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Everything posted by gryhndsr4us

  1. Sending good thoughts your way. Hopefully your baby and mine have an easy time with their dentals today.
  2. I'm so glad that adorable Mokka is doing so much better.
  3. Please send good thoughts for my little girl. She will most likely lose some more teeth today. Poor baby lost 14 teeth last time. She has also lost some weight morning for Clark they were very close and she has been a bit depressed.
  4. I'm so sorry! I know your pain. I'm still recovering from Clark's loss, it has been less than two weeks. He was my heart dog.
  5. Clark was our first greyhound. He was so very special, such a goofy boy. It took him a month to learn the stairs. : Neko the kitty would sit at the top and watch us show him how to do the stairs. The only way with him was to move each foot foe him. For some reason known only to Clark going down was easier it only took a week. He was a bit of a shy boy at first. When we did Meet-N-Greets he would hide behind the other pups. Eventually he came out of his shell and loved going to Meet-N-Greets. He was also a vocal boy. It didn't take much to get him to bark, something he has taught Dreamy. He was my cuddle boy. Always wanting to touch, we would watch TV with his head in my lap. In bed he would snuggle, I often woke up with his head on my shoulder or neck. Clarkie you will be greatly missed. Momma loves you and I know you are in a better place, but it still hurts so much.
  6. Clark passed peacefully held in my arms. Clark had a horrible day yesterday and today doesn't look to be any better. He was limping in the morning and seemed depressed. DH said when he got home Clark did not greet him at the door. He gets home about an hour after I leave so he waits a few hours to take the dogs out. He said Clark was limping very bad almost dragging the leg. He gave him two tramadol at 4pm. Clark did not want to go out for their last trip before bed. When I got home at 8:30 pm he didn't greet me either. I gave him two more tramadol. It didn't seem to help much, he was still dragging the leg a bit. He woke me at midnight and I gave him more meds. The only good thing is the meds make him sleepy. I called my vet, he doesn't come in until noon today. I think today may be the day to let him go. I don't think being in a drugged up haize is quality of life.
  7. I'm so sorry!. I really hate cancer!!! Clark is also my first grey and a big Mommas boy, he also has Osteo. We are not going to amputate either. Right now the Metacam and tramadol are keeping him comfortable. Will keep you and your Romeo in my prayers.
  8. I have the purple one which I believe are large. Until you get them you can put cling wrap or saran wrap over his foot, then a felt bootie or sock. That will keep it dry when he goes out, I've had to do that before.
  9. Clark did the same thing several years ago and my vet did the same thing as Nichole's vet. Instead of trying to repair the webbing (he said it rarely works). No webbing but it healed very quickly. I just used a felt bootie to keep it clean when he went out. Hope Spencer is feeling better soon.
  10. Clark's doing OK, the Metacam and Tramadol are helping. He was my goofy silly boy when I came home fom work yesterday. He doesn't have much of an appetite, but he has always been my fussy boy. I am going to talk to his vet about adding Pepsid or something for his stomach, hopefully that will help. He did eat half his breakfast today, which is good for him, some days he doesn't eat that much. We are going to Outback Steakhouse tonight (we have a gift card to use) so I am going to order a larger prime rib than I usually do so I can bring some home to Clark and the girls. I usually get the smallest size and still bring home a little for the pups, but I want to bring some extra for Clark.
  11. Clark is on Metacam and tramadol. He hates the tramadol! The only way to get that in him is to put it in some cream cheese then put that to the back of his throat so it slides down. I was just wondering about the metacam pills and if thay are once a day like the liquid.
  12. It is osteosarcoma. We will keep him comfortable and spoil him until he lets us know it is time. Right now he is doing good, DH said he was trotting around outside today. I bought an inflatable mattress and am sleeping downstairs with him. I don't want him doing our steep stairs. I'm afraid that would be too much, the osteo is in his front leg. Question for those that have used the generic Metacam from Walmart. How frequently do you have to give the pills? The liquid is once a day. My vet is going to write me a prescription so I can get the pills and save some money. I love my vet, he is the one who suggested it!
  13. Wow her belly really looks good! Pave you be a good girl and listen to your Mom!
  14. Poor sweet puppy! Will be saying prayers for Cora.
  15. Will be praying for your boy! Hopefully he has something easy to treat like arthritis.
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