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Everything posted by iluvgreys

  1. I'm so sorry for your loss. Losing our beloved hounds to that monster, OS is particularly difficult. Run free on your new wings, Baby. Go find Wells, Sandee and Derby and they'll show you a very fun time.
  2. Just saw this... hoping the best for your boy. Any news yet?
  3. Wen, went to mail those meds to you today and discovered that it's a holiday and the post office was closed. They'll go out first thing in the morning. Sending lots more prayers to your precious Snow.
  4. I'm also hoping that you and Max have much more quality time together. He doesn't know anything is wrong. Keep him surrounded by your loving energy, smothered with kisses and all the special rubs he loves most. Sending loads of loving energy to you both.
  5. Henry, an exceptionally sweet boy passed away today, due to horrific injuries he suffered in an attack by pit bulls (see here). Henry was a special needs hound, having broken a leg at the track which healed well, then was placed with his loving family in Long Beach who had previously owned whippets and wanted to love a greyhound. I know his family must be just devastated. He was so cherished and quite a character. My prayers go out to his loving family to find peace and justice, and to dear Henry to be at rest and safe forever more. Godspeed, sweet boy...
  6. That must have been a terrifying experience for you. I commend you and your DH in your willingness to work with Gabe and try to get to the bottom of this. Some kind of seizure behavior came to mind as I read your description. Agree with keeping him off furniture, muzzle both dogs when left alone, and continue to check out possible medical causes. Many prayers and hugs...
  7. I'm sorry for your loss. Max sounds like he was a very special little guy and a good greyhound bud. Godspeed, sweet boy...
  8. I know that feeling of "dread" and it's horrible to feel. My heart is with you... wishing the best possible news from the x-rays tomorrow. Just something minor...
  9. Godspeed, sweet Maverick.
  10. I'm very sorry for the loss of your precious Red. Godspeed, sweet boy...
  11. My heart aches for you. I'm so very sorry for your loss. Run with the angels Peatie, on your new wings.
  12. Yes, $150 sounds reasonable for all those tests. With my6 yr. old I do annual blood work, and twice a year with my seniors. I don't repeat tick testing/VF unless symptomatic or bloodwork is off.
  13. I'm very sorry for the sudden loss of your heart dog. She left a rich legacy with you and your family, and will forever live on in your heart. Godspeed, sweet Cali...
  14. Trish, I"m sorry your sweet boy is feeling "off" today. I imagine that once the meds get started, he'll perk up and be livelier. Nurse Flippy is so good to him. Sending lots of prayers, light and strength to you and your baby boy.
  15. She's looking just wonderful, Bev. Prayers for a clear chest x-ray... Sending many kisses to your baby girl.
  16. Staph is a bacterial infection, diagnosed by tissue culture and treated with antibiotics. Don't know which antibiotic is most effective for this, as some of these staph iinfections have become resistant to Tx (MRSA for instance). Glad to hear the feet swelling is going down and his appetite is good. Sending lots of 's for his sweet little head.
  17. Welcome to GT! Rolex is a handsome fella. I'm sure he'd like a grey girlfriend. Anklebiters are more like noisy stuffies.
  18. What a touching tribute to your teacher and mentor.
  19. Thinking of your sweet Brody and hoping for an update...
  20. I've lost 3 greyhounds to osteo between the ages of 9 to 10. I've also had a senior girlie who lived to be 14.5 and a present one (the divine Miss Phoenix) who turned 15.5 today. Every day is a gift...
  21. Wow! Sounds like your baby boy is doing GREAT! A healing visit for you both. Get plenty of rest tonight.
  22. Oh no, Wen... It can't be the C word. It just can't be. Prayers for a simple soft tissue injury that will heal with grace and ease. Can you send the x-rays to Dr. Couto for his opinion? Sending tons of hugs and light to you and your gang.
  23. iluvgreys

    Ellie's Gone

    I'm very sorry for your loss. What a very lovely tribute to a cherished family member. May she live on in your hearts forever. Godspeed, precious Ellie...
  24. What a wonderful update! Glad the surgery went well. Many prayers for an uneventful and smooth recovery. Sounds like he's getting excellent care and tons of TLC. As Bev said, get PLENTY of rest before he's released to come home, and take extra good care of yourself.
  25. I'm so very sorry for your loss. I know your heart feels crushed. Thankfully, Brandy's passing was peaceful and love filled. May you find peace as well, and know that she's freed from a failing body and her spirit is soaring at the Bridge with our beloved angels.
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