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Everything posted by macoduck

  1. I'm evidently watching too much celebrity news. I thought you Paris Hilton. My apologies to your Miss Paris. I hope she finds some relief soon.
  2. Make the drive to the better vet in spite of the distance. Xerox all records and have them handy should you need to go to the closer vet for an emergency. That way if they run lab work they'll be able to make comparisons.
  3. Goodbye Murphy. Forever a happy camper. How kind of you to give him one last camping trip.
  4. Aww, Peatie, I'd never call you 'Lumpy". How about I call you Peatie McSweetie instead?
  5. What I see in that picture.....LOVE. She's OK now. Farewell Sassy.
  6. Jeff obviously has not been to Walmart recently.
  7. That's certainly better news and I hope she continues to improve. On a lighter note, will you be burning all those evil bras of yours?
  8. macoduck

    Jordans Ride

    Farewell Jordan. You most certainly had good company on your trip to the Bridge. Gone too soon.
  9. Since Peatie is "eating VERY well, running, playing, no signs of not feeling well at all, except the swelling", I would think it could wait til you see your regular vet on Monday. Had he been in any distress I'd say, go now. An E-vet will cost the same now, tonight or Sunday so if things change, go then. We all know how costly E-vet service can be. Never feel bad because you decide to wait. You are the one right beside Peatie and can best judge if something is off enough to be a true emergency.
  10. Thanks Dr Feeman, I had not thought the vaccination could cause so much pain but then Gracie had something similar with the dental vaccine once. Wally is much better this afternoon and I am able to touch the vaccination site without him reacting.
  11. Goodbye Scooter. I never met you yet it hurts to miss you. You touched a lot of people sweetie.
  12. My regular vet is part owner of the E-vet office and there will be faxed report from the E-vet awaiting him when he arrives at his regular office in the morning. He had just mentioned to me that the hydrolic table at the E-vet office cost $6000 but he just couldn't afford to put it in his regular clinic. Wally just got up and stretched! That looks like a good sign, doesn't it? Please let him be OK in the morning.
  13. Wally only needed one vaccine and a well-doggy check up. He's only been with us for 2 months and he was new to my regular vet. My vet has a bum knee and before I realised it he had his 2 techs lift Wally onto the exam table. Wally wasn't happy - wouldn't stand- obvious distress. I said take him down now! DH took Wally outside while I remained so Miss Pudge le mutt could get her yearly checkup. A few hours later we see Wally has a big welt at the "DAPP4L Duramune Max 5/4L" vaccination site. He is so tender he screamed and tried to bite me when I barely touched it. Then we notice he's walking slower without his usual bounce. Off to the e-vet. He can get in and out of the car OK but walks slowly and is less happy. She thinks he's retched his back. She gave him a Dexamethasone injection that seemed to help within 5 minutes. She was going back and forth from Wally on the floor of the lobby (he wouldn't get up but that's typical of Wally when he's tired) to a semi-trauma she had in the back room. She gave Wally Tramadol 50mg every 8 hours for 5 days. She'll be on call there all weekend and we're to bring him back if he doesn't improve. She thought he should be OK by morning. If not then it's a disc rather than a sprain. I want my happy Wally back. Poor Wally. Tomorrow was going to be his first time at playgroup. Update: Wally is much better. Given his quick response to the steroid shot it was most likely that he had a painful reaction to the vaccine. A big thanks to Dr Feeman for giving more info. I will have my greys' charts flagged so they'll be pre-medicated when vaccinating and no more table dancing.
  14. Hang in there Lacey Laine. Please eat something and stop worrying your mom.
  15. Check out www.woundedwarriorointment.com I got bought some for my mutt Pudge and it really helped her itchies.
  16. Wilmington NC - I haven't seen her yard so I don't know what kind of habitat it is.
  17. Copperheads and water moccasins, assorted non-poisonous snakes too. I thought it was odd with the delay in having a reaction of at least 6-8 hours from the initial yelp and bit of blood on her nose.
  18. macoduck


    Farewell Hogan. So handsome, so young.
  19. More info- This began Saturday morning(2 days ago) but bad symptoms didn't start til Saturday night. The nose "nick" happened in the morning but the gums and mouth didn't appear swollen until afternoon. Given IV Buprenex and IV metacam, within 15 minutes was getting better but still had pain Temp was 104.3 and 40 minutes later was 102 BP was 120 Respiration 32 Blood panel OK (I don't think a tick panel was done) Cephalexin 500mg Baytril Tramadol 5mg Deramaxx 100mg (to start that today) Vet suspects a spider bite, possible snake bite. Dog just ate a bit of chicken. Pain is much less. Did get the second round of fluids today as well. Definitely improved from Saturday night.
  20. This is from friend of a friend. What could be going on here? "...I took Wendy to the E vet. last night. We thought she might have been bitten by something. She was hot, listless and stiff and salivating foamy stuff and her neck and head were sensitive to the touch. Heard her yelp Sat. afternoon and she had a little blood on her nose but thought she pricked herself on a rose bush. They thought she had menengitis from a secondary infection to a bite and gave her pain meds, antibiotic in the form of four bottles of pills. Antibiotics seemed to improve her somewhat so they are continuing with that. Today she went to see her regular vet and they gave her fluids but she is not eating or drinking anything. Supposed to go back this afternoon and they will give her more fluids. ....
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