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Everything posted by GreyPoopon

  1. Pretty pretty girl. I sure hope to read soon that she's no longer a foster. As for Gypsy...if I were closer and had room... :beatheart
  2. I haven't found it particularly helpful for Betsy, but Benadryl doesn't work on her either. You can give quite a bit according to PetPlace.com, "In large dogs, melatonin is dosed at 3 to 9 mg dog orally whenever necessary up to three times a day." Here's the article Link.
  3. I'm so sorry. I'm glad, though, that Lexie found a home with you. I hope that she has lots of good (if sleepy) days left.
  4. GreyPoopon


    I'm sorry. Godspeed Buddy.
  5. How very sad. Godspeed Aang.
  6. Oh no! I'm so sorry that little Ears couldn't hang on. Godspeed sweetie.
  7. I'm so sorry. I hope Cuz has lots of happy days left.
  8. I'm sorry that it's cancer, but Grade 1 and clean margins are both good things. I am hoping for the best.
  9. I'm so sorry. He was a handsome boy and obviously quite a character. Godspeed Succotash.
  10. I'm glad he made it through OK. for quick and successful healing, and no recurrence.
  11. I am so very sorry. Godspeed Lando.
  12. I've had several UTIs here (various girls) that did not show up on initial tests or even on a culture. I know they were UTIs because I know my girls' behaviours, and (more importantly) because the peeing stopped shortly after the medicine started. I hope Rainey's symptoms disappear.
  13. Just to add to what Batmom said: a neighbour had a Chow that survived bloat and torsion. During the surgery, the dog's stomach was tacked so that torsion could not recur. Bloat could. And did. Repeatedly. After one occurrence, my vet said that bloat could be just as bad as torsion, maybe worse. Eventually, he bloated twice in one day, and did not survive the second time. I hope Spencer is not bloating, and that you can find a solution to the gas.
  14. Nothing nothing nothing... Geez, Bev, you're at the vet clinic even more than me these days. I think we both need to stop.
  15. Yup. Minnie often does this. It depends on where the inflammation is located. ETA: I hope that he recovers soon, preferably without needing pred.
  16. I hope the answer is that she's getting better.
  17. I'm glad he's feeling better. I went through this with a cat. She was so bad that she couldn't really even walk, and ended up basically falling down a flight of stairs. She was not treated, since time is the only medicine. However, she had to be crated for quite some time because if she climbed up on something and lost her balance...
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