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Everything posted by DofSweetPotatos

  1. Ignore my previous post, I didn't see the original date, nor did I see the update post. Whoops. Glad it has worked out for you.
  2. Ok. Road runner ships to north America, that includes canada. It's in their FAQ's. You should be all set then. When I ordered from them, I had my vet fax the script and I sent payment. Easy peasy. Good luck!
  3. We use vetriscience glycoflex. I like it because it has green lipped mussel in it too. Vets are seeing some pretty amazing results with Legend. It's an injectable originally used in horses.
  4. I found the books "click to calm" and "control unleashed" to be very helpful.
  5. Your dog 'could' be a pica dog. I've seen it in other breeds. For some reason nonfood items are tasty. Sometimes it's an Ocd thing and sometimes it just is. Be alert and aware when stuff is missing. Pica can be serious if stuff doesn't pass or doesn't come back up. I would definitely use the basket muzzle when unsupervised.
  6. when leaving, dont just hang around outside of your door, because then you may become the "human who does weird things". Actually leave the immediate area. I had done the hanging around outside of the door and it set us back a bit. A couple of trainers finally cued me in to how my behavior became weird to the dog, after that, i either got into my car and drove around the block, or i took a short walk.
  7. It is expensive. We feed it when we have inappetance. It's worked well. I can't believe they were just giving it away, that's quite a find.
  8. DofSweetPotatos


    I am so sorry . I do hope you find peace and comfort in your memories and reflections.
  9. Was also going to suggest adequan. Also, the appointment is a good idea. It will give you peace of mind and perhaps open up dialog for other options to keep Magic comfortable
  10. Orvis has great ortho beds. Marco is paralyzed in his back end. We find that this bed has given him the most comfort and support.
  11. If you are leash walking when this happens, either gently nudge him or tug lightly on the leash, he may move his front paws to maintain balance and prevent the aim, fire, soak that is happening . Otherwise, baby wipes are awesome for pee cleanup.
  12. With Yardman, we used a regular rubber backed bath rug. It was 24x30". I would put it on the bottom of the tub and yardman would stand on it. I would face his head to the high end of the tub. Water still drained out of the mat, albeit a bit slower. He eventually learned that if he needed he could lay down while bathing. After the bath, I'd roll up the rug and squeeze as much water out as I could then would launder with his bath towels and hang to dry. It worked well for us.
  13. I hope you bought the revolution through your vet and that they are petitioning Zoetis to pay for some of, if not all of the treatment. Novartis stepped up and paid 50% of the visits/treatmentwhen one on my guys got hookworm. The vet proved th through records that he was treated monthly. I also had a good relationship with my vet and the novartis rep was spot-on. Either way, I hope they are making amends for you and your pup.
  14. Wow, took the meaning of click-treat to be literal. either that or he's super excited about training.
  15. We've had good luck with Primal's freeze dried nuggets too. Although I find that Stella and Chewey's crumble easier.
  16. Hve you tried treating it with an antifungal? I'm wondering if it's a encapsulated fungal infection.
  17. yep, I don't think there is anyting much to worry about. Our angel Dougie, who had a heart murmur, made it his mission to drink at least half of a cup of my coffee whenever we went out on a lost dog search. Dumb human, I never learned to put the cup anywhere but the center console in my car. He was a cheeky monkey to say the least, miss him so very very much.
  18. Sometimes 2 sets of radiographs will be done to confirm removal of all of the root with multiple extractions or extreme disease. Otherwise a "dry socket" situation can result. Or at least, the practice I worked at did it when wehad a bad mouth situation. Sorry for the confusion with Blue and Babe, sorry. I see they are doing and ECG , that's what Mae me question the heart issue. Overall, it sounds like you had a @ positive result with your vet. Good luck with all that you are going through.
  19. 2 questions, does Blue have a heart murmur/issue? Is the full mouth radiology before and after? When was blues last woodwork? Whoops, that's 3 questions.
  20. This. A vet worth their salt will give a recommendation and other viable options.
  21. get yourself a maxi pad, fold it over the ear flap ( Absorbent side to the wound) (do not remove the adhesive strip protector). Flip the ear flap on top of the head, then gauze wrap in an X over the maxi pad with the whole thing flipped on top of her head. Then slide a knee high pantyhose (toe cut off) over the whole set up. This should hold if she paws at it, do you have a cone of confusion?
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