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Everything posted by macoduck

  1. macoduck


    Please accept my condolences on the loss of your lovely Natasha.
  2. I asked someone in his office and that's what she said.
  3. Oh, Miss Jackie, such a pretty girl. Our angel Comet was diagnosed with lymphoma on his throat and passed 10 days later. Hug that little girl as close as you can and take lots of pictures........
  4. couto1@osu.edu (614)292-3551
  5. JohnE, Wally says it's better to have that funny collar on your neck to keep you from licking your boo boo, than to have it around your waist cuz then you'd look like a girlie dog. Get better soon big guy!
  6. Don't know what to tell you but here's Hey we're related! Wally's grandpa was Wigwam Wag. (Wally's our new boy) Wally aka Allen Hogg
  7. She sees the vet Thursday. This little girl sure has some bad luck. I picked her up the first time she was dumped: flea-covered, worm-infested, black gooky ears, rotting teeth. She's a good little girl her but her adopter of the past year has severely neglected her and she is/was again flea-covered with rotting teeth. There is a potential adopter for her once she deals with her medical issues.
  8. Has anyone had experience with a grey with a heart murmur who had to get anesthesia for a teeth cleaning? Our group has a "return" who is 10. The former owner only had her 1 year and was told recently she had a murmur and that the teeth cleaning would cost several thousand dollars because of it. I don't know how severe the murmur is but she will be getting a through exam by a grey-savvy vet soon.
  9. Thank you for sharing your story. I know how painful it is to write since we just lost Oliver to a stroke 2 weeks ago. I'm sure Oliver was on the other side of the bridge asking Bullet if he'd brought any cookies with him.
  10. Grapecat, I have a friend who's greyhound had a similar open fracture. Her dog also had the external hardware. She has completely recovered.
  11. Just curious, why? If surgery is required, barium can seep out of the bowel and into the abdominal cavity. Hard to "clean up" and would be seen on future xrays which could confuse a diagnosis. I'ts been so long since I did those kind of xray studies on humans....I think you can use (something like) Omnipaque. It's clear, can be seen on an xray at the time, soon absorbs, and wouldn't be seen in the future. Same things for humans - avoid barium if surgery is imminent.
  12. First of all , my name is not Teaser. I live with these two knuckleheads now. See that red paint on the wall behind me? That was done by the one they call Pudge. They didn't even get rid of her when she knocked a quart of red paint out of mom's hands and it covered the carpet and part of the wall. They must not have much discipline in this place. In my first act of heroism, I saved the one they call Gracie when she was being attacked by a squirrel. Take that you bad squirrel! I must be in the Witless Protection Program because my name has been changed to Wally. A week ago today we lost our beloved Oliver to a stroke. Saturday I made the 4 hour drive to GFNC to "interview" some prospective candidates. I had already talked to the kennel manager on the phone and was pretty sure it was gonna be this boy. When I set eyes on Wally I almost said no because he is the spitting image of Oliver, albeit a much younger one. After spending an hour with Wally I decided I couldn't hold his looks against him. His previous owners divorced and that left him homeless. Please welcome Wally, aka Sir Walter of Beggingham (since Oliver had been Sir Oliver Begs a lot ) formerly Allen He's 7 1/2 with flop-over ears and super long legs.
  13. macoduck


    I am so sorry to hear of your loss.
  14. I used Oravet for a while on Gracie. Can't say as it made that big a difference. It's best to start it right after a dental. During the dental and really good application is done. Monthly you would then put the Oravet on the teeth as maintenance. It's rather waxy in consistency. If you get the Oravet brochure and see 2 greyhounds in it, that's my Gracie and Oliver.
  15. thanks for the info, i'll check it out On the Quick Reply it's beside the smiley face. In the other New Topic posting box it's a couple spaces to the right of the smiley face.
  16. The insert image button is beside the smiley face. But you have to use a host. I use photobucket.com. Uplink your pictures to photobucket, downlink to greytalk.
  17. Does this count as a sign from Oliver? He died Monday. I scoop poop every day. Today I went to scoop and dang, there was one of his unique signature poops. Silly boy.
  18. I almost took Jingo....but then I met Oliver. Funny how things work out.
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