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Everything posted by macoduck

  1. Having knot yet completed my first this morning I read this it iz Patriots' Day in Massy Choo Choo) dey wurke don bilding a beeg wooden feeder to hold da rownd bales fur da cows as everyone in Massy Choo Choo is required to build a big feeder on this state holiday. Robin, that's a shame about losing the apartment and sweet that owner valued you and Kevin as tenants. And should the new tenant turn into a non-rent paying squatter the daughter will learn a hard lesson. Good news for Doug is a relief, for sure. Nancy, did you have your MRI yet? Got a Tinker update for us, Lucy? Have a good time on your trip, Elizabeth! Is this to see the newish baby? BananaMan, aka Richard, will survive with Jupe's nudging. I know you will be missing your sweet boy. O!C Nancy, what a well earned reward. You should earn one for all your farm duties and especially in dealing with the fickle summer employees of the past. I hope that Pap gets improved INR results today. Kathy, I am so envious that you are getting new windows. My house was built in the 1970s. To economize we put storm windows for added insulation, but they are screwed in and the upper and lower sections don't move so I can clean the glass. Now we could afford to replace them, but the hassle of doing so would be overwhelming. Instead, I'll blame all my dirty windows on the dogs. Finishing up the last of my To Do list for Gettysburg. Hubby has written instructions for feeding the dogs but has declined a tutorial. I think NoAh, Rita, and Howie good survive on just cookies if they had to. Berg Nancy, Carol Goodwin won't be at GIG. Her 14 year old Starr is too weak, even though he is still eating. Decision time is coming. Cindy, Nancy, and Kathy: if I look like crap when you see me at GIG it's because I will knot have been able to shower and wash my hair. My left knee and hip are uncooperative when putting my compression socks on so I might just leave them on and take bird baths instead of a shower. (Yes, I know they do need to be removed at bedtime.)
  2. Mary Pat, I'll be lookin' for you! I'm going to the Groovy night too. I might leave Flashy in my room though. Who was the GT member who has a vending both at GIG? I can never remember his business name either.
  3. They're retiring Atlas becuz he's knot housebroken???? "Why is Boston Dynamics retiring Atlas? Namely, that: Boston Dynamics has been focusing fairly explicitly on commercialization over the past several years. Complex hydraulic robots are not product friendly because (among other things) they tend to leave puddles of hydraulic fluid on the carpet." Namely, that: Boston Dynamics has been focusing fairly explicitly on commercialization over the past several years. Complex hydraulic robots are not product friendly because (among other things) they tend to leave puddles of hydraulic fluid on the carpet.
  4. Nancy, this was posted on FMB's FB page 3 days ago. Right now they are only closed to the intake of new dogs. Yes, it's real, FBM is closing until further notice. The economic situation in the last few months has been horrible: hundreds of dog entrances that have exceeded the maximum allowed capacity, ongoing emergencies and really serious cases that we have taken care of, temporary that has destroyed much of our facilities, in addition to the deterioration of the facilities and that has endangered the safety of animals and workers several times, and of course, the considerable drop in the number of adoptions.. In all this, don't forget that we currently take care of more than 570 animals in our center. Animals to be fed, medicated, vaccinated, dewormed, micro chipped and sterilized. The total sum of monthly expenses are incalculable and the debt we have to face is incalculable, and currently impossible to assume, so we are forced to close our doors in the face of future entrances. This is the reality, WE CAN'T KEEP HELPING ANY MORE ANIMALS. It doesn't mean we close the foundation, and we don't abandon our work either. FBM is still up and running but only in the face of the animals we already have in our center. We receive no kind of subsidy, and we survive on our services and private donations, and just both, have also dropped considerably causing expenses to exceed the income received. This is our reality, and although we have received some donations from our helping associations, it is not enough to cover the total debt we currently have.
  5. Chris, FBM will remain open but they can no longer afford to take in any new dogs. They currently have over 500 dogs in their care.
  6. Jerilyn and Lucy: The show opened with Fred Buckle blowing up balloons. I don't think Fred is filled with helium, but darned if those balloons didn't go upward on their strings.
  7. It was listed it as new, issued 2/4/24. Season 13 Episode 5. It was about a group trip to the seashore. The mistake is in the opening scene but doesn't affect the story.
  8. Oh boy! Flashy will get to sniff Cherry and Ivy! Anyone catch the big mistake in the opening minutes of Call the Midwife tonight?
