SARAH (07/29/97-07/07/06) and BRIE (04/11/96-01/22/12)

a very lively Whippet, OLIVIA and JAKE, the Iggy

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I've never had a seisure dog, but have friends that have.

It can sometimes be a struggle finding the right meds, and level of those meds, but once found they can live normal lives as long as they are on the meds.


Also sometimes things such as Heartguard, Frontline, etc. can cause them.

Some people will start keeping a diary of what they have been feeding, what meds given when and when the seisures happen to find out it there is something triggering them.

Willow( Hi Tech Popandgo ) CGC #31965 Calico Salad x MayPop 8-9-93/9-24-07 Austin( Nodak Austin ) #55202 Chrisse's Twelve x Lotsa Liz 2-25-96/2-15-05 Matt( Kelsos Metaphor ) #90695 Oswald Cobblepot x Kelso's Movita 8-10-00/2-28-14 Buddy (Aljo Class Act) #78137 Action By Design x Miss Classy 12-8-98/8-29-09 Sonny (Onaim Excalibur)#97927 Flying Train x Rough Diamond 9-7-01/1-9-2016Hunter (SS Snow Roll) #35135 Craigie Whistler x Lightning Snow 10-4-2005/9-23-17 Leo (Yolo Empleo)#72060 4-13-18 Fiesta Paraguas x Mega Bien Hecho

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I'm sorry you're going through this. I have a friend who has a seizure dog and it can be stressful on everyone. What group did he come from? You mention a kennel and I'm only aware of a few groups around here that have kennels.

Paula & her pups--Paneer (WW Outlook Ladd), Kira & Rhett (the whippets)
Forever in my heart...Tinsel (Born's Bounder - 11/9/90-12/18/01), Piper, Chevy, Keno, Zuma, Little One, Phaelin & Winnie
Greyhound Adoption Center ~ So Cal rep for Whippet Rescue And Placement

For beautiful beaded collars, check out my Facebook page: The Swanky Hound

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Guest lynne893

hi again,

we kept careful records (i'm a little OCD) of all his seizures, and kept in close communication w/ Operation Greyhound, the rescue group, throughout. They'll get him started on meds immediately.


Operation Greyhound is located in El Cajon, CA, east of San Diego. It's about 3.5 hours from LA.


thank you all for your kindness. this is hard. i just hope the big lover boy finds a wonderful home, soon.

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In view of your schedule, I think you really did the right thing for him. Perhaps he can find a home where someone is with him for periods of time during the day to help him thru the seizures until they are under control with the right dose of medication. It must be frightening for him and whoever is with him to experience this. It's a hard decision for you but you have his best interests in mind.


Hobbes - April 2, 1994 to April 9, 2008-----Tasha - May 23, 2000 to March 31, 2013

Fiona - Aug 29, 2001 to May 5, 2014-----Bailey - March 22, 2001 to Jan 20, 2015

Zeke - June 1, 2004 - Jan 26, 2016----Callie - July 14, 2006 to July 27, 2019

Forever in my heart: Chooch, Molly, Dylan & Lucy

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You absolutely did the right thing. The group will work on getting the seizures under control & find a home where maybe his human's are around more often. They do exist. Since you have a 9 year old maybe you could try fostering an older dog which seem to always be around. Best of luck but you made a good decision.

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I know how terrifying seizures can be to witness. :grouphug It does sound as if Picasso needs to be on meds to help get as much control as possible over his seizures, so I'm glad the adoption group will be following up on that. There is no shame in recognizing that the needs of a particular dog are just not a good fit for your family.



Lucy with Greyhound Nate and OSH Tinker. With loving memories of MoMo (FTH Chyna Moon), Spirit, Miles the slinky kitty (OSH), Piper "The Perfect" (Oneco Chaplin), Winston, Yoda, Hector, and Claire.

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Guest greytgrandma
I've never had a seisure dog, but have friends that have.

It can sometimes be a struggle finding the right meds, and level of those meds, but once found they can live normal lives as long as they are on the meds.


Also sometimes things such as Heartguard, Frontline, etc. can cause them.

Some people will start keeping a diary of what they have been feeding, what meds given when and when the seizures happen to find out it there is something triggering them.


our little angel Shasta had seisures when she was on heartguard.Very mild seizures but enough that we had to take her off of heartguard. She was having them everyday.


You are doing the right thing.Your group can find the right meds now that they know about the seizures and get him on the road to his forever home.

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Hope Picasso gets the experienced home he needs right now and has some relief with meds from these violent siezures - poor thing.


And pray you have peace of mind for making a difficult decision but the right one for all concerned.

