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I Feel I Am Losing Ember

Guest EmbersDad

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Another vote for trying whatever she'll eat. If you can get her eating that will do a lot to bringing her around.


Maybe try McDonalds double cheeseburgers (order plain -- that is just bread, meat and cheese), Braunswager, sardines (mine like the ones in tomato sauce here) tuna, (all time fav here), Arby's plain roast beef, A taco bell chicken fajita taco, chicken and cheese only...sometimes fast fod is as alluring for them as it is for us.


She may just need something tasty and/or smelly to just get her started eating. When Rex was so sick and wouldn't eat if I could just get something (anything) down him he'd go onto canned food and sometimes kibble. It was just priming that pump...maybe with 1/2 a cheeseburger or something.


This is going to sound really wierd, but a couple of weeks ago someone gave me an acon squash and I have never had my guys go so crazy for anything but tuna -- they were practically climbing all over me. After that if I had a sick dog I really might cook an acorn squash and see if she likes it. If so, scrape it out into tupperware and try it as a primer.


Thoughts and prayers from here for you and Ember.


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Awww, Ember start eating.


Please don't second guess yourself, you've done everything right so far. Keep up the good work!

Denise & Strider, Blake, Fields, Frank, FlippyDoo, and Momma Gail.

The Bridge Angels Zack(Ags Marble Chip) 4/25/93-2/16/06, Wanda(Rainier Rowanda) 12/14/94-06/09/06, Brooke/Boogers(Rainier Restive) 01/01/99-10/20/08, Warlock(Rainier Rammer) 4/29/99-10/01/09), Patsie(Frisky Patsy) 5/17/96-2/05/10, Hatter(Cals Madhatter) 6/3/00-3/11/10, Dodger(Rainier Ransack) 4/29/99-4/16/10, and Sparkle(Okie Sparkle) 11/8/2000-1/28/11

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I agree with all the above posts. Also...ask the vet for medication to spike her appetite. That worked for Angel LaceyLaine while she was on chemo. How about tuna and can salmon? Sending prayers and hugs to you both. :grouphug


Patti-Mommy of Lady Sophia 7-28-92 - 8-3-04... LaceyLaine 8-2-94-12-5-07...

Flash Gordon 7-14-99 - 8-29-09... BrookLynne...Pavé Maria... and 18 Bridge Kids.




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Guest sunshine123



Ember is feeding off your energy, she knows how incredibly worried you are about her.......


Right now, Ember needs you to be positive, pull yourself up, take a deep breath and no more worrying!! (I know ~ you are saying right now under your breath "easy for you to say")


You both have been through so much!!! I really do admire you for how wonderful you are with her!!



Please just hang in there, you both are in my thoughts and prayers!!!




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I agree with all the above posts. Also...ask the vet for medication to spike her appetite.

Good point. I had to stop taking one of my anti depressants due to weight gain and was told it was used in canine cancer patients to increase appeitite. Brand name is Remeron, not sure generic name.


Here it is:

Mirtazapine is used in the treatment of conditions where poor appetite and nausea go together such as in the treatment of intestinal/stomach disease, liver or kidney disease, or any other condition involving both nausea and appetite loss. Mirtazapine can also be used to alleviate the nausea/appetite loss that accompanies the treatment of cancer by chemotherapy.


In dogs, mirtazapine is generally given once a day, a relatively convenient dosing schedule compared to other medications.

Edited by Hubcitypam
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I agree with offering anything that she will eat! That's what I did with Rusty, when he had his spleen removed, he would

only eat Chicken Jerky for about a week! I actually thought he was gonna starve to death. He went from 119lbs.

down to 80lbs.

Sending lots of prayers for you sweet Ember. :grouphug

Edited by nyGreys

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Guest IrskasMom



I am sitting here crying and there I wanted to encourage you . But whatever Encouragement there is has been said and there

is not much more to add except you can't give up now. Ember will come around and we are all putting Prayers in Overdrive.

Loads of Hugs to Ember and you Tom ,Ember and you will be fine . :grouphug:hope:grouphug:hope:grouphug:hope:grouphug

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Guest TBSFlame
Sierra didn't have cancer, but she refused to eat a few weeks back and I sure thought that I was going to lose her.


