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Everything posted by GreyPoopon

  1. That sounds like a pretty positive report to me.
  2. for a diagnosis and a quick and effective treatment plan.
  3. Different vets--even in the same practice--sometimes have different views on things. That's understandable, if sometimes frustrating. What isn't, in my view, is that you have not been asked about any of this, or been told what has been done. Our discussions on blood work are pretty short these days, because we do the same thing every year. But each and every visit, someone--usually my vet but occasionally another staff member--always goes through the invoice with me.
  4. Geez, Robin, I'm sorry to hear this. But as upsetting as it is, being kept overnight is not the end of the world--it means Loca is in good hands. I hope Loca finds her appetite tonight.
  5. There have been 3 or 4 growths here, although all were smaller than Poo's. I gather that pink is much better than black.
  6. Loca, stop scaring us. Please. :goodluck
  7. I'm so very sorry. Godspeed Lisa.
  8. GreyPoopon


    I'm so sorry. Godspeed Jorj.
  9. How about some training? Since he's not allowed to move much, maybe you could train tricks: shake a paw, shake the other paw, hold a cookie on your nose until you're allowed to eat it....whatever you can think of (or find online or in a dog tricks book) that will make him think. A trainer who lives with her 3 border collies and her daughter's 2 JRTs (all competitors in canine sports) told me that mental exercise is far more exhausting than physical activity.
  10. I'm sorry. Still hoping for some better news.
  11. There have been lots of Tylocine injections here, and the vet always warns that they hurt. Fortunately, my girls have not reacted as badly as Capri; even more fortunately, the injections worked.
  12. I'm so very sorry. Godspeed Tansi.
  13. Exactly. Well said. I almost lost Minnie to IBD/HGE before she was three. She's now 10. I hope Beau can get right off the meds, and that he continues to be your happy, goofy, slightly chunky Beau.
  14. I'm so very sorry. Godspeed Jiffy Mart. Godspeed Bart.
  15. I too use acidophilus or probiotics. Webber has a "Women's Probiotic" with cranberry--you might be able to kill two birds with one stone--one of my sisters has been using it for a UTI prone (young) dog with success. Get better soon Loca!
  16. I prefer powders too--if you don't have styptic, then you could use baby powder or cornstarch. ETA: powders seem to stop the bleeding faster.
  17. What a cutie! I'm so glad that she's feeling well.
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