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Everything posted by iluvgreys

  1. Now Miss Lacers, doncha go nippin' your momma and through the house like a wild woman. You just concentrate on getting yourself well. Now go give your momma a
  2. Just seeing this post and sending my prayers and wishes to Peter.
  3. iluvgreys


    I'm very sorry for your loss. KC will be in the best of company at the Bridge, with all of our beloved angels. Godspeed, sweet boy...
  4. iluvgreys


    I'm so very sorry for your loss. He was a brave boy and fought hard to stay with you as long as he could. Godspeed, sweet Rusty...
  5. With my greys, didn't notice any swelling with the first limp. However, x-rays showed changes in the bone and around the bone. Swelling became evident during the first month. Many prayers for Pearl. I SO wish that the osteo club was exclusive with NO NEW MEMBERS!
  6. So very sorry to hear your news. It's so heartbreaking to lose our precious puppers to cancer, especially OSA. Don't worry too much about the food. Give her whatever makes her happy and is reasonably nourishing. Take lots of pictures, and cherish every moment. Praying for much more quality time with your baby girl.
  7. Sending lots of prayers and light to this little sweetie.
  8. Sending prayers and light to your baby girl.
  9. Oh no, Patti... Your plate is just WAY too full. Sending my support and well wishes for whatever path you choose for Miss Lacers. Hoping you have much more quality time with your baby girl.
  10. iluvgreys

    Eric Rogo

    My heart is breaking for you, Teri, and all those whose hearts were stolen by Eric. A very fine greeter at the Bridge he would be! Know that his body is healed and pain-free, and he's running like the wind with all his new Bridge pals.
  11. With my greys, the first x-ray post limping was iffy. Second x-ray a month later showed the bone destruction and such. If your vet can take a digital x-ray, you could email it to Dr. Couto and ask his advice. Arthritis could be causing these symptoms but should show up on an x-ray. Good pain management is critical. See if you can get a second medication like Tramadol to help keep your girlie comfortable. Keeping Bonnie in my prayers...
  12. Many hugs to you. You did right by this precious boy, and he is now free from a failing body, no longer suffering. May you find peace with his loss, and know that he's safe and sound at the Bridge.
  13. Sending prayers for your precious boy. It's so distressing when they're "off." There's a couple of recent threads about how to entice a hound to eat.
  14. iluvgreys

    My Quinnie

    Oh no... I'm so very sorry you lost your precious boy. My thoughts are with you. Godspeed, sweet Quinn...
  15. Holding Miss Lacers in my prayers, surrounded by loving energy/light for her highest good. Many hugs to you, too, Patti.
  16. I'm so very sorry for the loss of your most perfect girl. Godspeed, sweet Honey...
  17. I've used laser therapy several times, for both arthritis and pain, with very good results. Am saving up $4K to buy a really good quality laser, so I don't have to borrow my friend's. Wish my vet had one!
  18. That's great news! WTO Alex! Think you can post pics in the Cute & Funny section. Just start a new topic there.
  19. Oh no.... So very sorry to hear this news. Aiden is probably down in that Irvine vet center where the neurologist is. Prayers that an answer can be found for her.
  20. So very young... My deepest condolences to you and all who loved your sweet boy. Godspeed, Chester...
  21. Sandy and I get together to trim nails about every 3 weeks. Usually I hold the dog: I sit down in a chair without arms, and pick him/her up like a lamb... one arm around the chest/front legs and other arm around the fanny. The dog then rests between my legs, while the feet dangle in the middle. We do use muzzles. From this position, Sandy sits on the ground and clips and/or dremels to her heart's content. Even our drama queens can be done this way. Of course, a yummy treat is the reward for cooperating. Maybe this approach would work with your boy.
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