I began to feed her with a big syringe. I blended up bland food (chicken, hamburger, rice, cottage cheese) to a liquid form and feed it to her several times a day. It really turned her appetite around d in a matter of days. I also added a bunch of nutritional flakes to the mixture. She gained her appetite back in a few days and turned around. She refused everything. She also lost so much weight and dehydrated from diarrhea. She also liked the "satin balls" recipe. I gave her some children's pedialite unflavored through the syringe. She didn't fight me on feeding her, she accepted it rather well and would lick out the dish while I fed her. I got the big syringe at Petsmart. It was very easy to do and if I can help, PM me.


I sure hope your Ember gets feeling better soon.



Sometimes you have to jump start the appetite. I remember when I had major surgery, I did not want to eat. I had to force myself. Same with your hound. I could not get any pain meds in Beecher when he was sick. I finally just had to open his mouth and force then in b/c he had to have them. Things will get better.

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Guest EmbersDad

thanx everyone, lots of greyt advice. you all have buoyed my spirits. im gonna be strong and positive for ember and go with little steps. she did eat tuna fish, and i may even consider cat food. i gotta pick up candy for the kids on friday so i will see what stinky and temptingthings i can find at the acme.



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Tom: from Glynis


Winslow's surgery was January3, 2007

Here are some thoughts for Ember's Dad:


"For right now, I feel like things are getting better. We are out of the basement, chemo is started. Although he's still not my Winslow, he's not behaving as if he's sick, in pain, or in any way that is totally bizarre. He does some things that let me know he's ok, but no interest in his toys, his favorite cookies, etc. It's like his unique personality is missing. Very sad for me, but I hope it comes back. Things were a lot worse."

Winslow's Diary, Jan.21, 2007


The psychological changes were amazing. I wasn't prepared for him to be so different after the surgery. It was really like a different dog. Everything we always did and understood was changed. He was like a stranger. We went through a lot of mental stuff with him. I think that was one of the hardest things. He's almost back now and each day is better.. I hope it continues.

Winslow's Diary, Feb.6, 2007


The psychology of swimming is this: I have noticed that Winslow seems more confident of himself now that he is getting exercise. He doesn't seem to be as clingy (something that started after his surgery) and he's getting up during the night and sleeping on his own bed. When we are outside, he's happier and not fearful of other dogs... even growling at one yesterday... He hasn't done that in a long time. Instead, he was hiding behind me. He seems to sleep better, too. The behaviors that I thought were going to be permanent seem to be fading. I really think it's from swimming and actually getting out there and doing something again. When he comes out of the pool and I cheer, he is really happy. It's easy to see his sense of accomplishment.

Winslow's Diary, June 4, 2007



Winslow is a different dog since his surgery. Some of the changes are welcome. He's not as aloof as he was and he's more loving.

He seems to understand his dependence on us and is more vocal about what he wants. He makes things very clear. He's more attached to us than ever before. This didn't happen over night. We had a lot of ups and downs... A lot of "I can't find anything he wants to eat" and a lot of "he seems depressed". It took a lot of talking to him, spending time with him and continually explaining to him what happened, why, and how it would be ok. Really, I think constantly talking to him and holding him when he was really down helped more than anything. I suggest that over everything... and trying every food possible:

canned chicken, eggs, yogurt, boiled meat, boiled turkey, sardines, Evo, etc.etc.etc.... Until well after his chemo was over, we still didn't have a good steady diet... That took a lot of work, too.



Downside: He's more spoiled, more demanding and more ridgid in his scheduling (he wants it now. He knows what time it is, etc.).

Roger says that's our fault... I agree. We have allowed it and we live with it and we're good with Winslow, just the way he is...

Again, why should we go to obedience classes? He's got me trained so well that I don't need them.


If he wants to talk, I'm available.....Mr. Backstroke loved his swim today--- Cold and windy!





Diane & The Senior Gang

Burpdog Biscuits

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Guest jettcricket

Oh Tom...I know exactly how your are feeling. Hugs to you....:grouphug I went thru that with our first grey, Chance. I thought my God...what have we done. You can't go back in time....it will get better and it did for Chance. And animals do feed off of our feelings and energy. It's a big adjustment for her....with Cricket, when she was not eating, her oncologist put her on "Ovaban". It worked!!! Now the girl is eating good on her own. Ask her Doctor - I'm sure he'll prescribe something to help jump start her appetite. Cricket has been eating Wellness in the can and anything else that she desires.


