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Everything posted by GreyPoopon

  1. It seems sort of rude to do this while your boy is doped up and awaiting surgery, but :yay I'm looking forward to reading your positive updates.
  2. GreyPoopon


    I'm so sorry. Godspeed Lucky.
  3. Cora has just been through this. Her right leg was already a bit wobbly--she had a severe hip injury in Nov 07, and may also have hurt it when she was younger--and in March she slipped in the house and broke her good leg. She was just two months short of her 10th birthday. Fortunately, she had the wit to do it at 5:15pm, and our vet clinic agreed to see us, clearing it's schedule to do so. We saw our regular vet, who diagnosed the break and x-rayed it. There was no sign of cancer in the leg. The senior vet is a skilled orthopedic surgeon who has repaired at least one other shattered greyhound leg, so I had no qualms about leaving Cora in their hands. The next morning, they did more x-rays to check the break and the other back leg--they opted not to x-ray the lungs--and the senior vet put in a bunch of hardware. All of the hardware is internal. She was walking on the leg almost immediately. Both vets told me that a break in a healthy leg is not unusual: my regular vet said that they're surprisingly easy to break, the senior vet said they're like ballerina legs. The thread on all of this is here: Cora Needs Your Help. The healing process takes at least 6 months. It is a roller coaster, with good days and bad. I don't know if she'll ever be able to trot without limping, but she is now walking fairly well most of the time, and seems happy. She is no longer on regular pain medication, although I do give her some if she seems ouchy. The big question is whether I would do it again. I have to say that I would hesitate: it would depend on the age and condition of the dog. Cora would not be a good tripod--I'm not sure any dog could in this house--so it was either repair it or say goodbye. I'm not the least bit sorry that I chose to repair it. But, if she were significantly older, less healthy, or less of a stoic, the decision could have been different. Just by-the-by, she has since suffered an FCE on her right side, and was essentially a one-legged dog for a week. She's made it back from that too. That story is here: Cora Needs Your Help Again. My heart goes out to you and your boy.
  4. Oh Hilda, I can't even begin to tell you how sorry I am. All I can say is that your first paragraph, and that third pic of Halo--the one with the big smile--say it all: you and he belonged together, and he was a happy happy boy with you. I just wish he could have stayed longer. Godspeed Halo.
  5. I heard that a dog was left unattended in this tank and drowned! :eek OMG. I understand your concern. Betsy was attended constantly: the tech was in the tank, and I was right outside it.
  6. Cool! I hope it works for him. Betsy has a message for Kingfish, "I didn't need a life jacket, you wuss. Pfffffft."
  7. for quick and uneventful healing. Gracie. If anybody asks, you've decided that you want Dobe ears.
  8. GreyPoopon

    Gracie Lou

    I'm sorry. Godspeed Gracie.
  9. Blood is always terrifying. I hope she feels better soon.
  10. Best wishes for both your beautiful babies. for you
  11. Jake! I particularly like the bit about the thigh muskels. Nothing like an older houndie with good muskel tone.
  12. I'm so very sorry. It's hard enough to lose one, but two, both too young....words fail me. Godspeed Emily.
  13. GreyPoopon


    I'm so sorry. My condolences to Gwanee. Godspeed Ginger.
  14. GreyPoopon

    Zeus The Dobe

    I'm so sorry. Godspeed Zeus.
  15. I don't know how a SLO nail looks, but I have seen nails broken off by trauma, and it looks and bleeds just like that. On the bright side, you may never need to trim it again. Max
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