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Everything posted by macoduck

  1. Oh my goodness Shimmie, that was a very specious egg that you hatched from sweetie. You be a good boy (at least until Christmas).
  2. Dear Shimmie, Santa has asked me to find out if you've been naughty or nice. He'd also like to know what is your favorite: color noise fuzzy sqeaky thing snack food not allowed to have it/allergic to it no-no music- country/classical/rock n' roll? what planet do you think you're from which do you like better? napping or playing does your mom have a favorite treat, color or scent? If there's anything else you'd like to tell Santa on your behalf, I will be glad do to so. Be good now, Shimmie, cuz Santa and I are watching you. from your Evil Elf Macoduck
  3. Deer Santy Clause, I'll hab to getz back to yu on dis. Momma's makin' me go getz my hiney checkt at da vetz againz an i'm not too habby about itz. I woodn't want any bad behaibyur reportz to getz to yu. If you iz watchin, pleez don't tooward North Carolina for a few hourz. Thankz. Gwacie
  4. Gracie has been on amoxicillin for a week for her ruptured anal gland. It is healing slowly. She's had less of an appetite for the past 4 days or so. Won't eat all her dogfood but will still eat cookies. She doesn't appear to be in any distress, seems happy. Hasn't run any yard zoomies though. I think the antibiotics gave her loose bowels so she's on acidophilis (sp.). Will antibiotics cause a dog to have less of an appetite?
  5. How about I give ya'll another dose of that TLC?
  6. An adopter in our group found a lump on the belly near the rib cage. It was oddly square 4"x4". Turned out to be a hernia. Dog had had no physical symptoms/problems.
  7. Thanks! Please give Monty some early morning ear rubs for me.
  8. Gracie has been on Amoxicillin for her ruptured anal gland. and on Rimadyl (just a few days of that for pain). She has been eating well, however her poop has gotten runny. Could this be from the antibiotic? Can I give her some immodium each day until she's done with the course of Amoxicillin?
  9. It does adjust. Monty measured to be a 7" but when we got it, it was so big it smushed his ears and was awful. We returned it for the 6" that fits him well. He is a medium-ish big male at 80 lbs. Thanks! Looks like I'll start Gracie with the 6". Her anal gland rupture is beginning to heal but she still gets a few licks in each day. Or maybe she's just showing off how flexible she is.
  10. I measured and the 7" width looks right but the catalog says the length is 28". Is that it's maximum and does it adjust shorter?
  11. We've used it here several times. One caution the vet did tell us was that once the poop was firm we should discontinue the flagyl.
  12. What is your favourite:- Colour this shade of blue Savoury food pizza Chocolate Dove dark Cookie homemade snickerdoodle or peanut butter Stuff to put in the bath I can't think of the last time I sat in a tub. Too afraid now I won't be able to get out. Stuff to use in the shower I don't use anything fancy. I'm just an ordinary soap/shampoo/rinse kinda gal. Smell lavender and fresh linen Scented candle I don't like candles. Photograph of your dog(s)? I like all their pictures and have both too many and not enough of them. Type of jewellery silver Style of ornament We don't put up a tree. We're quasi-humbug kinda folks. Style of festive decoration See above Television programme (present) Meerkat Manor, My Name Is Earl, any HBO series Television programme (past) nearly anything in back & white without a sound track Type of reading material (inc authors if appropriate) murder mysteries. I should now know at least 100 ways to bump off my DH and not get caught.
  13. Update: Vet deep cleaned the anal gland, flushed it, and I think he said he cauterized it with something oxide. Gracie screamed, screamed, screamed. She's been given: a Rimadyl injection Rimadyl 100mg 1 pill/24 hrs Amoxicillin 500mg 1 pill every 8 hours Neo-Predef butt powder (contains neomycin sulfate, isoflupredone acetate, tetracaine HCI I think I need to administer cookies PRN to ward off stink eye.
  14. I checked the Bite-Not collars website. For Gracie's weight (86lbs.) it says to use a 7" collar. Does that sound about right? She is a big muscular girl. Anyone have likes/dislikes about this collar?
  15. Tankx Aunty DeVom. Ey wuz doin dat hineylick manure butt ey coulnt fixt it myself.... wub and lix, Gwacie
  16. Meakah, the rupture must have helped eased her discomfort. She hasn't licked it all night. Off to wait at the vet's office now.......
  17. What a lovely story. I am so sorry for your loss.
  18. Thanks DeVon. Which part of Gracie do you want me to hug for you?
  19. We'll be at the vet as soon as they open tomorrow. I swear her butt did not look like this last night. She's been a butt-licker on and off for years. Never does any butt dragging. Never needed to have her glands expressed - unlike Miss Pudge who needs it occasionally. In these pictures it's the anal gland at the 5 o'clock position. It's bulging and there's a bit of bloody mucus. She's not fussing with it. Not showing any sign of pain. So what kind of treatment will she be facing? At this stage would they treat with antibiotics and see if it cleared up or jump right in and remove it. My vet is only open for a half day tomorrow but I think I'll withhold food and water in case they need to sedate her. She does not like going to the vet.
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