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Everything posted by iluvgreys

  1. iluvgreys


    I'm so very sorry for the loss of your precious boy. He's now free from pain, running like the wnd with his new Bridge pals. May you always feel his loving spirit with you in your heart. Prayers and comfort for your whole family.
  2. I'm very sorry for the loss of your baby girl. OS is such a monster, and I'm glad she's free of the pain now. I'm sure she's running like the wind with all of our beloved bridge angels.
  3. Hopefully it's just a muscle strain. Sending prayers and light for King.
  4. I'm sorry for the loss of your Tasha. She sounds like she was such a special dog, and beloved family member. Godspeed, sweet girlie...
  5. I had a black lab that had a couple of hematoma's in her ears. Vet did not use x-ray film for splinting, but did do the incision and a whole bunch of stiches through the ear to hold everything in place. Healing took a couple of weeks at least. Hope there's not an infection in that ear... Sending prayers that all is well.
  6. I'm so sorry it was time for Freddie to go. What a very special soul he is... and always will claim a big chunk of your heart. Godspeed, sweet boy. Go run with the angels on your new wings.
  7. Fabulous news! You go, Miss Lacers!
  8. My deepest condolences to you and all who knew and loved this sweet girlie. Godspeed, precious Jitters...
  9. I'm so sorry you lost your brave girl. She was an inspiration to us all. Godspeed, sweet Winnie...
  10. Sending lots of hugs to you, and wishes and hungry thoughts for your baby girl.
  11. I'm so glad you welcomed these two puppers into your home and heart. There's nothing better for healing an aching heart than loving a greyhound. I'm sure Peter had a divine paw in this wonderful event, too.
  12. Glad your boy is coming home today. Is he settling in? Lots more light and wishes flowing to Blitz.
  13. A very lovely story. You have a very special girlie... and helper at the Bridge, too.
  14. What a beautiful tribute to your lovely girl. My heart aches for you. Godspeed Sparkle.
  15. For those of you that remember lil' Summer's Story, she was the beloved companion of an 89 year old gentleman who developed blindness and other neurological symptoms. In the past 5 months, she had more good days than bad, brought joy and laughter to her foster family's home and had a huge fan club of admirers. She lost her battle today and has gone to the Bridge. Please send prayers and light for this precious soul, as well as her grief striken owner, Joe, and her loving foster family and friends. Godspeed, sweetie pie... Summer Breeze
  16. Oh no... What kind of cancer? Sending lots of prayers and light to your baby boy, and hugs to you.
  17. Oh crap! You've been through so much with Saulie... and now poor Morty. My heart goes out to you and your boys. Hopefully you can get those pain meds into his system for some relief. Sending lots of prayers and light to your home.
  18. I'm very sorry to hear your news. Effective pain management is key to quality of life. Yes, spoil your little girl rotten and cherish every minute with her. Many prayers being sent...
  19. Oh no....was so hoping for better news. Prayers for much more quality time with your sweet Freddie.
  20. I'm very sorry. Probably an ultrasound. What is your vet recommending? Sending lots of prayers and light to your boy.
  21. Sending more prayers and light for Freddie and all the vet staff who will be working with him. May he breeze through surgery and have an uneventful recovery.
  22. Glad to hear that your gang is all healthy and well. I'll add a good health update here re my puppers. Just took mine to the vet for their annual checkups. All look great, including Finn (6), Jerry Lee (9) and Phoenix (15+). In fact, this evening when I let them out in the yard to do their business, Phoenix started kicking up her heels and doing zips, spinning and play bowing. She's just too cute and is feeling goooood!
  23. iluvgreys


    My deepest condolences to you for your loss of such a great boy. So many have left for the Bridge over the past few days. He'll have lots of fine company and will live on in your heart forever.
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