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Everything posted by gryhndsr4us

  1. Sorry for the late update. Clark is sleeping right now. His chest xrays were clear. they restitched one area where his canine was puuled a few weeks ago (it has almost healed). His test results will be back in three days. The office staff and vet techs were loving on him. They are very fond of him there.
  2. I'm so sorry! You and Polli will be in my prayers.
  3. No advice just sending good thoughts to you and Caesar
  4. Poor Brick! I learned with Clark to keep a wrap over the IV site for several days or he will lick it into a sore.
  5. Thanks, I will ask my vet about that when I take him in Monday.
  6. Clark was very reluctant to come down the stairs this morning. When he did come down he was limping. I called the vet and they worked him in this morning. The Xrays are not good. He is going back Monday for a bone biopsy. We are praying for fungus, but most likely it is Osteo. We were given Metacam for the pain. If it is Osteo we will not amputate, he just isn't a good candidate for that.
  7. Poor pupper! Clark says McDonalds hamburgers are great. I tore them into little bite size pieces and he would eat them. He had liquid Metacam for pain. Also tramadol pills and antibiotics. The pills he would take in liver sausage. After a couple of days he started eating canned food. He refuses kibble with water on it.
  8. Clark's was under $400. I'm at work so don't have the exact amount. His included full blood panel, 7 extractions (one was a canine), sent home with 2 kinds of pain killers and antibiotics. He also got a booster he was due for and heartworm test.
  9. Sending prayers (I don't think "just a Dental" anymore).
  10. Keeping Buddy in my prayers! Clark is 11 (will be 12 in July) he just had a dental and did ok.
  11. Metacom, the liquid was so easy to give Clark after his dental. He was not eating much and it didn't upset his stomach.
  12. He is feeling better this morning. He ate his breakfast and even barked at the trash man! The swelling is almost gone. Now we just wait to see if the stitches hold and the gums heal. I did vet wrap the dew claw on that side as he was rubbing at his face. I don't know if he could have ripped out the stitches before but don't want to take a chance.
  13. Poor boy, he's home and miserable, and we have lots of meds for him. I stopped at McDonalds on the way to pick him up so I have hamburgers for his breakfast. Part of his problem is the gums were so bad there isn't much healthy gum left to stitch. Also the bone in the front of his mouth has deteriorated so badly the hole goes up into his nasal cavity.
  14. We are going back to the vet this morning. Looks like the same issue we had 2 years ago when they pulled his other upper canine. The gums have pulled apart and are not healing. Poor baby is not going to be very happy to go back today. Please keep him in your thoughts today.
  15. I completely understand, Clark just had one on Monday. Sending good wishes your way.
  16. Your sweet girl knows she is loved. Will be thinking of you today.
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