  9. "Treato currentsy" <-- dats a gud one Flashy heer. Iffin i donut like peenybudder duz dat meen I yam kickt owt ob dis club? I habnt eeben lickt da dinner plates dat my daddiman ask me tu pre-clean. Du Ineed therapie? Big storm for an hour last night. Cable, etc. out for a while but power stayed on. Wind persisted after the rain stopped and continued all day today. I just filled a yard waste barrel with broken branches and pine cones. Piitsb Nancy, I just that there are 26 runaway barges on the Ohio river in your town. https://www.breitbart.com/local/2024/04/13/extensive-damage-26-barges-float-uncontrolled-down-ohio-river-bridges-shut-down/ Miss RE Carol, does the missing batty boy have a name? Have you considered sending out the Batman signal?
  10. Chris, good score on the Amicar! Was it a capule, tablet, or the kind that gets injected into a tooth socket? Nancy Mam, be sure to ask for the handicap sticker for all the cars you own. Dats what my hubby did. I just keep mine in the glovebox so we don't have to remember to get his from his car. Samba's a pretty girl Pittsb Nancy, does the maker of the pricey med have a discount program of their own that would help you? Good boi, Galoot! Shocking news: Flashy showed no interest in licking up peanut butter!
  11. I was up at 4am cuz I could hear Rita wanting to go out. I rousted the others and got them out without telling them they still had hours to wait until breakfast. NoAh decided it was a good time to shout some random barks to let the world know HE WAS UP BEFORE THEM. I had to go deep into the back yard in my nightie and leash him up. Lovely poem, Chris. Thank you. Caroline, will you and Bitzi be going to GIG? So far I think it's just me, Cindy and , Nancy and Doug, and Mary Pat from our gang.
  12. As usual with Dr Couto he'll reply to my questions but forget to answer all of them. His response to Alfaxan: "Good drug if used appropriately."
  13. Annette, I just wrote Dr Couto and have asked his opinion on Alfaxan for you. I had to write him anyway to give him a followup on my Flashy. It might take a day or so to get a reply.
  14. "The flame that burns the brightest, burns the fastest and leaves the biggest shadow" Zeke, you were a very good boy. Indeed it does, Cindy.
  15. Often times on Facebook I see people reacting to a photo posted by its owner. They say he or she "looks just like my greyhound!" I admit to reading those comments with an eye roll beause of course you'll see another greyhound that looks like your own online, given the color combos for greyhounds. But now I am one of those people. I have always wondered my my first greyhound Gracie (Dusty Lady), would have looked like as a puppy. Thanks to your Poppy photos, I finally know.
  16. Saying goodbye to the beautiful greyhounds and their friends who left us in April 2024. As you run with the wind send a caress to wipe our tears. Gone but never forgotten. Loved forever. Run free with those who have gone before you. Greet all those that will follow. Zeke Jada Toodles, now joined by Rosie, her kitty sister Rita, the podenco maneto They'll always be with us, just slightly beyond the point that we can see with our eyes. In our heart, though, they'll be bright and clear, as they always were.
  17. 22" ? Best to keep those horizontal campers of yours inside.
  18. Watching our dogs age it is surprising when what were routine days suddenly get a nudge into uh-oh territory. Jan, I bet you were holding your breath filming the video. NoAh has a theory on why Punkin is so taken with the new stuffie: it does knot yet have her sister's stink smell on it, so DIBS!
  19. Librela has greatly helped Howie's arthritis. He's had 2 injections so far. We're 2 weeks away from injection #3 but I am going to hold off on it. I noticed very recently that he pants for about an hour in the afternoon and two days ago he started peeing in the house. His UTI check was negative today. The panting and change in his pee habit are low on the list of side effects of Librela. But since they are on the list we are going to take a break. Librela has a long half-life. When we're at one to two months of him being off it we'll reconsider using it again since there's a chance that he is reacting to stress in the house. Rita month-long treatment for leishmaniasis and Flashy's 2 day stay at the E-vet have upset all of us.
  20. We tried everything, and I do mean everything,for my podenco Howie. Either the meds had no effect or they doped him up too much. Ask your vet about Amitriptyline. It's an older medicine that also helps with pain. Howie is a much calmer, much less fearful boy on Ami. No side effects. Inexpensive too. If Doolin isn't on any kind of serotonin med, it should be ok to use.
  21. Many years ago one of my greyhounds lost a nail and there was that little quick. It reminded me of.........if you've ever peeled boiled shrimp and pinched the shell of the tail for an easy pop off, there's what looks like a little quick on the end. I swear, I am not on drugs. For Gracie
  22. Busted! I think she's telling you that you forgot everything on her grocery list.
  23. vincent800, I have a friend who used scents to help her blind dog stay oriented in her multi dog house. I'll ask her what she used.
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