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Everything posted by GreyPoopon

  1. Most of my girls have been on it at one time or another, some for extended periods. I've never noticed a problem with excessive drinking. However, I have noticed that gut irritation can be associated with thirst, and diarrhea can be dehydrating and so increase thirst. I hope Penny feels better soon, and you get some sleep.
  2. And lots of sympathy from the gap-tooth girls: Edie and Tally.
  3. GreyPoopon


    I'm so very sorry. Godspeed Onyx.
  4. I'm so very sorry. Godspeed Billy.
  5. Wow, that's a looonnnggg time. Welcome home Cafe.
  6. GreyPoopon

    Rip Peanut...

    I'm so sorry. She was a very pretty little girl. Godspeed Peanut.
  7. Congratulations!!! She's lovely.
  8. That's great news! Really. So much better than the alternatives. He's in great company too: I have a whole houseful of 10 yr old girls with the same problem.
  9. I'm so sorry. I hope she has lots of happy days left.
  10. Congratulations!!! What a handsome boy. Nice work Jiffer.
  11. This is one time when it's really really good to be in the minority, Iceman.
  12. I'm so sorry. She was much too young. Godspeed Ginger.
  13. As frustrating as all of this is, it does sound like she's improving from the initial condition. I hope the rest of her symptoms abate soon.
  14. Some of mine will eat meds with their food. Otherwise, I just pill them. I had to learn when Minnie was on about a dozen pills twice a day, and was allowed only her special kibble. Once they learn that a treat follows the pill, it isn't even necessary to hold the mouth closed.
  15. Yes, please keep updating. I'm sorry to hear she's still not happy. I hope the solution is as simple as another adjustment. P.S. You know that human furniture is wayyyyy more comfortable than a dog bed.
  16. What a handsome boy! Just 10 1/2, too. He's got lots of great days ahead. If you don't keep him, I hope he finds a home as soon as he's better.
  17. I'm so sorry. Godspeed Mango.
  18. That sounds like a pretty positive report to me.
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