Hang in there....your not alone.

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Some good advice above re checking with doc for some more/different meds (and re cheeseburgers :) ). Sending hugs meanwhile.

Star aka Starz Ovation (Ronco x Oneco Maggie*, litter #48538), Coco aka Low Key (Kiowa Mon Manny x Party Hardy, litter # 59881), and mom in Illinois
We miss Reko Batman (Trouper Zeke x Marque Louisiana), 11/15/95-6/29/06, Rocco the thistledown whippet, 04/29/93-10/14/08, Reko Zema (Mo Kick x Reko Princess), 8/16/98-4/18/10, the most beautiful girl in the whole USA, my good egg Joseph aka Won by a Nose (Oneco Cufflink x Buy Back), 09/22/2003-03/01/2013, and our gentle sweet Gidget (Digitizer, Dodgem by Design x Sobe Mulberry), 1/29/2006-11/22/2014, gone much too soon. Never forgetting CJC's Buckshot, 1/2/07-10/25/10.

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Lots of good advice here, some from those with experience with amps, and some that is intuitive and knowledgeable even though it wasn't osteo. But definitely---whatever your sweet girl will eat. They are all so different with the ways they process anesthesia, pain meds, even the adjustment to life on 3 legs. And things can seem very dark before they get better. I would say that ups and downs are far more common than an uneventful recovery (I was lucky with Winnie, who had few problems). Not that that makes it easier to deal with a dog who is fighting osteo, but just know that she is still in this fight with you. And you have to be in it with her too. The person who said that doubt is a cancer in it's own right, is a very wise person. I can honestly say that I had moments of doubt too, and probably not a day went by that I didn't wish that my beautiful girl could have been whole again. Someone also said they didn't look at the amputation as a loss of a limb, but the loss of the cancer. And that is true. Though the time we get to spend with them varies so much, that osteo pain is gone, as is the danger that the fragile, compromised leg would shatter, causing even more excruciating pain. You removed that pain for her, because you love her, and when a decision is made out of love, it should never be second guessed. You can let US know if you're feeling that way, but don't let HER know. We understand. She doesn't, because she lives in the moment, not agonizing over past decisions, or fearing pain and sadness in the future.

Hang in there, and know that you are both in our prayers. And continue to let us know how she is doing.

Nancy, Mom to Evangelina and Kiva
Missing Lacey, Patsy, Buster, my heart dog Nick, Winnie, Pollyanna, Tess, my precious Lydia, Calvin Lee, my angel butterfly Laila, and kitties Lily, Sam and Simon
My Etsy shop: http://www.etsy.com/shop/Catsburgandhoundtown

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Tom, You and Ember are in my thoughts and prayers.


When my bridge-boy Salvador was diagnosed with Osteo, I too opted for amputation. Amputation was successful, but he never made it home from the vet. He gave up living during those 24 hours of recovery. I can't tell you how many times I tortured myself with the thoughts of "would have" and "should have". But the truth is, we can't live in would have and should have land. We can't change the decisions we have made in the past and no amount of self-inflicted doubt and pain will help the present or the future.


Rest in the knowledge that you are doing (and have always done) the very best you can for Ember. Ember knows that. And I know that she loves you for it.


My prayers are for everyday you have with her being a blessing. And for many many many more days with her.


Ember, your dad needs you to wag your tail and play with your stuffies again, so eat some food and regain some strength. You've still got good days of life left to live.

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My dog had the amputation of a rear limb followed by chemo. It took about 2 weeks after the amputation for him to be used to his "new self" and then we started chemo. The chemo was tough and I would be up all night letting him out. From the time of amputation to his finishing chemo was about 2.5 months. During that time we had really good days and really bad days and on the really bad days I would keep my spirits up by thinking that the chemo will soon be over and I would fuss over him to try and make him feel better. Many days his personality would be overshadowed by what he was going through but, on the good days -- he was all there. Eating was a problem especially during the chemo and one thing that I could usually count on that he loved was yogurt with cheerios. I could usually get him to eat a small bowl. The animal hospital here also had some canned venison (it's prescription) that he would also nibble on. At 8 months after surgery they found the osteo had spread to his lungs and spine.


