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Everything posted by iluvgreys

  1. Awwwwww... she's a beautiful lil' red girlie. Already sounds like a Daddy's girl, too. Congrats!
  2. My heart aches for you. I'm so very sorry for your loss. Godspeed, precious Song...
  3. Welcome to GT! Santos is a very handsome boy. Love his white markings. His legs look SO long compared to the little fella. Glad everyone is getting along.
  4. Hi and welcome to GT! Your new girlie is a beauty! Love those cow dogs... I'm single and have cats plus two hounds. When I bring in a new foster, I use extra babygates to limit where the gh can go plus gives the cats an escape route. Also, be sure to do introductions with the dog leashed and ideally wearing a muzzle. Give her yummy treats for ALL the behaviors you want; looking away, paying attention to you, etc. That way, she associates her exposure to kitties as a positive event. She has so much to learn about home life.
  5. Sending prayers for Song. My boy, Finnian had RMSF when he came off the track. It cleared up nicely with doxy and hasn't reared it's ugly head for the past 2 1/2 yrs.
  6. iluvgreys


    I'm very sorry for your loss. The Hall of Fame must feel especially empty with both of the girls gone. Godspeed, sweet Abby...
  7. Great news! Sending smooches to pretty Jams.
  8. Hope Blitz finds his appetite tonight and gets a good night's sleep.
  9. Very glad to hear that Ham is back to his usual self. Would still suggest you investigate using Artemisinin with him. Ohio State U. (Dr. Couto) has a good protocol to follow, and it might give you much more quality time with your sweet boy. Holley Pharm. is a good place to order it from.
  10. Oh dear. Sending light and prayers to Blitz. He's been through so much lately.
  11. Your tribute made me cry. What a very precious soul she was... never forgotten.
  12. Keeping your little girl in my prayers for a quiet night and uneventful recovery.
  13. Hopefully his GI system will get straightened out quickly and he'll be back to regular meals. If he's that difficult about pilling, then how 'bout hiding his pills in a piece of chicken, American cheese, liverwurst, or hotdog bits? If this is just added to his food dish, maybe he won't suspect anything. Keeping Ham in my prayers...
  14. Ouch! A mistake that won't be repeated. Sending more prayers for healing that leg.
  15. Your vet can give you a prescription for Carafate or call one into your pharmacy. You give it one hour after meds, and it coats the stomach and helps with ulcers/upset.
  16. Continued prayers for your boy's full recovery of health.
  17. Such a precious soul...
  18. The lil' stinker! He just ain't gonna be locked up no more. A good stiff drink is in order.
  19. You've done wonders for him! Give your sweet handsome boy a from us and tell him that long tails are greatly overrated.
  20. Glad to hear your boy is doing so well post surgery! You might want to join the Circle of Grey yahoo group as the members have a lot of experience with osteo and chemo issues.
  21. Sending well wishes and prayers to Joe. Hopefully the meds will give him quick relief.
  22. Very happy to hear that your girlie is home. No help here with the diet question. Will keep your baby girl in my prayers for continued improvement.
  23. Hope she keeps improving, day by day. Keeping her in my prayers.
  24. Poor lil' peanut. She sounds very uncomfortable. How frustrating that this leg problem is still reoccuring. Sending more prayers her way...
  25. Excellent! Such a strong spirit and zest for life. Continued prayers for your girlie.
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