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Everything posted by DofSweetPotatos

  1. i am so sorry. I remember meeting Chad when we did the kennel days. He was so cool. Thinking of you
  2. Gemma, We've been dealing with that for a while here. Some things you might want to talk to your vet about. A fibre response dog food. It will firm up the poop, keep motility at an even keel and keep the bowels regular. We use it for Marco because with the paraplegia, his intestines' motility is far too fast. Over that past year, we've started it with Yardman to help alleviate the sudden onset of poo. It's helped quite a bit, not completely 100% accident free, but pretty close. We've also expressed his bowels when we know it's time for him to go, yet he's not getting any sensation to go. If you can, have a vet tech show you how, but discuss it with your vet first. We've found that if Yardman doesn't empty out at bedtime, we know he has to go, due to the timing of his last meal. We'll do what we need to. It saves him the embarrasment of sleep pooping and lets him sleep comfortably. If you can, follow the timing of his meals to when he has to poo. Try to make sure you get him out and ready at those times. It might help. We do it with Yardman, but every now and again, he'll come in and then you'll see his tail come up. I now walk around with poo bags in my pocket and at the ready, just in case. Give some gentle scritches to Payton. We're thinking of you.
  3. He will be fine. One of our goofy greys, Battle decided to eat the case of sewing needles. We did not know if he ingested any, so before off to the vet we fed him what we had left in the house and picked up more on the way to the e-vet. After x rays none was seen and he was fine. Bread is a good first aid for sharp items.
  4. We will all miss you Linda. All the pups here are play bowing for you, as well all the bridge pups are play bowing to play with you.
  5. ask your doc about using Pentoxifyline. It makes the blood more slippery (increases the viscosity?) and helps improve circulation in the extremities. Yardman had a mysterious bout of leg swelling last year. after 4 days in ICU he was released home. One of the bazillion meds that he was prescribed was Pentoxifyline. I beleive it did help in returning his legs back to normal, because once he started it, is when we began to see the quickest improvement.
  6. True. Our gang hopes you feel better soon. Yardman, Fuzzy & Marco
  7. This might be funny to watch. Jen are you tall enough to stand over Ducky with out a step ladder?
  8. Eddie's Wheels We had them build on for our Battle. They were great to work with. Plenty of options, and adjustments for fitting. He was a big goof ball, learning to walk was a bit tricky for him initially, but he was unstoppable when he wanted to go.
  9. I forgot to add the RI walking group also. Their are plenty places around for the dogie fix that you'll need.
  10. Welcome from SE MA. Their are a lot gr8t members here. There as also a couple of waling groups in Eastern MA if you need a fix in person. I'm sure someone there may have a loaner pup for you to walk.
  11. Something to remember. It takes 6 months for the HW antigen to read positive on a HW test. So, if you were exposed to HW on your trip, a test wouldn't be valid until after 6 months of your first or last potential exposure (hence why they don't test puppies until 7 months of age. HW preventative back protects. It's not a preventative per se. As someone said, it breaks the lifecycle. To put it in not so many words, what you give on the first of September actually protects from August. Does that make sense?
  12. Mosquitos are the vectors for heartworm. An area that has mosquitos and stays above 60° has a potential for having heartworm carrying mosquitos. Test first, then preventative. The test is quick, they can do a 4 dx snap test. here's that info Here's the info on Heartworm from Veterinary Partner
  13. Besides entertaining it being discoid, have you had the thyroid tested? *Sometimes* that *can* be indicative of thyroid disease as well.
  14. Your sweet Tuna is beautiful. Your story nearly echoes my story with our Angel Battle. He too had DM and LP (which we did the tieback for) and sarcoma on his ribcage (which was the evil he couldn't fight). He lost a lot of the use of his back legs as he got older. He used a cart, but spent most of his time lounging. Unfortunately with DM, the knuckling and lack of sensation is only going to progress. Thankfully it never appeared painful. Battle, up until the moment he was ready, never indicated it was time. He lived in the now and that helped us a lot. We spent the days working on his chewies (he liked it if you held them) and the nights playing fun bed games or just snuggling. We did a lot of pee clean up and some poo here and there too. Our lives revolved around going out at certain times to help keep the accidents at bay. I always said to myself and DH and i would say "He'll let us know when, we won't wait til it's too late. " In true Battle fashion, he did tell us when, just not how we wanted to hear it. The morning of his final day, he wouldn't eat breakfast and barely sniffed his dinner the night before. So, I made a visit with the vet to see how to increase his appetite since he hadn't been eating well and the goodies weren't working. This was the first time ever that Battle actually laid down for a vet visit. He stumbled to his blanket and settled down. Talking to the vet letting her know he won't eat. Not toast with PB, not meatloaf, not fluff, nothing is appetizing. The vet examined him, talked to him and looked at me and said, "I can give you something to increase his appetite, but he might be telling you it's time" The first words out of my mouth were: "I'm not ready yet." It was then that I realized, it's not about me, it's about him and his life with us. I'm not telling you this to make you sad. I want you to know that this a journey and when you come to the next bend in the road, you'll know when you are there. Until then, enjoy the journey and all that it brings. Wishing you and Tuna much peace. (Kerri posting under Mark's ID)
  15. Keep us posted on how she makes out. Poor girl
  16. Hmm, are you pressing above or just behind the canine tooth? Not in the crease, but on the gum itself. You should see a whitish halo form, release your thumb and watch the color return (refill)
  17. Temp should be no higher than 102 - 102.5. If she has been on rimadyl or another pain nsaid, that might be giving her the bile-y tummy too.
  18. Your worry meter is on target, something isn't right. As in, she's not feeling too well. Meaning, she could be in pain or something else. Tough to call, but some things you can check. How's her gum color and refill? Lift up the gums and look at the gum, near the crease where the lip starts. Is the gum pink. Also, press with a finger and watch it refill (should go from white when you press to pink when you release.) Refill time should be less than 2 seconds. How's her temp?
  19. There's a diffierence between dogs and humans. Dog's are still using their survival instinct where as humans know they aren't being hunted. Dogs aren't going to limp until the pain is too much for them to tolerate. Your Ali is in pain, please get his leg checked and x-rayed.
  20. Sent you a PM too. Hoping we can get you help that you and Tuna need. :
  21. If there's blood it could be from hookworms or it could be GI irritation or HGE or many other things... If he's had the big D for more than 24hrs, I think I'd go to the evet, for fluids at least. Then again, I'm a worrier and know the evet's number by heart.
  22. We love the Help Em Up harness with Hip lift! Helpemup
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