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Everything posted by GreyTzu

  1. I'm glad he was so loved.
  2. I used to mix some Healthy Choice soup in Dylan's food.
  3. Jazz is at the bridge. Please feel free to start a thread in Remembrance when you are able.
  4. No, I don't have any pain meds on hand. Is there anything I can give her that I could buy over the counter? There's a pharmacy just down the street. Since you have the Traumeel gel, you may want to think about keeping Arnica Montana, a holistic pain reliever, on hand also. Arnica also comes in a gel that is great for bruising. I think you have decided it's not an emergency at this point. However, from the way you described it and her current behaviors, I would not take one of my dogs to the EVet either.
  5. Well, if nothing else Trudy, you are getting some great pictures while there.
  6. Holy cow! That's an expensive date night Trudy. That sucks big time. Sorry dudette. I thought he hated Dennys. Dork. Boyz will be boyz. :lol
  7. Sending prayers and healing energy.
  8. Springtime, Inc. Fresh Factors and Joint Health rock! Alternative/holistic Vets. Click search in the left top and find your state and the Vet nearest you.
  9. Yup, I love Dr. Nancy! We have always had good success with our chiro/acupuncture vet. Our oldest 'Tzu was immobile for about a week or so by the time we actually got finished with our traditional Vet and got an appointment with our holistic Vet. He walked out of the office after his first adjustment and acupuncture session.
  10. I am so very sorry Heather. Please know that you and your faimly are in our prayers and thoguhts. Please post in Remembance when you are able.
  11. I need to head to bed. I have to get up at 3:30 to take care of the dogs and get ready for work.
  12. Japan! You better be buying cool gifts for your return. :lol You know you have a hot wife and a Babe waiting for your homecoming. :rofl And both wives and Babes respond well to gifts. :hehe
  13. Don't call it a gun, call it a weapon or a rifle. Drill Instructors get VERY upset if you call your weapon a gun, and it leads to lots of jogging around with your rifle held over your head singing a silly phrase about the difference between weapons and guns (sorry- flashbacks to 1979 army basic training - thank goodness I wasn't the one who called my weapon a gun) Awesome garage/shed Trudy! You do good work! One hand on weapon, one hand on crotch, repeatedly singing... "This one's my weapon, and this one's my gun. One is for killing, one is for fun..." Not military here. But when I was doing firearms training, I always referred to it as a weapon. Sometimes it's easier to say gun when not in a formal setting.
  14. Holy cow. They moved from Dutch to the booming metropolis of Kodiak. :rofl Maybe a job potential there Trudy. I bet you are a better chef.
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