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Everything posted by GreyTzu

  1. :rofl I was looking at the pretty colors! :rofl
  2. Glad to hear it's seems something simple and minor.
  3. You can get Panacur on Amazon or other petsites without a script. You can also get Drontal from AU sites like Pets-Mega-Store.
  4. 3 weeks for those whi have not attended the Chiefs Academy, and 2 weeks for those who have like me Hey Sailor! What are you doing later? :rofl
  5. Dancer did this so often when we first got her that her nickname was The Puke Hound. :lol I asked my old time Vet about it and he said to give her a Tums. He also said to raise her feed bowl and see if it stops. Well the Tums worked, but shortly after we got Dylan and we also got raised feeder/water bowls. Dancer stopped the puking most of the time. Sometimes she would tank up on water when she came in from a potty and still do the burp/puke thing, but if we slowed down her drinking she wouldn't do it.
  6. Yup, they can. I give mine a Tums. You can also use Percid or Tagamet.
  7. I am so very sorry BJ. It's heartbreaking. Take solace in knowing there are lots of Queens at the bridge to take of your little girlie.
  8. Marty has gone to the bridge. I am so very sorry for your loss. Please post a eulogy when you are able.
  9. Good job USCGC Munro and her crew!!
  10. Tilt has gone to the bridge. Tina will post a eulogy when she is able. Until then, please keep Tina and her family in your thoughts and prayers.
  11. Dessie wants to know if Abe is busy next Saturday night. :lol
  12. Sounds pretty normal to me. Some dogs are just baldies. Blood work to check his thyriod wouldn't hurt, but I wouldn't make a special trip to the Vet just for baldness. And I believe there have been no real conclusive evidence that low thyroid causes doggie baldness anyway. Disco is a baldie and he says Bald is Beautiful!
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