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Fudgie 2-1-96 8-14-05


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Diane :grouphug OMG :o I am SOOOO SORRY :cry1


I JUST got back from Chicago and this is the first thread I read. Kari had PMed me and told me what happened. I am in total shock and don't know what to say other than PLEASE do not beat yourself up over this, which I know is easier said than done. You love your dogs more than ANYTHING and that shows and you would never do anything to hurt them.


There may not have been anything you could have done just like Judy said. :sad1


I am just so sorry that this happened so suddenly and wish there was more I could say or do.


If you EVER need to talk, PLEASE call me or e-mail or PM me.


You know I love you and am here for you girl. :grouphug Hang in there, we've ALL been through losses and NO ONE has been there for me like my Greytalk family has been. WE ARE HERE FOR YOU WHEN EVER you need a shoulder to cry on or an ear to listen to. :grouphug

Major & Black Jack are the BEST Doggies in the WORLD

A Major Presence - MAJOR - March 10, 1999 - January 13, 2011

Little Joe - BLACK JACK - July 31, 1998 - February 8, 2011


"If you lead your life the right way, the karma will take care of itself. " - Randy Pausch

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Guest PhillyPups



I am so so sorry. I lost my Runner very suddenly, and know it is almost impossible not to second guess ourselves, wondering did I miss a sign, was there something I overlooked. Believe me you are in my prayers and if there was something going on, you would have noticed it, no matter what, it is second nature to you as you love your hounds so much. My prayers are with you at this time. The shock and pain is so deep and personal, but I know what you are going through. If there was ANYTHING you could have done, you would have. Please be kind, be easy, be gentle on yourself.


If there is anything I can do, please just let me know.

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Diane, I am so sorry. Please don't blame yourself. You are the best and wouldn't have done anything knowly to hurt him. Hugs!!


Edited to add:

Diane, sorry to have called but I had to tell you how sorry I am and don't blame yourself! Please don't.



I'm so sorry I answered the phone so nasty. I am just beside myself right now. I am glad you called, I think it was very sweet.


Thank you for thinking enough of us to call. Again, I'm sorry I sounded so nasty at first, I'm just floored. I'm angry he suffered, I'm afraid I missed something. I panicked in the vets office. I just feel like I did 15 things wrong.


I just came back from the supermarket because I don't want to be home. I bought Goods a great, big bone from petsmart. I feel so sorry for him. They've been best buds and are littermates.


He's going to be so sad without Fudgie. And so am i


Kari, thanks again for calling me. You're a good friend.


Thanks to everyone here for sending me their hugs. I really need them. I pray there is a Rainbow Bridge and I pray he's doing his goofy giraffe run across the fields. I pray he waits for me cause I feel like I didn't get a very good goodbye with him. There was a lot of panick, fear, pain and tears.





Fudgie 2/27/96 - 8/14/05 and Goods 2/27/96 - 3/12/08 ~~Together again~~

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How heartbreaking! I am so so very sorry Diane! :grouphug

Wendy and The Whole Wherd. American by birth, Southern by choice.
"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!"
****OxyFresh Vendor ID is 180672239.****

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Oh, I am soo soooo sorry. You didn't blow it, you gave Fudgie a nice home. Do not beat yourself up.


Wishing you peace, and I am sorry for your loss.

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Oh my God! :o Diane...I just....I just dont know what to say! How terrible. :cry1 I cant imagine what in the world would have caused something so suddenly to affect Fudgie like that


I am so very sorry. I wish I was there right now to give you a hug. I know you are devestated. I'm so sorry. :heart:grouphug:heart



If there is anything I can do please call me. :grouphug



I am just shocked. :cry1

Welcome home Quixote (formerly known as Whytell Mango)


My Beloved Scooterman October 16, 1998 - October 11, 2007

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I wish so much I was close to you and could be there for you. I know you must be feeling so emotional and out of control, but BELIEVE ME, that is totally normal right now. Don't hold back and just let the feelings flow. WE UNDERSTAND!!!!


