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Everything posted by GreyPoopon

  1. When Perry was a puppy, she had a lot of eye trouble. The rule of thumb the vet gave me is that grey or brown gunk is OK, white or yellow indicates an infection. I'd be inclined to get to the vet for drops. As for the bones: raw bones don't splinter. Don't feed cooked bones.
  2. I'm so very sorry. Godspeed Frankie.
  3. I'm so sorry. Godspeed Val.
  4. I'm so sorry. He had too many homes, but he seems to have found his spot near the end. I hope the end is peaceful.
  5. I hope the lump and weight loss turn out to be non-issues.
  6. I'm sorry. I hope Merlin has a lot of happy days left.
  7. Another option: mix it with a tiny bit of garlic powder. That worked for Minnie.
  8. I'm glad he's home. I hope he continues to heal quickly and well.
  9. GreyPoopon

    Mickey Deez

    I'm so sorry. She had to leave way too soon. Godspeed Mickey.
  10. Yes! Here's to clean margins, low grade, and curative!
  11. GreyPoopon

    Abita Romeo

    I'm so very sorry. Godspeed Romeo.
  12. I am so very sorry. What a lovely tribute to a very special girl. Godspeed Bugsy.
  13. I'm so very sorry. Godspeed Fly.
  14. I'm so sorry. She was gorgeous. Godspeed Angel.
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