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Everything posted by gryhndsr4us

  1. My Bridge girl Gypsy was on Sulfasalzine. She did very well on it. We also fed her Taste of the Wild Pacific Stream. She could not have lamb, bison, vinsion or poultry. She did best on fish and no grains. She also needed a bedtime snack or she would get sick around 3 or 4 in the morning. Hope you find what works for your pup. Took us a few months to come up with what worked best for Gypsy.
  2. You were in my thoughts Friday. I'm sure Alex had quite the welcoming committee at the bridge.
  3. What an adorable picture! Love the look on his face. Give that sweet boy a kiss.
  4. We feed Taste of the Wild. We went grain free when our angel Gypsy had digestive issues. Grains seemed to cause IBD flareups. We stayed grain free because everyone does so well on it. They do get some grains in treats and people food leftovers.
  5. Wow Sara, just seeing this. Sure hope Alex is doing better. Saying prayers for something treatable. Give your pups hugs from us.
  6. Sneakers is kenneled when we are gone and Dreamy isn't. We have no problems, Sneakers runs to his kennel for his treat when we leave. Dreamy has a kennel we just don't lock her in when we leave. They both will take treats to their kennels. I don't know if you will have a problem with Lucie wanting to go in the kennel as we didn't take Dreamy's down.
  7. I read about the Atropine drops here on GT. My vet had no probem giving me a small bottle. You only need 2 to 4 drops, so a bottle lasts a long time, still have some left.
  8. Atropine drops or ointment. Worked wonders to keep Sneakers from licking his foot. Just a couple of drops on each side of the sore. After the first try he wouldn't touch it. Gave me major stinkeye when I put it on everyday. You have to get it from your vet, it is actually eye medication,but it really tastes aweful.
  9. Gypsy was fine this morning. Ate a good breakfast and even trotting around in the yard. I had to work today. My DH called around 1pm. Gypsy had passed away in her sleep. She was laying on the floor in front of him and never made a sound, it was peaceful. She is now running at the bridge with her soul mate Clark. I miss you sweet girlie!
  10. Just a note to say thank you to everyone that has been helping Jill. She is very gratefull for all your help. In an email to me she states: "has been nice emailing with such nice, caring greyhound people". She will be keeping me updated on Lance and I will let everyone know how he is doing. Looks like she will be having the surgery done.
  11. A friends 11 year old male greyhound has been diagnosed with Laryngeal Paralysis. She is considering the tie-back surgery, but has questions. Is anyone here who has had this done willing to correspond with her by email? Please PM me for her email address if you are.
  12. Glad to hear she is doing better! For the licking of the shaved areas try Atropine eye drops. I learned about them on here, my bridge boy Clark would lick shaved areas raw also. A couple of Atropine drops and he wouldn't lick them. You have to get them from the Vet but a small bottle lasts a long long time.
  13. gryhndsr4us


    From the album: Sweet Hounds

  14. Yes, I use it on all 3 of mine, have been for a few years. Our group also uses it on fosters.
  15. I'm so sorry. Run free Ryan with all the other angels.
  16. Thank you everyone. I heard back from Carol and Gypsy's harness is being made. Gypsy is feeling better and with the lower humidity silly and spunky today. She was scared to come down the stairs this morning. But with some assistance she made it.
  17. Sending healing thoughts for Fast. Way to go Angel, what a good girl!
  18. Thank you for the replys! The one on North Coast Greyhounds is what I was thinking of. I just couldn't remember where to find it. I have sent an email to Carol. Hopefully it won't take very long.
  19. I went through this with my bridge angel Clark. Each dog is different. As others have said pain management is the most important concideration. Make sure you know in advance what you can double up on if needed. My vet told me what medication we could increase and how high we could go. This is very important if your vet is not a 24 hour clinic. My heart goes out to you and your handsome boy. Spoil him and take lots of pictures.
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