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Everything posted by GreyTzu

  1. :lol Here he is: That was on the Spencer too.
  2. This site has good kidney info. My old 'Tzu is in early renal failure. He also has high blood pressure as a result. He gets some people meds. Banaz something and Spinr something else, Standard Process supplements, Epakitin and some other supplements. He is doing very well on regular food and the Epakitin. I found an on-line source for the Epakitin that is cheaper than the Vet's office. You want to have your dog's blood pressure checked and most Vet's offices do not do that.
  3. I would not give a second pill to one of my dogs based on what you said happened. I also use the "down the hatch" method with pills so I know they get them. I think she will be fine until her next dose at 8 a.m. Glad she is on the mend.
  4. Just get as much peroxide in him as you can. Some dogs will puke after a tablespoon full, some will take a cup and occasionally some won't puke at all. Pour some down, wait 5 or so minutes and if no puke, pour some more down. In this case, if no puking within 30 minutes, I would take the dog to the Vet because of the grapes. That is just my thoughts. I'm not a Vet nor did I stay at a Holiday Inn last night.
  5. Beautiful. I am so very sorry for your loss. :grouphug
  6. :nod Dylan ate Walmart chicken during his chemo and gained weight. Good Luck to your friend.
  7. No toads around my dogs or yard if I can help it. It was great when we had the dumpster in our yard for hurricane reno. I just tossed them in the dumpster. :hehe I think when they hauled it away, it was half full of toads. :rofl I have some info on bufos at work. I'll post later today, but it's basically the same info as posted above.
  8. You know, the USCG will place Jeff where THEY need him. J&T have no choice. So lay off the suggestions. If you have never been a part of a military family, you have no idea what it's like. No, I have never been involved in the military. But Kevin did time in the USAF and I have worked with a ton of former servicemen over the years. One thing I learned from them was that either you did what the military told you to or you got out. And doing what you are told to do means moving every few years and making the best of whatever and wherever you land.
  9. Such fun pictures! Key West rocks!! Kevin would kill to live in Key West. Jeff was stationed there, I think for 4 years, and he didn't like it. We really enjoyed SoBe too. The diversity is just amazing there. We need another weekend trip there. We need to win the lottery. :lol
  10. My understanding is that the antibiotics will kill the probiotics if used at the same time. He needs to finish the antibiotics first, then use the probiotics. I must be mixing up pain-killer and ATB's. Sorry. Head up my ass as usual.
  11. The Arnica drops can be used to help with pain and discomfort also. I know you feed raw, but have you thought about probiotics for his tummy while he is on the meds? Milk thistle is great for the liver.
  12. Gald she is home and on the mend. Take care of her, you and Cosmo.
  13. Gald he is home. Yes to the arnica gel and bruising. :grouphug
  14. GreyTzu

    Izzy Is Gone.

    I am so very sorry for your loss.
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