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Everything posted by iluvgreys

  1. Sounds like Miles is making progress! Keep up the appetite, sweetie.
  2. That's a tough one. A combination of NSAID + tramadol works well for pain, like osteosarcoma. It takes a pretty high dose of tramadol alone to work, and some hounds have weird side effects from it. What dosage did your vet recommend? Holding Miss Nelly in my prayers...
  3. No experience with visual problems but am hoping that this treatment protocol works for Carl.
  4. Sending prayers and more prayers to your precious boy.
  5. Glad to hear he's eating better. Will keep the prayers and good thoughts flowing to Billy.
  6. I'm very sorry to hear that her nodes are enlarged again. She's such a trooper with a strong will to live. Sending your baby girl loads of loving light and prayers to keep up the good fight, and many hugs to you.
  7. iluvgreys

    Loose Socks

    Oh no! My heart is breaking for you. Godspeed, precious Smitty...
  8. Welcome to GreyTalk from SoCal! Your boy is just stunning! How old is he?
  9. Have you tried an appetite stimulant? Your vet could prescribe one. Might help.
  10. Your poor fella... Hoping the ultrasound is useful and that Billy's health improves soon!
  11. More prayers and "love to eat" thoughts. Will he drink Ensure? Have you tried the Nutritional Yeast on his food?
  12. iluvgreys


    My deepest condolences to you and your family. She was a beloved family member.
  13. Adding my prayers and sending loving light to your boy and all staff working with him at the hospital.
  14. Welcome to GT! Sorry your girlie is suffering from corns. You might want to look into the hulling technique which some vets use with success. Also, have you tried booties called Therapaws?
  15. What a very touching tribute to your best boy. I have a sense that he will some day send you another special soul that will help to heal your heart. May your memories bring you smiles and know that Dune is just a whisper away, living blissfully in your heart space.
  16. The roller coaster with Miles must be so very hard. Had hoped he'd stay on a path of progress. Keeping your sweet boy in my prayers and sending him thoughts. Many hugs to you...
  17. I'm so very sorry. What a very special soul he was. He is now in the best of company at the Bridge, showing off his mouse and being keeper of the toys forevermore.
  18. How heartbreaking. I'm so very sorry for your loss. She was loved and cherished in her short time here. Run like the wind at the Bridge, Pansy Jane...
  19. Yep... one day at a time, cherishing every moment we have. Keeping your babies in my prayers...
  20. Welcome to GT from SoCal! Your girlie is a beauty and sounds like she's doing really well!
  21. Oh crap! I'm so very sorry. Sending prayers to Flossie... Any update on Rythum?
  22. My deepest condolences for your loss. I'm sorry it was time for her to go. Godspeed, precious Bryn...
  23. I'm so very sorry for your loss. I remember all the pics you used to post of your dear boy, and the Roo cam which was hilarious. He was well loved and cherished deeply, and will never be forgotten. Godspeed, precious Roo...
  24. Oh no... My heart aches for you. Godspeed, precious Marty... go and join the angels.
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