Run free our beloved Sir Snowy, Pip, Queenie, Sadie, Tess & Rosie until we meet again......I would rather feel the thorn than to never see the rose

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I completely understand. However, Picasso needs to be put on anti convulsants immediately or he will die a horrible death from prolonged seizures that will get more violent and closer together. As he as had so many close together already his brain will start having them more and more. I speak from experience btw. Some dogs only have infrequent, mild seizures that don't need medicating but he needs to see a vet asap and get on medication. Please make sure they realize the seriousness of this situation. anne

quote name='lynne893' date='Oct 31 2008, 11:15 PM' post='3664145']


The fourth day we had him, he had a big, violent grand mal. My husband and I had never seen an animal (or human) seize, so we were caught completely off-guard. The vet ran bloodwork, including thyroid, and nothing pointed to a specific problem. He did well for 20 days, then seized again. The second seizure didn't seem so bad- but my perception might be altered because now I knew what to expect. I took him to our vet, whom we respect and love, and she and I decided to wait for the next before exploring medication. He'd recovered pretty easily from the first two seizures, so I thought DH and I might be able to handle things, the way they were going so far.


Then he seized again yesterday while I was at work, just a week after #2. My husband's been abroad for work these past 2 weeks, so I'm all alone dealing with this, but I KNOW he seized because there was foamy saliva and blood smeared and pooled up near his bed, which was totally disturbed. No question a seizure while I was gone. But when I got home and saw this, he was calm and seemed okay, so I walked and fed our dogs and all seemed okay.


Just after he ate dinner, he started acting very erratically, almost aggressively. He kept stomping on the floor and "mouthing" me and Timber, and cried constantly and loudly. He had a wild look in his eyes. I actually became fearful for my/Timber's safety because Picasso clearly wasn't aware or in control of his behavior. So I took him to the emergency vet, who gave him 5 mg Valium, calmed him down enough to go home and go to bed.



Thank you for being there,


Edited by brit1
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Poor boy, my heart goes out to him. I can't believe he's been having seizures and not been put on meds and what's worse, no one ever told anyone about the seizures! Stress can bring on seizures and I can't think of anything that will cause more stress than being bounced twice. I pray someone gets this poor boy on meds and gets him controlled and that someone out there will be willing to give a seizure dog a chance.


There is nothing sweeter than a seizure dog. Just look at Saint. :wub:




edited to say: Geez, I should have read this better. I didn't realize this was a foster. Hopefully he'll find a new forever home soon and stabilized on medication.

Edited by JillysFullHouse

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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Sweetie, for his own safety, he needs to be in a home with people who are there more; the aftermath of a seizure often means they need some help. You did the right thing for him, but I know it hurts :grouphug




Jennie with her hedgehogs and Guinea pigs, and remembering Luna, Queen of the Piggies


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Poor baby, I am sorry for both of you and I know that must have been really hard, can you please see that the group get him on meds? :grouphug :grouphug

Darlene Mom to: Aladdin, Sophie ,Pongo, Jasmine, Relic Forever in our Hearts Champ at the Rainbow Bridge.

Let a greyhound race into your heart Adopt

Bay Area Greyhound Adoptions INC. Naples/ Fort Myers Chapter

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Guest lynne893

hi everyone. thank you so much for your support.


yes, the rescue group is VERY pro-meds. they're all about giving the dog a good quality of life, even if the side effects of the meds shorten his lifespan for a year or two. they're very sensitive to a dog's well-being and comfort, this i know, and they repeatedly told me that they'd get him on meds ASAP.


i feel confident that he's in good hands at the greyhound rescue (the rescue founders/owners have two epi dogs themselves), i just hope his forever home will indeed be forever and will be filled with as much love as we had in our hearts for him. i'm sure he'll be better off, ultimately :(

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Guest PhillyPups

My thoughts and prayers are for Picasso. I only hope that the "rescue founders/owners" have enough compassion for a double bounce with seizures to foster him as they are seizure savvy. I will loose sleep thinking of poor Picasso possibly seizing alone in a kennel situation. In addition to not understanding the changes the meds will put him through until he is stabilized.





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Guest EmilyAnne
My thoughts and prayers are for Picasso. I only hope that the "rescue founders/owners" have enough compassion for a double bounce with seizures to foster him as they are seizure savvy. I will loose sleep thinking of poor Picasso possibly seizing alone in a kennel situation. In addition to not understanding the changes the meds will put him through until he is stabilized.

My thoughts too. :( If I had a spot open in my home, I would be looking into adopting Picasso. Unfortunately I don't. Seizure dogs are the sweetest.

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