If someone asked me if I would do the same thing again -- my answer would be YES, without hesitation.



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It is still early days yet. The first weeks are hard. Chemo bothers some more than others. My 2 sick ones have been getting people food since July. They threatened to put a feeding tube in Angel if she did not stop loosing weight! Weany did not eat for 10 days while in the hospital. The beef and noodles did the trick. One week that's all she ate. Everyone here knows if they go to Mickey D's they haved to bring home a couple of plain cheeseburgers. Her oncologist at OSU says she doesn't care WHAT Angel eats as long as she eats. I offer her everything!

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Tom - I'm sorry to hear that Ember is going through a rough patch. I'm sure that I've read of MANY dogs who really really pick up once their stitches come out so hopefully, that will be the case with Ember. Maybe, if its not stitch related, she's pulled a muscle or something as she's now having to use her muscles in such a different way.


Whatever the cause - don't second guess your decision too much. There's not one of us who hasn't second guessed this particular decision but it will come good :grouphug

Deerhounds Darcy, Duffy, Grace & Wellington, Mutts Sprout & Buddy, Lurchers Ned & Jake plus Ella the Westie + cats. Remembering Del, Jessie, Maddison, Flo, Sally, Stanley, Wallace, Radar, Mokka, Oki cat, Tetley, Poppy & Striker.


Please visit our web store at http://www.dogsndubs.com for our own range of Greyhound related clothing for humans!

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Guest jurishound

I am so sorry Ember is feeling unwell.


Feed them whatever they will eat.


I do believe that this is good advice. Rotisserie chicken has never failed for us. Good luck.

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You've received a lot of good advice. I don't have any experience with amputation or osteo/cancer, but ...


RE: regretting a decision - I had a cat diagnosed with renal failure. I had her in the vet's for a week on IV's. They suggested 48 hours then check the values again. Each time, she got better so I'd say try another round. After 5 days, her values were back to normal. The whole time at the vet's she didn't eat. I brought her home and she still wouldn't eat. I tried all kinds of things. I got desparate enough I even forced fed her some small chunks of canned food. I thought for sure I was going to have to take her back to be put down 1 week after bringing her home. So, all of the beating up of myself started. But I kept trying different foods. I did get her to eat deli smoked turkey! This story ends with me having to put her down ......... 3 years later.


RE: eating. As mentioned, I haven't dealt with amputation/cancer, but one of my guys is getting picky in his eating. I'm having to try different things all the time to get him to eat enough. Most recently what has worked really well for him is adding a small, stinky can of fishy cat food with a bit of water all throughly mixed with is kibble. Last night it was a 'can' of Little Caesar dog food. He's been slicking it up the last couple of days for a change!


Good luck. Positive thinking, try everything .... she'll get better on her schedule...





Lee: (RR's Busy): Oswald Cobblepot X Lively Layla (10/14/97 - 01/22/10) ; Cool: (P's Cool Runner): P's Raising Cain X My Cool Runner (3/3/97 - 12/26/09) ; Nutty: (Itsanutterbutter): State of the Art X Itsalmostsaintly ; Waterproof: (KB's Waterproof): Oshkosh Slammer X Special Lady* ; Sadie: my sweet silly girl: 5/5/98 - 11/26/05
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I haven't had to go through this before, but felt like you and Ember could use a :grouphug


My mare tore a ligament in her leg - badly - a couple of years ago. I know people that have put down horses with her type of injury. My vet couldn't guarantee that she'd ever be sound again. I had to put her on stall rest. When I'd take her out for exercise, she'd act like a nut-case. I had to use a chain lead to prevent her from further injuring herself or me. It broke my heart to see my otherwise mellow horse act like that. I couldn't explain to her why it was all necessary. After 9 months (3 months stall rest and 6 months pasture rest), my mare is as good as ever. Animals have a tremendous ability to bounce back from injuries that would destroy us humans.

Edited by winnie

Laura with Celeste (ICU Celeste) and Galgos Beatrix and Encarna
The Horse - Gracie (MD Grace E)
Bridge Angels Faye Oops (Santa Fe Oops), Bonny (
Bonny Drive), Darcy (D's Zipperfoot)



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Guest vahoundlover

Baby girl please eat :hope


You have gotten a lot of good advice, don't be afraid to try it...once you get the belly juices going, Ember will perk up.



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