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Everything posted by iluvgreys

  1. Oh crap. My heart aches for you. Are you already signed up with the Circle of Grey group? Wonderful support and advice there... sending tons of prayers and light to your precious Beecher, and hugs and strength to you.
  2. So glad to hear that your sweet girlie is doing better and better! Get the kitty, Nevada!
  3. Sending loads of prayers and wishes to your precious Dear. And hugs to you, of course...
  4. OMG. I'd be worried sick, too. You're right to press for details about the x-ray incident. I've never seen pitting edema with a fall. Have they x-rayed the leg to be sure there wasn't a break? What about a blood test for clotting disorder? Dr. Couto at OSU would be a great resource as he's doing some research into gh blood disorders, and might have some useful advice for you. Could you fax him Bella's blood work results? Sending lots of prayers and light to your poor girlie and her unhappy bro, Charley.
  5. I'm so very sorry for your loss, and will miss your stories about the Queen's reign at your home. Godspeed, precious BarbieJade...
  6. Oh no... My deepest condolences to Patti and Fred. Miss Lacers knew she was a cherished family member and loved dearly. Godspeed, sweet girlie... go run like the wind with the angels.
  7. No cancer/IBD advice... just wish you and your sweet boy didn't have to deal with this. My heart and prayers are with you. Listen to your higher self for guidance... and also know that Lenny will let you know when he's ready to go.
  8. What a lovely tribute to your sweet girlie. I'm sorry it was time for her to leave.
  9. I'm very sorry for your loss. There's something extra special about these older seniors... they steal your heart and burrow deep into one's soul. Godspeed, sweet Willow...
  10. Great to see that he's finally starting to heal! Poor lil' guy... such a rough start in life. Bless you and GALT for giving him the care and love that he needs. Sending more prayers and ear scritches.
  11. All paws, toes and fingers crossed for Miss Lacers. Please get well, little girl.
  12. I'm sure she's smilin' down at you today.
  13. I'm glad he's home already! It's amazing how adaptable these hounds can be. Hoping for a smooth and easy recovery for your baby boy.
  14. I'm so very sorry for your loss. OS is such a terrible monster. It was your final act of love to free her from a failing body. Godspeed, precious Holly...
  15. iluvgreys


    My deepest condolences to you and your family. I know he leaves a huge hole in your heart. Godspeed, sweet William...
  16. Wen, you and Snowman have been on my mind SO much lately. How's your sweet boy doing?
  17. Poor Hannah. What a rotten day for her, and you too. Many prayers for an uneventful and graceful recovery to full health. Maybe you can make her some lovely turkey soup.
  18. iluvgreys


    What a lovely remembrance of your dear boy.
  19. So glad to hear your good news! Hopfeully the meds and diet will keep her IBD in control. Sending happy thoughts and more prayers.
  20. Thinking of you today, Patti and holding your Lacers and Fred in my prayers.
  21. Oh dear... Sending lots of light and prayers to Princess. Has she been checked for tick borne diseases (TBD)?
  22. Oh no.... Sending more prayers and light to you and your dear family members.
  23. iluvgreys


    Such a sweet soul, called home too early. My deepest condolences to all who knew and loved this precious girlie. Godspeed, sweet Rosebud...
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