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Everything posted by iluvgreys

  1. My heart is breaking for you. My hounds have been unlucky with OS several times, and it about drives one insane dealing with this monster. Definitely talk with Dr. Couto and see what course of action would be adviseable. You'll make the right decision for your precious boy, as you know him best. Sending prayers and heartfelt hugs...
  2. Protocols vary from surgeon to surgeon. Make sure you're clear about how Dr. L wants to deal with follow up care and specifically the frequency of soft cast changes and wound care. Sometimes the cast can slip down and then it starts rubbing somewhere that causes a sore. Or Bones might chew at the top of the cast, causing it to loosen. Might have to do an e-collar to prevent this, at least initially. Would suspect that Bones will probably be on an antibiotic like Clavamox for 3+ weeks to prevent bone infection. BTW, which leg was broken? Edited to add: nevermind... I see that it's the right front leg. Yep, IV bag to cover that leg will protect against pee.
  3. Hey, a diagnosis, treatment plan and the fact that she's eating is GOOD NEWS! Hopefully she'll be home soon.
  4. So glad your girlie is getting mobile and is now at home! Continued prayers for a excellent recovery and many more years with you!
  5. iluvgreys

    Izzy Is Gone.

    I'm so very sorry. Her bright light must be needed at the Bridge and her work here was done. Godspeed, precious Izzy...
  6. You are indeed lucky. Wishing you much more quality time with your sweetie.
  7. That's great news! Darcy holds a special place in my heart.
  8. Excellent news, overall. We never know how much time we have with our loved ones, so cherishing all time allotted is a great way to live.
  9. Very glad to hear your news. Must be a huge relief to have her at a stable place with the IBD. Sending ear scritches and 's to your pretty girlie.
  10. So relieved to hear that he ate his dinner! Sending more prayers and wishes to Miles.
  11. Sending prayers and wishes to your Izzy. It's good to have a diagnosis finally. What IS the treatment?
  12. iluvgreys


    Run free with the angels, Joker...
  13. I'm so very sorry. Was hoping she's pull through this crisis. My heart is breaking for you. Such a very sad loss of a beautiful and cherished girl. Godspeed, sweet Amy... the angels are waiting for you.
  14. Sending loads of prayers and light to your baby girl.
  15. Your poor lil' girl. Adding my prayers for a successful surgery and uneventful recovery, back to perfect health.
  16. Adding my prayers for your little one. You might want to look into getting one of Carol Becker's wearable slings so you can help her with potty business, etc. When Phoenix's back end went out, she tolerated the sling quite well, but hated a towel under her tummy. Assistance Harness for Greyhounds
  17. My deepest condolences to you. She was an extraordinary girl and will never be forgotten. Godspeed, sweet Foxy... the angels await you.
  18. Gosh, she's looking really great and sounds like she's responded so well to the treatment. Thanks for the update on your precious girlie.
  19. Holding Asia and all the vet staff in my prayers for the best possible surgery and uneventful recovery. Many hugs to you, as you give your precious girlie a better life without cancer pain.
  20. What a great update! Keep on keepin' on, Dempsey! You're an inspiration.
  21. Holding all of you in my prayers for a peaceful night. You're such a loving momma to your precious Foxy.
  22. My deepest condolences to you and your DH. Train was happy in your home and a cherished family member. I'm glad he was a member of your pack. Godspeed, sweet boy...
  23. Keeping your precious girl in my thoughts and prayers today.
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