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Everything posted by GreyPoopon

  1. GreyPoopon

    Cosmo Kitty

    I'm so very sorry. He was much much too young to say goodbye. Godspeed Cosmo.
  2. I hope Iris recovers quickly and well. re the lab work.
  3. I'm so glad he's home. I hope he continues to improve. FWIW, with Cora's issues (broken femur, then an FCE that affected the other side), I used a sling at first, then switched to a Ruffwear Web Master harness--it's not as good at lifting the back end as a sling, but it allows one to provide a little extra support for turns and pottying and whatnot. Harness
  4. Incredible. I hope she finishes the healing process quickly and completely, and never again has a sore neck.
  5. :yay As for the lifelong battle part: if Beau is fortunate, you'll be able to keep things under control, and he'll have a long happy life. I almost lost Minnie to HGE/IBD before her 3rd birthday; she's now 10 1/2. During the first few years, she had an annual crisis, but we were always able to get things sorted out. She has not had to have pred since the first 8 month course.
  6. I'm so very sorry. She was much too young. Godspeed Tess.
  7. Congratulations on your new home Eleanor! It sounds like you made the right choice. And no, BC's don't sleep. I see you have some barely brindle areas--a lot like my Betsy. I hope you'll keep us posted on your adventures.
  8. Um, what do you think they did wrong? I must be missing something--perhaps something you perceive because of your background--because I don't see it. All I can say, is vets and docs are human, and things happen, but, if one of my dogs came home froma surgery with subq air/ "Crepitus," I would NOT be happy. In my four years working with Dr.B, who did surgeries four days a week, I NEVER saw a dog leave, full of Crepitus ... Thank you. As I said, I just don't have the background to understand the problem.
  9. Um, what do you think they did wrong? I must be missing something--perhaps something you perceive because of your background--because I don't see it.
  10. Hobbes! Now that he's eating, he should make quick progress.
  11. Benign! Cora, ~ 66 lbs at the time, was on 50 mg 3 X / day, which for convenience I changed to 75 mg 2 X / day. It didn't seem to have much impact on her. Nor help much, for that matter. When we discussed dosages, the vet said she could have quite a bit more than 150 mg / day.
  12. I'm so very sorry. It's fortunate that the vets wanted to investigate thoroughly, and that you agreed. Repairing the leg would have resulted in more pain for him and even more heartbreak for you. You already knew that he would not do well as a tripod. You did the right thing.
  13. I'm so very sorry. Godspeed Kane.
  14. :yay :yay Probably just as well you found the non-benign first, but geez, what a nightmare. At least now you can relax.
  15. Oh no! Poor Hobbes. That boy can't seem to catch a break. I hope the docs get it figured out soon.
  16. I'm glad he's OK. I'm looking forward to hearing that he's home.
  17. Good update! I understand Tramadol can be hard on the appetite too, so removing it might help.
  18. for quick healing and good biopsy results.
  19. I'm glad he's awake. I hope they get the bleeding under control ASAP.
  20. I'm so sorry. Godspeed Woody.
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