Give Goods extra kisses and scritches from me and he will give them back to you. You need that right now more than ever. :grouphug

Major & Black Jack are the BEST Doggies in the WORLD

A Major Presence - MAJOR - March 10, 1999 - January 13, 2011

Little Joe - BLACK JACK - July 31, 1998 - February 8, 2011


"If you lead your life the right way, the karma will take care of itself. " - Randy Pausch

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OMG Diane, I am so sorry and crying with you. I can't even imagine the pain you are going through! It was just a tragic event beyond your control, please belive that. Poor Goods needs you to stay strong. Poor Fudgie is looking down on you both now from a peaceful place. We are praying for you.... :weep:grouphugf_yellow:gh_runner

Forever in my heart: my girl Raspberry & my boys Quiet Man, Murphy, Ducky, Wylie & Theo
www.greyhoundadventures.org & www.greyhoundamberalert.org & www.duckypaws.com


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Just came in from the yard with Goods. We had a great game of tag. It was strange without Fudgie. Goods does an excellent fly-by. He will come within inches of me and never, ever hit me.


Fudgie has taken me out at the knees I don't know how many times. I always ran for my life when Fudgie was heading at me, he was like a giraffe on crack, his legs were all over the place and he kinda galloped around. Very silly. The kids and I would run and scream when Fudgie was coming cause we knew we were in for it. The only safe spot was on the stoop to the shed, we would race to hit the stoop before Fudgie got in striking range. He always looked suprised when he hit one of us... kinda like "Oops! That wasn't supposed to happen". I would be pretty happy to get one more "out at the knees" tonight.


Anyway, I let Goods enjoy his bone for awhile, then took him in the yard, just him and I.... no kids or DH.


We chased each other, he layed in the grass, we had a long talk about things. I told him things would be different now, but he was loved more than ever and I am always going to be here for him. He just layed in the grass and listened to me. I know Goods, Sassy and Penny know Fudgie is gone. They saw me take him out after he was vomiting... they knew something was wrong with him. I remember looking up the stairs as I was trying to get Fudge out the front door and seeing all three of them looking down at us. They know.


Fudgie has gotten me up on an average of 3 times a night since 1999, to be let out to patrol the yard. I'm sure I'll get up tonight on habit, I'm use to it now. I'll go give Goods a nice brushing... he likes to be brushed, and we'll have another talk.


My house feels weird..... I don't know how to explain it..... just weird. Kind of like when you have to do something you don't like the next day, like go to a wake, or fly (if you're afraid of flying) I feel funny like that. Like I am going to do something I am dreading. I have a stomach ache and a head ache. I need to take a shower, but I always cry in the shower. Its a safe place and the kids don't know I'm crying in there. I'm putting that off because I don't want to cry anymore but I know its coming. I've told the kids that Fudgie is at the vet's office and they are trying to make him better, but they saw him before he went. My two oldest are looking scared and not sure if they believe me. The youngest believes me. I wish they would stop asking me questions and stop looking at me...... I guess I'll take my shower now.


Thanks everyone. Fudgie was a good boy. Think of him.





Fudgie 2/27/96 - 8/14/05 and Goods 2/27/96 - 3/12/08 ~~Together again~~

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Guest FullMetalFrank

I am so sorry; what a shock... Please remember that sometimes there just is nothing we can do; gosh I am just so sad to read this...

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Guest ChrissyB

How simply rotten that this happened to Fudgie, and to your whole famiy. No one could have loved him more than you. That is your forever gift to him.


Could you have done something to save him? Nope. It was now that he was called to the Bridge and away he went.


Will he always be near you? You better believe it. When all is quiet, you will feel him or smell him or just sense him with you. And a calmness will wash over you.

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Guest Arias_Mom


I had 18 years with my little girl and I still was not prepared. But to have a sudden loss that is so much worse. You don't have the advantage of knowing it's time, it just happens. I lost my schnauzer that way. I am sorry, Fudgie has been around for as long as I can remember.


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So sorry you lost him so suddenly like that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Having the empty hole in the house takes a while to change. After I lost Rascal the house felt empty and weird for so long and I still had two dogs and two cats. Strange how the emptiness fades but doesn't really go away.


Sending strength to you in such a difficult time....



Edited by greysandmollie

Donna and...Lucy and Chubb
Rascal H 10/1/91-5/22/04 My best friend and Bounty Boon 1/23/99-6/25/07 My boy with the biggest heart
Cody 7/28/99-8/1/13 My boy that always made me laugh and Dylan 5/12/04-12/29/2017 The sweetest boy ever

Miss Mollie 1/1/99-1/30/15 and Pixie :heart:heart-10/10/2017 Lincoln :heart-2/14/2021

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