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Everything posted by GreyTzu

  1. Brady brought so many smiles to oyur lives in the short time he was with you. Know that he is waiting to greet you when the time comes. I am so very sorry.
  2. Dancer lost her spleen to a torsion. Because I recognized the signs, we got her to the ERVet before the "bloat" really started. The Vet was impressed that I recognized the signs. Her spleen was still viable, but the Vet felt removal was the best course of action. She recovered completely and had a normal life. Prayers for Johnny.
  3. Maybe Jeff will see this and share what they did with Lexie.
  4. Jeff will catch up this weekend. He and Trudy are busy with the movers packing up their house for the move to Alaska.
  5. Love and spoil him now. I am sorry. :grouphug
  6. :nod http://www.marvistavet.com/html/body_anal_sacs.html
  7. GreyTzu


    I am so very sorry.
  8. Oh Karen, your works and pictures speak volumes of the bond between you and Arco. He was so handsome and strong and brave. I hope he hooks up with my Singer at the bridge. I know how much you miss him. :grouphug
  9. A one-year eulogy is something I never thought I would do, but your whispered words are too loud to remain unspoken, and I miss you still Dylan. Sometimes I catch a glimpse of you, but its' only whispers in the shadow. Sometimes I hear your snarfles in my ear, but its' only whispers in the wind. Sometimes I wake to feel your nose on my arm, but its' only whispers on my skin. Sometimes I hear the click on your nails on the tile, but its' only the whispering echo of my empty heart. Whispers you left behind are with us forever. I know you are here, whispering in my ear, on my skin and in my heart. Whispering that its' ok as we move on in life. Whispering that you are here with us and are keeping us safe. Whispering that you will always be a part of me. As we take our morning walk and I watch Donner sniffing your spots, I wonder if he can smell the whispers you left behind. When I see him looking around, I wonder if he too can see the whispers of your ghost. I know it was you whispering last September. It was you letting me know it's time to open my heart; its' ok is the whisper I heard from you. You were there in October, whispering to let us know it was time for Dancer to come to the bridge and run with you. Images of you, Dancer and Dixie whispering together at the bridge provide comfort. Friends say we had angels riding with us in February. However, I think you were the one catching us as we tumbled. It was your whisperings providing strength over the weeks as we struggled to heal our injuries. Once again in March, your whisperings could be heard in the breeze. Yes, you said, it's time. While it is taking longer this time, your whisperings are always there with each successful kiss and hug. The couch has been barren and lonely since you left, and I can still see your spot. Sometimes, late at night, I think I can hear your whispered sighs of contentment as you laid next to me watching a movie. Whispers of you, whispers of you, whispers, whispers...
  10. No one thinks you are a downer. I thought you did a good job of breaking the information down into 3rd grade lingo so I could understand it. We all hate hearing potentially bad news about a dog.
  11. Maybe it's her Marilyn Monroe beauty mark?
  12. It could be residual soap or dry skin. My dogs get Vit. E caps., borage oil caps. and flexseed, fish oil and borage oil combo caps every day.
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