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Everything posted by iluvgreys

  1. iluvgreys


    I'm very sorry for the loss of your best boy. What a sweetie he was... and will be sorely missed. Godspeed, precious Keeper...
  2. Oh dear... just seeing this. How's Tootsie doing? Sending prayers and light.
  3. Glad you got to the bottom of his problem. Greys can be unbelievably stoic... as well as drama queens. Sorry the vet gave you a hard time. Guess they do see some ugly cases of neglect and might have a tendency to be suspicious. Lots of wishes being sent to Quin, as well as hugs for you.
  4. I'm sorry your girlie is having a rough time of it. Keeping her in my prayers and sending lots of light her way.
  5. Hi Patty and welcome from SoCal. Tell us more about your new girlie.. name, age, color, etc. Would love to see pics when you figure out how that works.
  6. Godspeed, precious boy. My deepest condolences to Elvis' family.
  7. Glad to hear that your precious boy is eating. Holding Freddie in my prayers and surrounding him with light. Many hugs to you and your DH. Waiting is awful...
  8. What a touching tribute to such a special boy. I'm verry sorry for your loss. No doubt he was met at the Bridge by our greeters and a happy chorus of roo's.
  9. Wonderful news! for clean x-rays! Give your sweet boy a kiss from us and do something exquisitely relaxing for yourself.
  10. I've experienced something very similar with Finnian. It wasn't the GSOD, but started as a whimper then escalated to high pitched crying. He woke up with a cramp. However, his heart was beating like mad while I calmed him down. Hopefully Eddie is just fine now.
  11. Your poor baby has been through SO much. Thankfully the corns could be treated and hopefully he'll be feelling stronger by tomorrow. Keeping Bodie in my prayers, and send you lots of hugs.
  12. Oh no.... Sending lots of light and prayers to Deuce. And many hugs to you...
  13. I'm sorry for your loss. Al sounds like he was a very special soul. Godspeed, big boy...
  14. Lisa, I'm so sorry for the loss of your beautiful baby girl. Know that she's running like the wind with our beloved angels, free from pain. She will live on forever in your heart.
  15. Looks like Lacers is responding well already! Give your little nut case some 's from us. Keeping the prayers and light flowing to your home...
  16. So glad to hear that Munchie is feeling much better! The laser I used on my hounds was the Excaliber, but would like to buy a Q1000 laser. Here's some info: http://www.solitonlasers.com/index.cfm http://www.ioncleansesite.com/excalibur4.htm http://quantum-healing-lasers.com/ minzenon, do you have any recommended brands/links for a laser from Australia? I'd much rather find one more reasonably priced!
  17. I'm very sorry for the loss of your little Tony. To answer your questions, I grew up with a dachshund, but always wanted a big dog. For 25 years, I had black labs and/or golden retrievers, and adored them. However, once they passed away, I began looking for a shelter that placed homeless goldens, and happened across greyhound adoption. Curious, I researched the breed, found all the characteristics EXACTLY what I was now looking for in a pet, and proceeded with my adoption application. It's been 10 years since my first greyhound blessed my life, and I am profoundly grateful. Other than my latest "failed fostering" with a lovely senior lurcher (half grey, half lab [we guess]) I can't imagine having another breed share my heart and home.
  18. I'm heartbroken about your loss. Was SO hoping your precious boy would pull through. Godspeed, sweet Peter... join the angels and run like the wind again.
  19. My heart aches for your loss. Run free, beautiful girl...
  20. iluvgreys


    I'm very sorry for your loss. Gilmore sounds like he was a very special lil' fella and stole a BIG piece of your heart. Godspeed, sweet kitty...
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