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Everything posted by iluvgreys

  1. Thank you for sharing about your precious Keno and the heart touching poem. I'm very sorry for your loss. The pain of loss is bearable only through knowing that they are safe at the Bridge, and just a whisper away in spirit.
  2. Holding Jimmy and his loving family in my prayers.
  3. You're doing a great job with your ol' gal. Another supplement you might consider adding is a probiotic for digestion. My senior, Phoenix (15.5+), has many similar behaviors... limited night vision helped with night lights, probably deaf or close to it, and aimless wandering, especially in the yard where everything must be sniffed. She does best now in an ex-pen so the boys don't step on her or bump her. Shorter walkies are great, as well as massages and plenty of ear rubs.
  4. My deepest condolences to you and your family for the loss of your happy lil' guy. Godspeed, sweet Toby...
  5. I'm so very sorry for your loss. What a loving tribute to her... and such a rich legacy she leaves with you. She's free now from a failing body, able to take her place with the angels and run like the wind to her heart's delight. May you always feel her loving spirit with you in your heart space.
  6. I'm very sorry for your loss. He's free now from the suffering that osteo causes, and will live on in your heart forever. Godspeed, sweet Morty...
  7. Thanks for your update, Wen. Every day is a blessing. Hope you have much more quality time with your Snow.
  8. My deepest condolences to you. Godspeed, precious Rhett. You're in the best of company now... go run with the angels, find all your friends and bark to your heart's content.
  9. The truffles might be problematic, especially if your little doxie got a good dose of chocolate down. See this article, Canine Chocolate Toxicosis for more info and a list of symptoms to watch for. This other article at http://www.workingdogs.com/doc0129.htm talks about how slowly chocolate is ingested... so the danger may not have passed yet. Hoping that they're both alright...
  10. I'd be inclined to get him in on Monday for an x-ray, if your vet can fit him in. Greys can be stoic... and since he's had reoccurances of pain over the past several weeks, I think an exam sooner than later is in order. And yes, OS can manifest in the wrist, although is more often in the long bones of the arms/legs. Prayers for Wizard that it's just a simple soft tissue injury...
  11. He's a gorgeous boy! Is this a "foster" with intent?
  12. Can you put shorts on him, or old sweat pants cut down, so the thigh stays covered? Or maybe those jammies with the legs? :
  13. Agreed. I entered data for one dog, but have lost three to OS.. all within the same parameters... adopted at less than 3 yrs. old, less than 1 year racing, and 9-11 yrs. old when OS hit.
  14. I'm very sorry to hear your news. I've been through OS three times with gh's that were in the 9-11 yr. old range. From first limp to needing to be PTS due to unmanageable pain was only 6 weeks with each of them. I did a biopsy on Derbs and would not do that again, due to the pain it caused. Repeat x-rays within a month will tell you all you need to know if it is OS. Any chance Dempsey was exposed to Valley Fever? It presents with symptoms very similar to OS, including on x-rays. A fungal test will rule it out. Please consider joining the Circle of Grey group. You have much to consider... age, location of problem, expense, chemo or not, etc. Once you have researched adequately and made your decision, do not second guess yourself. You know in your heart what is right for your boy. Sending lots of hugs and prayers for this difficult journey.
  15. Worrisome at the least... Sending lots of prayers and light to your Frankie.
  16. iluvgreys


    Oh no... So unfair. I'm sure Andy leaves many broken hearts behind. Godspeed, sweet boy...
  17. Here's a recent thread on the subject that might give you hope and information. Prayers for your boy... hope he's feeling much better soon! http://forum.greytalk.com/index.php?showtopic=183237
  18. Maybe he's feeling blue, missing Miss Lacers. Sending lots of prayers and wishes to your baby boy.
  19. Such a touching tribute to your sweetie. Godspeed, precious Shae-Leigh...
  20. Very sorry to hear this. Sending lots of prayers...
  21. My heart aches for you, Paula. They take a piece of our heart with them...
  22. Welcome to GT! Your girlie is gorgeous. Your life has changed forever...
  23. Wen, what meds and how much is Snow getting now? I know that swelling all too well, and he may be stoic and not showing the pain he's in. Keeping my prayers flowing for more quality time with your sweet boy.
  24. Oh no... I was SO hoping you'd have much more quality time with your precious girl. I'm sorry it was time for her to leave. Godspeed, sweet Sophie...
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