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Everything posted by GreyTzu

  1. I just used Canex from Pets-Megastore. Danger had hooks. We go on May 20th for a recheck.
  2. Yup. We took JD, a 'Tzu, to a holistic Vet when he injured his neck. The traditional Vet recommended an MRI and prepared us for a sad ending, saying surgery was expensive and it probably would not help JD. He had not walked in well over a week when Kevin carried him into Dr. Keller's office. She did acupuncture and a chiro. treatment on him and JD walked out of the office. I would not wait until traditional Vet methods are no longer working before seeking alternative methods. I would, and we did, use both methods combined for treatment with several of our dogs. I feel that a good traditional Vet should be supportive of alternative care. A traditional Vet may not be "rah rah go get 'em", but they should at least respect your decision to seek alternative care and listen to you and the alternative Vet. And the same should work in reverse. My holistic Vet listens to what we do and will explain why she doesn't recommend certain things or what we should to expect from her treatments and remedies. She will also be the first to say it's time to seek a traditional Vet. Good luck. It's my understanding that there is no cure for LS. You just keep them loved, comfortable and happy for as long as you can. :grouphug
  3. Ditto that. Batman had 3? sheath infections. IIRC, 2 of them were when he'd recently been under anaesthesia for something -- couple days of not keeping himself neat and ... yikes. Joseph has had one. Not dreadful, hasn't recurred. Batman didn't mind having his cleaned. Yup, f they aren't keeping themselves clean, it could be an indication that something else it wrong.
  4. And this is the REMEMBRANCE forum. How sad would it be to have to lock this thread?
  5. I moved this here as a place to express condolences. Anything else is inappropriate. Please respect the loss.
  6. Yeah Pam, I'll move it. Please express your condolences for the loss of Eight Belles here.
  7. My first thought is bloat and get her to the evet immediately.
  8. I am so sorry for your loss. Please post a eulogy in Remembrance when you are able.
  9. I haven't heard about using it after monthly HW treatment. However, we used it for Dylan when he was going through chemo. I believe I was giving him one cap. a day that was either 200 or 250 mg.
  10. I am so very sorry. We used milk thistle for liver support for Dylan when he went though chemo.
  11. Dr. Keller rocks!! I was there in Tuesday. I would definately look for an Acupuncture/Chiro. Vet. You can go here and search to find one near you.
  12. We did that the Harley dealer in Orlando when we bought Orion. Donner and Dylan were awesome with all the people and bikes. It was a fun day. And neither dog tried to pee on any of the bikes.
  13. I would research Canine Vestibular Disease. More information
  14. I find it sad that you will not consider acupuncture because you have a shy dog. I have taken two spooks to my holistic Vet and both responded positively to the treatment. It's as much the Vet as the handling. Dixie was a spook through and through. I remember when we adopted her, the seasoned greyhound adoption gal made the comment that if she ever gets loose, she will never be caught. Yet, 5 minutes in my Holistic Vet's office and Dixie was settled down and letting Dr. Keller touch and feel her all over. Dylan saw Dr. Keller every 3 weeks during his cancer surgery and chemo. He enjoyed the time we spent in her office and seemed to look forward to her loving and gentle touch. We would stop at her office for a balancing treatment after his chemo. Very often I would have Dancer and sometimes JD with us as they needed treatments also. Dylan's oncologist was 100 miles from home and Dr. Keller was on the way home. She always had the front office set up with dim lights and soothing music for us. Many times she would do the treatment on Dancer, Dylan and JD and just close the door and let us relax. We all napped in that room. I remember one stressful day when I just laid on the floor with Dylan and Dancer and we slept for like an hour. Dr. Keller said she opened the door, saw us all on the floor and quietly closed the door again. She is an awesome Vet and person. It the Vet as much as the treatment that your dog will respond to. I will not hesitate to take our current spook to her if the need arises. We also had a Vet once who was very "enthusiastic" when dealing with my greyhounds. He used "big" movements and had a loud voice. Neither Dylan nor Dixie liked it at all and I quickly found another Vet. After, with our traditional Vet, I would tell techs as we got into the exam room that Dixie or Dylan was a spook and to please ask the Vet to enter the exam room quietly. Both Vets were always more than happy to comply. Any Vet should be happy to modify their behavior to assure maximum comfort levels for each dog. If not, I would find another Vet, as I have done in the past. Some many dogs benefit from both acupuncture and chiropractic treatments. We used milk thistle when Dylan was going through chemo. I do not remember the does.
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